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5 Things Albus Dumbledore Should Have Told Harry Potter


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...for the Sake of Human Decency.



With the HP week ending here at DM, I thought this article might stir some interest.



Albus Dumbledore kept a lot of things from Harry Potter throughout his years at Hogwarts, and even after his death. But the hardest part about these secrets is that they were often revealed strategically, or Harry had to find them out for himself in the most traumatizing way possible. Here are the worst five. Well, maybe the worst. You can decide where your mileage is on that.



Personally, I strongly disagree with the last one. And I'm not sure #3 is relevant.

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#1 : Harry had to walk in to his faith fully committed to the sacrifice and that could not have happened if he knew up front there was a chance the sacrifice would not be a sacrifice. It's not just his mother's love that protected him from the evil of V, it's his own love for everyone else as well. Any level of self-preservation that would be served by hoping for a better outcome would not have made that love as strong as it needed to be for it to work and to gain the outcome he ultimately got.


#2 : Dumbledore could not disclose that information on the simply fact that he gave his word never to reveal it when Snape agreed to be his puppet on a string. Reveal it and there's no telling what Snape might have done otherwise. Dumbledore was not blind to Snape's potential danger to the cause. In the greater scheme, one chooses one's battles. A few hurt feelings can not outweigh the salvation of the entire world from an outpoor of evil.


#3: Harry's trust in Dumbledore was of the utmost importance. Could he have been trusted more? Perhaps. But despite everything Dumbledore was still human and therefore not without mistakes. One of those mistakes being him trusting the wrong person when he was a teenager and his sister paying the price for it. It's not so unbelievable that he might not have been eager to share that shame with a young teenage boy who already had more than enough on his plate as it was.


#4: Dumbledore's task, as he saw it, was not just the protector and mentor of Harry. Draco and all other kids from his school were his responsibility he felt. He believed and never strayed from that belief that Draco could be saved from the dark path he had been put on. By his father, by his House, by everything that had surrounded the boy since he was born. The DA's and V had to believe Draco was fully committed to them in order to secure Draco's safety while he was submerged in their midst. There was no telling where, who or even what might be spying. True horror and revulsion, just like true love and admiration, can not be faked. And Draco's safety depended as much on Harry's revulsion of his action as on everyone else's response to it. Draco hàd to be given the full and unquestionable status of loyal member of the DA's for his protection.
The same goes for Snape's part in it.Snape being trusted by V was of the utmost importance for the success of the plan. Harry was too emotional to be trusted to pull off the proper reaction unless he was made to believe the lie. V was too much of a talented wizzard to be fooled by the boy. There simply was too much at stake.


#5: that's utterly ridiculous as a comment and there is zero reason why that should have ever been brought up.





My 2 cents :smile:

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