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"Closely held secret" about warders


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In the eye of the world, in the glossary section under warder, it says, "what the Aes Sedai gain from the bonding is a closely-held secret."

Does anyone know what this closely held secret is? It can't just be a strong man to do their dirty work because why would that be a closely held secret?


My guess is the secret is the ability to compel the warder when necessary. It certainly does not seem to be common knowledge that the AS can cause the warder to do something without the warder even being aware. When Lan first arrives to Myrelle, Allana's attempt to do so with Rand, and the discussion with Egwene about "bonding" AM are the only times it really gets mentioned.


Obviously the ranks of potential warders don't know about this which i think makes it likely the "secret."


Nothing you don't find out in later books. the reference tings in the back are written so not to give away spoilers etc. Its just saying aies sedi hold it a secret to the rest of the world..

Guest Anonymous!

Cadsuane had considered making Alanna transfer Rand's bond so she could use that aspect of the bond, and it appeared that Moiraine had shared that knowledge about the bond with Lan as seen in some of their discussions. But I got the feeling that Moiraine's and Lan's relationship was unique among Aes Sedai and their Warders. Given how they started out, I think it was more of a case of a partnership rather than a owner and her pet as we have seen with many other Aes Sedai.


I don't want to give away a spoiler, don't know where everybody is in reading tWoT. If you're on book 7 or 8 I think it should be allright. I'm not sure where this is mentionned first

















the secret about the bond is that AS can draw strength from their warder, even to the point where it kills him (or her, let's be correct) although it's not clear why anybody would want to do this


I got a question bout warders and AS


When an AS dies, does the warder die eventually? And when the warder died the As doesnt die, right? If so whys that....


Welll they don't actually die always. They lose the will to live, they sort of absorb the death of their Aes Sedai. They don't usually survive but it seems Myrelle has made a bit of a career out of saving warders who've lost their Aes Sedai, so it is possible to bring them around. As to why it's different...just the nature of the bond I spose.


I believe that alot of the reason they die is because upon the AS's death, they get the urge to avenge them with any means necassary, now, in most cases, any circumstance that would cause an AS's death (murder-wise) means that the opposing forces where way to overwhelming for the AS to take on, which means that the warder doesnt stand a snowball's chance in hell. I think this part of the bond is to help make sure that a warder does everything in his power to protect teh AS, since he would stand a much better chance of living with her in tow


As Beckon said, it's more complex then that. They actuall absorb some part of the Aes Sedai's death, which results in a certain dislocation from the world, and a general depression and loss of the will to live. Some warders react to this with rage, perhaps indeed because all they can feel is extreme emotion, and trie to revenge their Aes Sedai, and in the process taking reckless, insane risks.


the secret about the bond is that AS can draw strength from their warder, even to the point where it kills him (or her, let's be correct) although it's not clear why anybody would want to do this


Do you have any idea where it says this? I completely missed it. Good catch.


Moiraine does this to Lan a few times through the series, but I think the EotW when the trollocs attack is the first time its referenced (if indirectly). I think Moiraine or Verin may mention it to on of the girls too en route to Tar Valon.


I remember it being mentioned sometime...I wanna say tPoD or later...but I can't for the life of me remember who said it. I don't remember the part about being able to kill the warder that way, though.


I don't recall any reference at all about drawing strength from your Warder that way. Egwene does make a comment to herself about it being hard for an Aes Sedai to let herself appear tired or cold, when the Warder looks like he's had a good night's sleep and it's a balmy afternoon. Now, I don't have the BWB, so unless it's in that, I'd like to hear a quote, or book and chapter, please.


I don't have the BWB, because when my sons went to buy it, they said the illustrations p'ssed them off so much they refused to spend any money on it. Do you glean enough information from it to forgive the illustrations?


Its semi-non-canonal but quite good.


The Warder weave is an intricate weave of Spirit and requires the channeller to touch the Warder while weaving it. The Bonded couple are each aware of the other and can locate each other. As well as shielded dreams' date=' the Warder gains strength and endurance from the weave and the ability to sense Shadowspawn. The Aes Sedai is able to draw on her Warder’s strength even to his death. [/quote']
Actually, I always read the Warders "drinking the Aes Sedai's death" as akin to rapid withdrawal from a drug addiction and the attendent depression.


I could by that--specifically the implied chemical addiction as with speed or coke.


I don't have the BWB, because when my sons went to buy it, they said the illustrations p'ssed them off so much they refused to spend any money on it. Do you glean enough information from it to forgive the illustrations?


Yes, there is a massive amount of very interesting and relevant information in the Guide.

I don't have the BWB, because when my sons went to buy it, they said the illustrations p'ssed them off so much they refused to spend any money on it. Do you glean enough information from it to forgive the illustrations?


I agree with both Luckers and your sons. The information is worth it. The illustrations leave much to be desired.


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