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  On 3/3/2025 at 6:20 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

So. Turin. What's I'd your read on the fact that Turin has been pushing Cairos since the Zander lock clear meme, and immediately after I point out that if Cairos flips town, Turin will be pretty deeply incriminated, he unvotes and starts sounding out a different "train", is that the right term? 


Could you as an experienced wolf, sorry, player, talk us through these machinations? 



FYI regardless of Turins alignment.  You in no way shape or form would intimidate or Scare him off a train lol

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:06 PM, Ithillian Turambar said:



TURIN - 2  (Andy, Heavy)

CAIROS - 5 (Dice, Sooh, Gudrean, Donchadh, Millon)

HEAVY - 2 (Zander, Turin)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)




So if all.mafia are on him who out of that 5? If mafia afraid to hammer then which of Andy, Heavy,Z or me? If he is mafia is it just Andy and Heavy and they don't wanna hammer?


I kinda think it might just be the last choice. Or Dice is trying to save.him last minute. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 6:28 PM, dicetosser1 said:



Is this sposed to be at me?




i leave in about 20 mins. i will try to be online on the train buts its a bit awkward   plus i normally sleep


I REALLY think cairos is scum. Thats is tHE lynch to me



Are you saying irt my issue with his train is that if he was Town Wolves woulda have insta hammered or something?

  On 3/3/2025 at 6:35 PM, Turin Turambar said:

First. I wasn't on Cairos because of Zander's post. I was on Cairos for Cairos' posts. I was on Zander for potentially being a loud-mouth mafioso that dominates conversation and uses his clout to keep his teammates out of trouble. If Cairos flips town then I will take some heat but my reasoning is sound IMO. Third, I only unvoted in order to keep discussion going and to see if there is a second train that can get going because we get more info if there is a second viable lynch train. The reason that is true is people have to make potentially more difficult decisions that will tell us more about who voted whom. This is the wagonomics that Zander keeps going on about.



Being a dumbass loudmouth is not alignment indicative for me....it's just my normal personality lololololol 


And there is my confidence shattered in my deductions. Shucks. Still not buying it at this point. 


Lets face it, if the wolves are not you mouthy guys then it is probably Sooh, Gud and a plus one. How likely to be a mixture? 

  On 3/3/2025 at 6:42 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Ok that is glib. Not convincing but given the context it couldn't be. 


But if we were going to Lynch, wouldn't it be better just to get it over with? All this changing votes and bringing up alternate theories is only muddying the waters so if someone flips town, everyone will have accused everyone a few times and changed their mind and saved the vote and so on so it will be a flaming mess to see who really instigated what. 


At this point, I don't trust any of you and Andy is making the most sense logically. Which probably means about as much as who is using the funniest memes at this point. 



I find it weird you were all sureties and bravado dropping reads and connections out the gate then I start sussing you for being too good/sure if yourself or whatever term to use, now you start seeming unsure and asking questions and stuffs.....me no thinkt this is Villagery 

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:11 PM, Turin Turambar said:

If he's town do you think mafia is afraid to hammer? 




I think they might be on their but im not discounting being right on him and he wouldnt self vote.


I have 4 mins left so screw it im staying with it and we will see if ive screwed town over once he flips




TURIN - 2  (Andy, Heavy)

CAIROS - 5 (Dice, Sooh, Gudrean, Donchadh, Millon)

HEAVY - 2 (Zander, Turin)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)




6 to Lynch - Hammer Game


End of Day 1 Timer




Votes in Bold Red. You must Unvote before changing your vote.


We are at L-1

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:09 PM, Millon said:

This sucks. I'm sorry. Work turned into a bear and I have little to no time. Lunch got axed. Ugh




Vote: Cairos. Sorry buddy. Stalemates are no bueno. A lynch is better than no lynch. His activity, albeit understood with the business of saving lives, he hasn't offered much in mapping folks. (I am fully aware that statement can be used against me as well. hahaha fml). If he flips town I am strongly eyeballing Turin. 


My Town:  Gud, Sooh,


Null: That means unsure? If so, Dice, Don, Andy, Heavy


Sus: Turin, really pushing Cairos well before we got close to EOD. Z, so much text. 



Mills sorry you randed Wolf brah 

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:13 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I think everyone has been remarkably non-wolfy since the opening exchanges (that is Gud, Sooh, Cairos, Mills, Andy) except for the silent Don, the Zanderish Zander, and you (Turin) and Dice. Maybe be a use they have backed off whereas you guys have continued hounding suspicions. 


