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The person above me game! >Xtra Newbiefriendly!


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The person above me should read my story. And all of the ones above him too.


We're merely cousins, that's all. I'm the only one of my species, i was born through great feats of alchemy and the divine powers of God lending his hand in to create the ultimate being. Something that can transform from Human to Mous, to a hybrid and any thinkable variation of the two. Obscene strength, a cunning mind. A being that would be the ultimate weapon and the ultimate form of espionage. But the Mous had was sentient after all, he could choose sides and he chose none. He now roams free, pillaging the lands and taking what he needs to live. The project turned out unstable.. As you can guess. When my time comes; from my rotting corpse shall crawl a new Mous, one just as great as I in every way.. Yet possibly he will have evolved into something even more powerful. A force to fear, oh aye, a force to fear.

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