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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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That should have already been done. I have a standing agreement with Athena that stipulates at least one temple per week pending payment in salmon. You did receive the salmon didn't you?

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* holding breath *

* turning blue *

* bubbles leaking from edges of mouth *

* eyes bulging wildly *

* can't open mouth to talk, so uses telecommunication instead *


Forgot my dad-blamed diving apparatus!


Would love to try some of your delectable tea, but if I take a sip all of my oxygen might escape!


And the spam crumpets look truly delicious!


My apologies for being such a block head!  I promise!  Next time I come to visit you beyond the deepest depths of the ocean I will wear the correct attire!



* thinks it over *

* really pondering heavily *


Oh, what the hay!  Just one little nibble of a crumpet can't hurt!  I never could resist spam when it's been crushed by billions of tons of sea water!


* starts to open mouth to take a little nibble *

* billions of tons of sea water immediately invade Gwampy through the newly opened crack *

* Gwampy blows up like a balloon *

* trying to close the crack back shut but can't *



When will I ever learn to keep my mouth shut!



* Gwampy bursts into a million tiny bits of Gwampy flesh and goo *

* plankton begin feeding on the Gwampy remains *

* whale eats the plankton *

* Gwampy coagulates into a gel in the belly of the whale *

* whale migrates to the north pole *

* Gwampy solidifies *

* whale migrates to California to do some tourist watching *

* Gwampy thaws out *

* whale blows Gwampy out her blow hole *

* tourists take pictures of the whale with Gwampy on it's back *


Thank you kindly, mistress whale!


Not a problem, Gwampy!


* Gwampy dives into the ocean and swims to the tourist boat *

* they haul his soggy butt aboard *


Thanks! ;D


Anybody got some deep sea diving gear?  I know where there's a REALLY great tea party going on!


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Just went and read it.  :-[


No where's near as good today as when I wrote it.  :'(


Oh, well...stuff happens.  ::)


And then you die.




A bad day in fantasy is better than a good day in reality. :)

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I'll bet Red and Min got married, didn't they. ::)


They're probably fighting over who gets the next use of the internet so neither of them is here spamming!  Someone needs to invent a HIS AND HER spamming device so they can both come here to enjoy their fantasy family TOGETHER!!!  Spamming each other at the same time in DM could prove to be...spiritual!!! ;D

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