One thing to consider if someone flips town, what does that tell us? If Turin (you) flips town, that would implicate a few people. If Cairos flips town, there are a few that would look a bit shady. If Zander flipped town would I look bad? What would lynching Mills tell us? 


I'm kinda worn out now. Having suspicions of a townie does not make you mafia. We need to see patterns and we time to see them. 


Am I confusing activity with suspicion? I don't know any more but I don't trust any of you. Plus I have base line of behaviour on any of you. Don and Andy are both new here, and you fossils I don't know from Larry. No offence meant. 


Maybe we should lynch one of the most active people, as then at least we would have a large body of definitely town or mafia reasoning to examine. Or maybe we should save them for when the stakes are higher. 


Can you lynch yourself? Then I would get some peace and you would know I was coming from a genuine place, lol. 


Sweet Jeebus, this is an exhausting game. 



Night kill me tonight and find out.... lololololol 

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:19 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Z, I'm willing to lynch any of the 6 tbh.

In order of pref to lynch.


Cairos as previously discussed 

Mills. I really didn't like that vote on top of general questionable behaviour.  I think this was discussed earlier as well.

Heavy. I'm thinking he.might KNOW Cairos is town. 

Donchadh.  MIA

Gudrean. Seems mostly just newbie.  Can't tell if newbie town or newb mafia.

Andy. Slow start but recent posts have seemed better.



Thanks Turin.  Don't hate it pretty sure as I catch up I'm only voting Heavy or Mills today.

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:23 PM, dicetosser1 said:

You dont want to rush lynches. that plays to the mafias advantage.


Also particularly on d1 you want to take as much time as possible, while getting as many people as possible to lay out their thoughts so you can go back with a more informed eye tomorrow and start trying to piece things together.



I never would advocate to listen to an Aussie....but listen to the Aussie lololololol 

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:21 PM, Zander? said:


I find it weird you were all sureties and bravado dropping reads and connections out the gate then I start sussing you for being too good/sure if yourself or whatever term to use, now you start seeming unsure and asking questions and stuffs.....me no thinkt this is Villagery 


I'm confident in my reasoning. But we are working on vapours of facts. And you and Turin are both acting so wolfy that it almost impossible to believe you are mafia. If it is the quiet people, one of us loudmouths is going to die tonight and I'm not sure that will make anything clearer. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:56 PM, Andy MacLeod said:

🤣 Sorry, had to laugh at this. Just to make catch up faster, I could be convinced to vote Zander on this alone 🤣


Argh, I thought I had figured out the multi-posting, but none of the ones are clicked were saved... Starting over...



How rude.,.... lololololol 

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:06 PM, Donchadh said:


Trying....holy mother of sheep milk's wool headed bloody dice...or some such...so many posts to read and catch up on. 

Townies: Andy, Gud, Sooh ... I like their logic and the fact that they seem just as confused as me. 

Sus: Z, Dice, Mil, Heavy ... I keep switching back and forth.  I appreciate their logic, but it seems that they are trying to drive particular decisions.  Of course, that might just be because they know what they are doing.

Mafia: Turin and Cairo.  I'm pretty certain one if Mafia and they both seem to be playing in concert while also throwing shade on each other.  

Can I just roll a D20 and add my "intuition" modifier?

Alright, I'm getting called into another work meeting (that will carry me past the official timer) in about an hour.  I will hold my voting for another 30 minutes.  But currently, I'm voting either Turin (in line with my earlier post) or Cairo.

(Again, mucho apologies for my absence). 



Min 2/3 of Wolf team in Don/Cairo's/Mills/Heavy lol

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:36 PM, Donchadh said:

Well, you and Cairos seem the most experienced. And you both throw some shade at each other while also laying out very good reasons for being innocent as well as others not.  As both of your strategies seem similar ... it seems like you are working together.  

As for Sooh being confused ... I just got a sense of random musings from them.  Nothing concrete....like as if they were still confused, although, perhaps undecided is a better term here.  Given their experience, I weighed that more towards Town than either Sus or Mafia.

Honestly, I'm grasping at straws here (hence the comment about using an intuition modified).  After catching up by reading "way too many pages" (my own damn fault).  This was the best assessment that I could make.

And now, I'm getting called to a meeting that will last past the timer.  So I will vote. 

Vote: Cairos



Unless there's bussing this vote makes me really not wanna lunch Cairo's.....

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