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The Eye of The World

Sweet 666

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(It's been a long time since I read EoTW so this might be a little sketchy.)


From what I gathered when someone channels it comes from within them, flows through them, and performs their bidding. In Eye of the World when Rand battles his first forsaken (Can't remember his name Grrr.) he sees this pulsing line of energy from the forsakens body streching into the distance. It is the source and it is coming directly from an outside force. Rand reaches out and taps into this energy using it to defeat the forsaken. In The Shadow Rising when Rand Battels Asmodean their is a line emitting from Asmodean's body going into the distance that is his connection to the dark one. Rand severs this line casting Asmodean out forever. My question, Is the cable connection to the dark one the path wich the DO allows the forsaken to draw the true power from him? Was Rands first time channeling with him actually in control really the true power?


Also what if the true power wasn't just another slice of the one power but a combination of the male and female half made by the dark one. I can't remember a reference in the books where, when a male and female links together and channels another channeler outside the channeling pair can actually see the weaves. Maybe when both the sides act together it forms the true power. I can think of several wholes in this channeling theory but i would really appreciate some feedback from others. 8)



Now any ideas about the connection to the DO and the actual ability to use the true power do you think it comes from without the forsaken on some kind of direct link?


The link that the chosen have with the DO is mearly an aid against the taint like Anajon already mensioned. Yes, this link the chosen have will undoubtably be direct from the DO himself which is in no relation to where saidin is drawn from. The DO is the reason for this taint...No DO, no taint.


:idea: Hmmm, got me thinking! :) The chosen have a link to the DO, so the DO must have the same kind of link directly to the source of saidin - giving it the taint. The DOs link may well be the result of him endlessly drawing from the true source...interesting! What should Rand do about this I wonder???


But back to the point, the male chosen draw saidin the same way as every other man able to channel do. I don't think the link to the DO gives them any other special abilities.



The taint on Saidin was a one time thing, performed at the moment of sealing! The DO can't lift so much as a rock with the power anywhere but Shayoh Ghul. If the taint was enforced, Rand could not have cleansed it.

And what says the DO is male so he has to draw Saidin? It could be a her lol jk. But truely, can the DO channel; and even if (s)he could, whats this about pulling on the source? (s)he had been sealed, (s)he couldn't do anything.


No DO no taint? Even if the DO had been destroyed b4 saidin being cleansed, the taint would still have been there.


There have been many theories on the taint and one I remember has to do with the seals causing it thats why one the moment of sealing it happened.


Another one was that Rand hadnt cleasned it but only got rid of the "taste" of the taint, like its now invisible.


Im sorry, but again i am forced to say "what?"


I direct you to "the strike at shayoh Ghul". At the moment of sealing, the dark one struck out as a last ditch counter-attack and tainted the poer. Hence the taint being refered to as the DO's counter-attack.


And the taint wasn't there just to look pretty. If it were invisible, ashaman would still go mad, and Shadar Logoth would still exist. There no longer is ANY taint on saidir, and theres a 99.99% certainty of this.


You refer to there being many theories about this. There are no theories. This much at least is set in stone.


Hmm...the taint invisible...never thought of that.

But if Saidin were still tainted, I do agree that Ashamen would still be going mad. Rand cleansed it, but he is still kinda mad. Of course, that could just be LTT somehow stuck in his mind.

One more thought...I don't think Ba'alzamon is dead yet.

Guest Majsju

The cleansing doesn't make male channeler less mad, it only stops them from growing more mad than they already are.


Ba'alzamon is not dead. Well, he did die, but he has been brought back by the DO, and calls himself Moridin now.


Ishmael did die. He was stabbed with callandor and all his illusions disapeared. I have always thought that was comical. Like pistol whiping someone to death, only more so. Kinda insulting.

The taint might be undetectable? Interesting. I dont think enough time has passed to be able to tell. The maddness take some time.

I think the link allows them to be able to control shadowspawn to a great extent, such as telling them to go into Shadar Logoth or the ways.


Ishy is the only forsaken that touches the True Source, there are many references to the black specs that floats across his eyes and that touching that "power" requires to great of a sacrfice. I think it was then lanfear was reborn that it was mentioned. As well as in KoD. And i do think that Rand cleansed saidin, but there is no real way to tell for sure as they last battle is coming, and i not think many will have time to go even more mad before ti comes. It will all come out in the wash so to speak when the last book comes, because there will very well may be another breaking of the world.

But did the DO counter attack Saidin as a last ditch' date=' spur of the moment, or was a planned, conscious attack?


The question being: can he do it again?[/quote']


I have always thought that it was what Lews Therin and his Hundred Companions were doing *something* that allowed the Dark One to leave a lasting impression on saidin. Otherwise, why wouldn't he have just tainted saidin and saidar the moment he was free?


Think about it. You have this ultra-powerful diety and you have pitiful humans sealing him away. They must be doing *something* spectacular, to say the least, to lock the Dark One up. And they are only using half of the Power.


I remember that the female Aes Sedai and the male Aes Sedai were split on a decision, to use the sealing method that was used or find a more permanent solution. Lews Therin however, unable to wait any longer, heard about the Forsaken all meeting at Shayol Ghoul and struck without the support of the female Aes Sedai. Thus, fighting the Dark One with saidin alone, fighting with one arm instead of two and he broke that arm in a last futile strike as he fell. At least that is how I've always thought of it. I think I pieced this together during book four when Rand was in the crystal columns.


i think it may have been a plan on the Do's plate, all the forsaken knew LTT down to the last hair and knew what he would do. What are a few more yrs to a being that has no death, but is death, with the male Aes Sedai gone, the DO thinks he has a better shot now at getting what he wants, to break the wheel and remake it in his idea. Most things have been forgotten now, what was once considered normal is now considered rare and wonderus. What a better time to take over?? When life is at its weakest.


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