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PoP! Goes My Heart!


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Oh how i love cheesy 80's music! Or cheesy 80's style music as the case may be here :D


Thanks for posting Mia, made me laugh again!


I saw the movie and enjoyed it immensely. Of course, I love anything with Hugh Grant in it. ;)


And this song CRACKED ME UP!!! Ahhh, the 80's!!! *laughs*

Guest Arie Ronshor

i lurv it! ^_^



i mean really.. its like watching old t'pau, belinda carisle and all those other great singers... *hearts*


Isn't it, though? My aunt celebrated her 40th birthday this past Saturday and she had an 80s theme. I wish I had seen this song then, it would have totally struch a chord with the crazies that were at the party.


It's an ad for frozen pizza.


Grandiosa is a Norwegian institution. It's like *the* frozen pizza. Every foreigner who comes to visit has to try the grandiosa.


Now, the grandiosa full pakke which this ad is for has "everything" on it; meatballs, ham, pepperoni, meat.. you name it. And that's what "full pakke" means, as well: "everything". (Well.. directly translated it means "the whole pack".)


Anyway.. it just lists a lot of Norwegian things that it's better than. Such as May 17th (Norway's national day and, imo, the best day of the year.) And Anette Stai, which is a Norwegian celebrity. Etc etc.


Then there is a lot of "shabadadong" which doesn't mean anything at all.


And if I ever tell anyone in Norway about this post they will think I have lost my mind.


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