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The person above me game! >Xtra Newbiefriendly!


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The persons above me have this funny idea that the American people have any actual involvement in the presidential election process. There's this thing called an "electoral college" that decides who we want in office for us, so that even though we take the time to vote, it doesn't matter, because, as the 2000 election proved to the world, the popular vote is of no actual relevance. The American people didn't elect King George the first time. And they called off the race before we found out whether or not we didn't elect him the second time. Which is why the person below all the person above the person below all the person above the person below all the persons above me has no real interest in the current campaign - it literally doesn't matter who that person votes for. And if the person immediately above me insists on holding me responsible for Dubyus Caesar, I'll have to take him to task for Tony Blair.

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It would not surprise me to learn that the person above me is correct about the person above the person above eating anything not containing wood or wood by products.


However, the person above the person above is entirely correct about the joke of voting.  I hate to complain about the system without offering alternatives, but any that I can think of, although they be created in the spirit of improvement, would soon fall victim to greed and corruption.  Don't believe me?  Check your history books.  There have been decent political systems in the past that lasted for a short while.  Eventually, however, human nature ruins them all.  Our present system is full of room for improvement but the effort would be wasted.


[move][glow=red,2,300]Hi, everybody[/glow][/move]!

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