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Game - Executioner


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50 minutes ago, LilyElizabeth said:

I have bad news. No more pointses. We are overwhelming our Moridin and I can't afford to lose her. So, now, just a fun game without points. 

Totally understandable, oh Great One - there's been a lot of activity here, and a lot of points flowing in! I'll make a summary of this game as well, but if you don't want to add them to the points thread, I for one completely understand 🙂


The Executioner's word was guessed: Delenn only gets 10 points!

Cairos, Rhea, HeavyHalfMoonBlade, LilyElizabeth, and EirikDaude participated: They each get 15/5 = 3 points

EirikDaude solved the puzzle: He gets another 15 points for a total of 18 points.


For the new puzzle:

______  ________  _______  _______  _______



And happy winter solstice, everyone!

Edited by EirikDaude
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as eirik speaks a dark, thick mist flows in surrounding the entirety of those gathered to play this pathetically tedious chore that passes as a 'game' around here. little hairs on arms and on necks stand on their end in the presence of an electric charge to the air. crackles of which snap at their ears pulling their attention away from the growing horde of myrddraal and trollocs who've come at the Dreadlords bidding. 


form after form, layer upon layer of the hungry, angry beasts fill the black mists until there is no escaping, no running, no time to react. not that it was expected of these obsessedly game ridden fools. 


"Oh no, no points. from now on, you play for your lives"


swirls and motes of mist tangle around the Moridin's cloak as she steps to the edge of the mists. 


"You lot think you can just play and play, racking up your pointless points, sending me back and forth to that blasted points board over and over without accruing a debt? the limit has been surpassed."


as the Moridin speaks gallows after gnarled gallows are erected. the creaks and groans of their thorny wood filling the air. even as flows and weaves of air and fire latch EVERY player into their place


"play well puppets. choose wrong, you'll feel the noose"

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