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New Member- Matjess


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Greetings. I'm new, despite being old. Back in '92, my son, then 13, was looking to buy me a birthday present. Based purely on the appeal of the cover painting, he gave me a book called "The Great Hunt". Over a few beers, I read the book overnight. It turned out that this Robert Jordan chap knew how to write a gripping tale. It wasn't until ten or eleven years later, whilst awaiting the latest installment, that I finally read "The Eye of the World". For me, this cast the story in an entirely different light, so much so that I continued on, reading all the other books a second time, despite the fact that the latest book (I forget which one now) had been realeased. I was determined to get the story straight in my head this time. I always found Mat to be the most interesting character in the book. When I joined our names it sounded like "matches". I'm not sure now, but I think I giggled (Aludra? Firesticks?). :lol: :oops: Like most of you, I'm hoping and wishing that Mr. Jordan will shake a leg on book 12. I've promised myself that I'll start from Eye of the World again to pass the time, but in this busy world it's a big ask. I thought I could avoid that sticky fate by getting involved here. Maybe someone can help me integrate. Thanks for reading this, 'bye for now.

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Guest Egwene

Hello and welcome to Dragonmount, Matjess :)


I love the double entendre of your name. Very clever. By the way, I don't know if you have checked out RJs Blog... you may not know that he is actually a Harleys fan.

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:o This is great!!! :D I can't tell you how good all your replies made me feel. It's taken a bit of effort to get here due to a couple of tech issues, but thanks to the patient and persistent help of "fader6818" in support, I'm off and running. Except in this run the journey overwhelms the destination and the last one home wins.

I'm a reasonably intelligent and perceptive person, but in some areas of the story I think I really missed a few things that others see as a given. For example: Asmodean. Is Halima the incarnation of Asmodean or is it Aran'gar/Osan'gar (sorry I forget which is which, all this sex changing has left me completely baffled :oops: )? Or none of the above? Perhaps there are threads on this and other topics that could put me in the know.

Has any other novel ever had such a profound effect on so many people? I doubt it. As I see it, Robert Jordan's only peer is George Martin.

Thanks for the words of welcome.

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Guest Egwene

Matjess, one of my favourite sites for reference:




If you search under the character names, you'll find very comprehensive data for each one.


You could use the search function here on the forum to see if the topic you are after has been discussed already. Feel free to post a new one on the General WoT Discussion board if you can't find it.

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