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Roll Call and Opinions for Change...


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Hey all. With our new board change I want to make sure all of us Bander's made it to all the Bandwieser and wenches we have here! I mean these fine honorable lasses we have with us...;) The last time we shifted I'm sad to say we lost a few of our better member's and since we've never been all that big of a division I want to make sure all your smiling faces are around :D


And as well I'm trying very hard to keep myself as active and helpful as I can but I can't help but fear that my performance has been a little lack luster when compared to other Div leaders and our past fearless leader..my mentor you could say ;) ...so I want this to also be a thread where you can air out any dirty laundry or make suggestions freely to help make our Division better. I've always tried to keep the Band's members as involved in it's inner workings and policy making as I could and I want to continue that for as long as I am the AGL around here. I've never been the real creative type so perhaps I can get an idea from one of you that we all can create to launch us up into the spotlight!




Scout Bannder Captain

Band AGL

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Corlinny reporting.


Things to make the division better: Someone to handle recruits.  I'm not saying that you can't handle it but to retain new members it is prudent to have someone handle them.  Like the Mistress of Novices and Mistress of Trainees.  Someone specific in which all their training questions go through as well as who they report their progress to.  It shouldn't fall on the DL to handle these things as they have bigger and better things to be doing. 


It is of my personal opinion that it is better to delegate newbs to a dedicated person, training to another person and RP Creativity to another person.  The division leader should be the overseer of all, and the main person to approve major things.  But a good staff makes your job seem effortless and you don't get overworked and have time to actually do what you are here to do RP.



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*pats Estel on the back and pretends to not understand* ;)


I do agree with Mat too, it does make life easier for newbies and for staff in general if you all have your own jobs, so people know exactly who to go to with their problems/questions, without always having to harass the AGL :)

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Yep i am around, sort of.


As to what i can suggest? How about restarting the "red Trench" idea? Not something i was keen on but i thought others were and it seemed to generate good rps.


One thing i can say that might help, the Wolfkin are almost finished with the "interview" for the prospective Queen of Manetheren so we will be bringing her to the full council soon. We need to get talking about that and how we can move things on....perhaps a coronation will help inspire some new ideas


Amon(Tik Tik) Turamber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life

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i can't find the link to the RP's now bro, but hopefully Kael will have them and so he can show you/explain them better than i can.


Amon(Tik Tik) Turamber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life

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