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Anyone have any interesting ideas about where their souls come from? Rand feared they were simply men reborn, but Mordeth/Fain/Shaisam noted how non filling their souls were. Could they be the ground up souls of Dark Friends? I doubt the Shadow can truly create a soul so I'm guessing they come from somewhere.


I assume they are souls of the animal stock they are made from.  SInce we do know someone isn't going to be constantly reborn as a shadowspawn.  So they probably have the soul that any animal might have.



"...still rand worried that these things might be humans reborn.

aginor had used people to create the trollocs and myrddraal. was

this the fate of some?to be reborn as twisted creations such as this?the idea sickened him."

rand wasn't making assumptions,he was asking himself questions,for all of

his 400 years of knowledge,rand was clearly out of his depth here.

  • 5 months later...

I think they'd have to be human souls, the Nym had human souls after all. 


Jordan said they had souls, though something to the effect that their souls were so pathetic you could scarcely still call them that. 

Which calls into question where they come from - if they are human souls are they just the souls of Darkfriends? Possible, but then Trolloc numbers would be dependent on dead DFs. And how come Ishamael can expect to be reborn a human via natural causes?

But DF souls do apparently go the Pit of Dhoom. Where they probably wouldn't be reborn - I was always expecting some sort of Harrowing of Hell scenario at the end but it never happened.

8 hours ago, TheSociopath said:

I would think that trollocs have animal souls, but myrdraal could have human ones. 

Afterall, darkhounds have wolf souls. 

I forgot darkhounds had wolf souls.


That said, I think it was firmly stated that Fades don't actually have souls.


I think Trollocs, being Jordan's analogues to Tolkien's Orcs, have somewhat human souls mutilated and mutated with animal souls just like the first Orcs were twisted elves. If Aginor could mix DNA, I don't think he stopped there. That's probably the root of the Trolloc evil: human souls tainted with bestial souls. It has been noted that Trolloc behavior is influenced by the type of animal spliced to the human base. So a wolf Trolloc is cunning, or more so than its counterparts, because it has the cunning of a wolf soul grafted to its human base soul. This animal-human soul graft could also explain why Trollocs are led by fear, after all that is what animals respond to the most. 


As to Myrdraal souls. I think that while they do have mostly human souls, they are tainted by the True Power. It has been theorized by people in the books that their shadowportation and fear powers are granted by connections to the DO. And the DOs primary connection to the world is the True Power. I would also like to draw comparisons between shadowportation and Travelling with the True Power: neither are detectable by conventional channelers ( AS only detect the presence of Myrdraal not their use of shadow) and both allow travelling but with no visible gateway: they just seem to appear out of nowhere. If Myrdraal have souls tainted with the True Power, it would also explain their reluctance to enter steddings. They feel cut off from the DO in steddings because like channelers they are cut off in there. Now that last bit is pure speculation on my part because we have never seen True Power channelers wield it in steddings.

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