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The Village and the Time loop


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I don't remember the name of the village that Ingtar and the party reach in TGH, but the scene where Rand walks into the home and finds the interrupted meal, he seems to get caught in a time loop.  We know that Lanfear was following them, but has it ever been revealed as to what was happening?  Was that a trap that Fain created, or was it something that Lanfear did to him?  We know that Uno and his sharp eye spots her in a window but she traveled away either that village or another.

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I orginally thought it was Lanfear testing Rand, until RJ said it was Fain.  I mean Fain at that time showed no special power like that so it was easy to assume Lanfear did it.  He hadn't even been in possession of the dagger that long.

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