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Hey guys!

Falco of the light

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Welcome to the Kin!  :D  This always seems to happen when the Eldest, Lor, is semi-LoA... lol (not that that's a bad thing, just funny  ;D ).  But she will be by when she's back to make it official.  Until then, jump in whereever you like!


Twinnie should be by with your Knitting needles... *grins*


*bounces in grinning and laughing*


hi Falco!!  It is kind of funny, Lor is gone for the weekend, but when she returns she will sash you, give you the official welcome kiss and you'll be...A KINSTER!!!


*pokes Jhea*  and becoming one of our family means you get your very own shiny knitting needles to poke people with!!  and they match your sash!!  *hands Falco pretty blue needles*


And everyone's right!  We love to have fun..so dive on in!  Have a cookie..we love chocolate and sweet stuff..well and just food!!


*streaks through and skids to a halt*


New people! *laughs* Always when I'm out of town!


*wraps a blue sash around Falco's hips, kisses both cheeks and winks*


Welcome to the Kin! :D



I'm Lor, btw... scary, I know. ;)


*smirks* well, the rule was promotions, but I don't think Falco will mind letting you slip, Jhae. *grins and winks*


And lipstick just means they left evidence you can brag about, Frenchie-poo! ;)


Kisses are always good!!  And official ones are really fun..dipping and well just you wait Falco!!


*grins and blows him a kiss, and tucks five points in his pocket*


Just to get us closer to that promotion kiss!!!  *waggles eyebrows*


Ok so I'm curious..*bounces around Falco*


Tell us about you a bit...important things...like favorite cookie, time waster, yoga position....


Erm.. No not busy...


Just distracted the last couple of days! but Ta-da! Here I am!


*spins around on the spot trying to keep his eyes on twiny*


Home-made cookies are the best, doesnt matter what kind!


Time waster ~ Sleep is a good one.


yoga position? ~ I dont do Yoga, sorry :S


*smiles* Sometimes it's not the appearance that's important, it's the intention behind the movement. ;)


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