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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Can't stay and play today.

Grandkids are waking up.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

(don't forget to spam the Honeymoon thread...just like the telethon...every little bit helps the cause...except we're not looking for a cure, we're just adding to the addiction  ;D )

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Over two years of not smoking and I'm still oozing TAR!!!  >:( 

(and craving nicotine)


Don't you youngsters ever even consider touching the devil's weed...it will haunt you for all of your days!!!  BEWARE!!!  :o



That's what they told me.

Forty years ago.

Did I listen?



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* swallows loudly *




Hey, reyler.


I'm kinda getting over the initial shock of your metamorphosis from Catwoman into...lady punk-rockin' zombie...whatever.

Are those eyes supposed to affect really old guys in a strange, erotic way?

Some kind of hypnosis or something?

Or is it just me?

(I thought my days of being a dirty old man were finally gone).

Your new avatar really is quite beautiful once you get used to the hypnotic affect.  :)

Not that I'm offering to buy you a drink or anything...just making conversation.

* pulls off a well-done finger (see CoL visit to BT for details) and offers it to rey *



Anybody else thinking we should start a "Where is Redffern" thread?


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