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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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What's up with these evil smiley's?  They suck.





It's not a long story...but neither is it short...it goes like this:


Way back when I first started posting on DM (last summer when the sun still shone occasionally) the "old" boards used to have different smileys.  My favorite one was the little evil fellow.  He looked similar to this little guy (close enough).




Somehow, the King of Spam, the legendary Loki Redfern, was able to fix me up with them when we moved to the "new" (present) boards.  I was so happy to have my evil little buddy back. ;D  But, then my "spamming for free at work" days ended and my little buddy got left on the company's PC.  I've missed him terribly. :(


But, NOW...thanks to Jelly...I can make an acceptable facsimile of my favorite little evil guy icon! 






(all on the same line)






So, if I want to do my "Pinky and the Brain" routine, I have my little buddy to help me take over the WORLD!!! (As soon as I learn to control the One Power without blowing up the wrong thing or healing someone's burned foot when all they had was a sinus dripping).




Not too long...not too short.




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"All good things must end."


"Time flies when you're having fun."


"Life sucks and then you die."


* looking sorrowful *

* almost pouting *


The wife just hollered up and asked what I was doing all of this time.


(Just seems like a few minutes to me)


I hollered back "typing".


She hollered "typing what?".




* silence *

* with the wife, that's not good *




* still not good *


Better get my butt off from here before I get into deep do-do. >:(


Bye for now!




A bad day in Fiddlesticks is better than a good day in reality. ;D

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