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But I gotta put it out there and I think it's fair to ask as a player?


I'm old. I was part of a lot of the old guard and the RPs that we wrote and the stories we wrote. I love what we wrote together and I love having that history here. And still intact.


On the other hand, as a returning "new" player, we are sorely lacking numbers and I feel that the weight of the old is stiffling the new. I like that we follow the books and we can still write to those stories, but at the same time some of the choices that were made when we had the numbers doesn't support what we can do with the fewer numbers we have now. 


And dont' get me wrong, I LOVE playing the ranks. I wouldn't have made a novice if i didn't want to write her raising and growth. But she's growing into a different Tower then what my old characters did. The active head's aren't there. I'm limited to basically yellow and red for interaction without a very random NPC from the dredges of the NPC wiki.


I'm painfully grabby at getting RP places organized. It's not just here - it's everywhere. And I like collaboration. I like tradition, but I also have a healthy love for innovation. And with the update of the forums, I think a discussion of what we want from the roleplay may help us all understand where it can go moving forward?


>.> I also kinda think we're past the point of character "limits" of how many we can play... (just a thought)


I think character limits are important simply because if someone makes more than, say, 5 characters, they could burn themselves out... and if (or when) they disappear, that's a lot of characters suddenly not around.


But, isn't the limit at 3 per div? I don't remember the limit for across the whole of the PSW.


I do agree it'd be nice if we could.... do something not so limiting as to what DM used to be with all the active players. But this brings up another concern... when the time comes of having an influx of new people who want to play, being on KoD already could be off-putting. Almost everything is already done--but that being said, on the flip side it means WE get to decide what happens during and after the Last Battle, and the thought makes me very excited. (When I refer to an influx, though, this could be years off, but if WoT is made into a TV show, THAT'S when we'll get flooded, and I'm looking forward to that, too).


Did you have more specific things in mind you wanted to bring up?




Well, as a perspective you aren't wrong. Having a lot of characters that run the risk of going in active or disappearing is always there. Frankly, it's where we are now.


My thought on the removal of that limit are these. a) Most roleplay sites that do well strongly encourage responsibility for activity, allowing players to set their limits instead enforcing a limit they feel is manageable. For example, is someone can juggle 20 characters.. COOL. If someone only wants to play 5 characters and they happen to be all WT? Cool. b) And the limit on the characters per ... division is almost arbitrary. We can already see over time that unless there is activity, people aren't going to make characters there. Allowing a boost in 1-2 area's will help grow the RP outside of that area just out of that need to broaden a character's story. c) If people go inactive? Then they go inactive. We can't control life and the decisions made in the RP with the mindset that they will leave. Question is.. will the cap make them leave because they feel they are limited in their writing growth because of that cap? Or will they stay knowing that infinite possibilities are available and they can actually play those extra character idea's without having to make them NSW's to fullfill a story idea.


Hypothetically speaking.


As for story idea's.. we can do a few things... 


A) Allow the history of the past be more of a PSW. (let it fall into the Turning's RP so then people can write out their old stories on their own with out it affecting that current timeline. Not the most ideal, but it allows us the most... growth potential as it allows us to pick a new point in the book timeline.


B) Allow the more character driven stories of inactive players to fall into the PSW (so the Red bondings, for example.) This way we can... "smoke and mirrors" the events of who was where and allow the story of the books to proceed with the current active character - giving them more voice then it being carried from the past.


c) Keep it all. Set a Tower timeline specific to tower events, with the list of characters as part of it, and have a few main key points that EVERY character knows is is aware of timeline wise as a point of plot and character development. (EI. The weather is rough, and the bowl of winds are in play. Ever character there is listed and the characters playing now know that x,y,z Sedai are at this place attempting to fix it. What is the next step if it fails. Who should be sent to deal with northing crops.) Giving the tower some real-world relevance instead of it floating in the univers. 



I personally like the idea of floating between B and C. I don't have any character relevent to some of the green ajah's storyline. If Aubriana goes green, she won't know it either. But perhaps she would know of a Green that is in x-place doing this y-thing. And just let it float there as something important.


of course I'm trying to avoid specific examples... but it's a thought.


Can we bring a halt to this, just for the moment, please guys? Or not, if you really want to continue but it may be completely redundant. You've actually posted this discussion at a point when I'm considering a drastic change to the entire RP following a conversation with Mat last week. I'm planning to post an "open to all RP members" thread outlining everything later today and your thoughts and input will be welcome there. Easier to have a discussion that's all in one place where all RP'ers can see it and join in. :smile:




And here I was trying to be nice and keep it a little more secluded so I wasn't pulling the whole site down on you..... >.> 


lol don't worry, Mat got there before you... and it might be no bad thing. I'm a fan of clean slates.

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