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  • Community Administrator
21 minutes ago, Zander? said:

Checkmate lol

Yeah... definitely not the checkmate ya think it is. You just don't understand Minnesota.

The Vikings are like Winter. After a long summer, we look forward to it. Then halfway through we we're just done and look forward to spring, while questioning why we live where the air hurts. Oofda

13 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Yeah... definitely not the checkmate ya think it is. You just don't understand Minnesota.

The Vikings are like Winter. After a long summer, we look forward to it. Then halfway through we we're just done and look forward to spring, while questioning why we live where the air hurts. Oofda


I'm Canadian I understand Winter better then most lolololol

  • Community Administrator
15 minutes ago, Zander? said:


I'm Canadian I understand Winter better then most lolololol

Lies. (Specially if you're a Vancouver/Toronto/Montreal canuck)

7 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Lies. (Specially if you're a Vancouver/Toronto/Montreal canuck)


I'm an East coaster Canadian....-40C and snow storms top 40 50 cms....to quote Game if Thrones your A Summer Child lolololol

8 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Little known fact, Canadians wish they were Minnesotan.

 Little known fact most Americans can't find Canada on a Map....lolololol

  • Community Administrator
2 minutes ago, Zander? said:


I'm an East coaster Canadian....-40C and snow storms top 40 50 cms....to quote Game if Thrones your A Summer Child lolololol

lol, -40C = -40F, and we get that to, plus 36 inches snow storms to. ? 

  • Community Administrator
3 minutes ago, Zander? said:

 Little known fact most Americans can't find Canada on a Map....lolololol

I mean, that's true of the "south", but most of us northerners border you so we definitely know where to find you on a map. Now, I bet most Canadians can't find Minnesota on a map. ? 

22 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

I mean, that's true of the "south", but most of us northerners border you so we definitely know where to find you on a map. Now, I bet most Canadians can't find Minnesota on a map. ? 

I bet you're wrong lol


So how does the normally play out? when do we decide who to vote between?

forum play is new to me. I’m used to everyone being in the same room at the same time but so far there’s only been half of us posting





16 minutes ago, DELTA said:

So how does the normally play out? when do we decide who to vote between?

forum play is new to me. I’m used to everyone being in the same room at the same time but so far there’s only been half of us posting






It started as soon as we posted lol but ya like over half didnt post yet and the first couple pages of a "fourm game, is mostly joking around and fluff posts.  


Only real takeaway so far to me is Voodoo reacting to a post of mine but not actually posting.


Hopefully the rest will post soon and we get some content

Just now, VooDooNut said:

I'm a bit confused too, but obviously Zander? is the mobster.




Wow ninjad.....sick xpost lolololol


In a small game with majority/hammer have to be extra careful with our votes because at 7 players D1 4 is majority and that woild make it real easy with 2 or 3 votes on someone for Wolves to park hide or "justify a joke vote"


Ok imma try and start some meaningful content:


Pleae answer these:


1.  How much mafia exp do you have?  Hiw many games, live video or forum and if forum which sites?


2.  Which alignment do you prefer and why?  (Answering Wolf here doesn't mean youre a Wolf I know lots of players who prefer playing wolf to town.)


3.  How do you form your reads?  Like Meta, Gut build cases thru analysis etc.



My answers:


1.  I've played over 100 forum.games tho I still suck lol mostly here on DM and some on MU and JetNation.


2.  I def prefer playing as a Villa cause I love the hunt for wolves aspect lol.  As Wolf I like to bus scummates because I love lunching Wolves.....just ask lenlo and dice lolololol.


3.  I'm very much a Meta and gut read player.  If y'all aren't familiar with thw term meta it's when you play with the same people a fair bit you learn to remember tendancies and traits.  I trust my gut over my head lol. So sometimes I find it harder playing with new peeps thats why I tried more sites.   I know its easier as a Villa to find other villagers then hunting especially early but my paranoia and tinfoil hat causes trust issues lolololol so I tend on finding wolves first and foremost.


If there's any terms I use y'all dont understand make sure to ask and I'll answer.  I'm most and really onlyfamiliar with Dice on our playerlist its been awhile but he does speak fairly fluent Zanderse hes also an Aussie and Silverchairs biggest fan.......lololololol.



Hes prolly sleeping we should lunch him.  Also if dice is a wolf or if he's a certain type of PR with a gun im usually dead n1 lololololol


I know SD a bit from entertainment forums and think ive had some interactuons woth Delta in the Tower.  Tho not mafia related.

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