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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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he comes and goes like the wind


At least she didn't say like passing wind. ;)


Hi, Damane.  Still learning the ropes from Reyler?  Or have you two teamed up for some tag-team sparring like I predicted long, long, ago?  It's always good to see new growth in the land of Fiddlesticks.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just popped in to say "HI"...HI.  ;D



Totally blocked from the nice fast free internet at work now.  New owners don't see Dragonmount.com as being a necessary work related site.  What a bunch of poops!  So, I'm sending this on my wife's rediculously slow free internet.  She was supposed to lose it in June, but it's still here.  Hope they're not charging me and I don't know it.  ::)



Sometimes I really miss the endless hours that I used to spend spamming DM...other times I feel kind of guilty (company time, you see)...lately, I've been doing actual physical labor at work on the day shift...less money, but still have a job for now...when you get old you can't be picky like when you're young and desireable...still not smoking, though I could start up again any day no problem...almost finished with Age of Mythology computer game...finished Age of Empires III...re-reading Eye of the World (still) -- Matt and Rand are almost to Camelyn...just encountered Lady darkfriend in the stable...no hurry to finish...this is my fifth time through.


Think I'll go check out the serious side for a minute.  Bye for now.



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Hi, Red!


Long time no spam!


Still got the pirate hat?  You look really good in it!


No fear of losing any limbs...Rey is offline.  :D


Did I hear that you have a job?  What a DRAG!!!  ;)  All this time I assumed that you were independently wealthy and not a member of the common working class...that will teach me not to make assumptions, huh?


As you can probably tell, my spamming skills are a might rusty.  Out of practice, you see.  I probably could get back into the swing of things with time, but I'm just getting over the withdrawl symptoms from lack of spam recently.  Trying to cut down and almost going cold turkey with no spam what soever is dreadfully painful!!!


I miss those days.  Yes, I do know how good I had it. :(


Good to hear from you.  Don't tell anyone else, but you will always be my favorite spammer bar none!

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miss you to gwampy, you leave a hole when your not here ..sorry i was so happy to see you posting that i didnt actually read your first post till now :-[ good luck with the continuing of non smoking thing, and its wonderfull to see you , id barly call it a job i dont think im there long nuff


*huggles gwampy again*

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  • 1 month later...

I seem to be popping in about once a month lately...




Hi, everybody!


Whether you observe the holidays or not, enjoy them in your own fashion and




My eleven year old grandson is watching over my shoulder.  He tried to start reading "Eye of the World" but isn't quite ready yet.  Maybe later.  I've got hard and soft copies available whenever he's ready. ;D


Gotta go already.  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!




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