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Hornsounder June 2017 edition

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Welcome Dragonmounter!


We're back!


That's right, after a few years of roaming the world and getting in to trouble and back out again, cumulating experiences and expressions and hopefully learning a few things along the way as well, we've come back home. We've cranked open the doors to the newsroom, dusted off the desks, oiled the typewriters and cracked our fingers.


Who the blazing blight are we?

We are the Hornsounder crew! The best flaming newspaper that ever saw the light on DM. That's who we are. That's who you can become and what you can be part of. Not a Band member? Not a problem! The HS is an open-to-all newspaper though we àre Band based and Band owned. But that doesn't mean there is no room for news from outside our borders! In fact we welcome it.


How do you get your piece in the HS? Easy, pm Mystica with your piece before the end of the month and she'll take a look at it to see if it is suitable for publication. If not, she'll work with you to make it suitable. Yes, she may be Red and a Blademaster (masterful combination if you ask me) but she's thàt approachable!


Right ok, let's get this show on the road.


Here is your very first, rebooted, fresh from the press, renewed Hornsounder Edition!





Editor in Chief

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  • Word from the Under-Commander

It took me a while to write this :biggrin: 


I don't have big stories to tell, nor poems to share... and as Dice would tell you, my spelling is horrible lol


But then, I decided to tell you something that I should have said a long time ago: I am proud of the Band and of all its members.


For months, the boards were quiet. There was no real activity going on. I had to admit that I even felt bored sometimes. Then, in a couple of weeks, so many things changed ! We got the Hornsounder back ! We resuscitated the Original vs Cover and the Tune or no Tune game. You did an awesome job during the Competitions (thumbs up, really). And it all started to feel alive again. A feeling that pushed me to do more, to post more... and probably to annoy you all more as well :wink:


The Band has always been one of my favourite Social Group. It feels like home, a place where I can be myself.  And I really hope that it is or will be the same for you.


Cheers !



Under-Commander of the Band


  • Points and Promotions


A lovely lady of the Infantry who happens to be the Hornsounder Head Editor is promoted to the rank of Banner General.


Well done Mystikins!




Due to a little administrative delay, all the points earned since 2016 for the Hang-the-Darkfriend game have been added to your point pool this month.


So don't be scared if you find yourself with 5 extra points all of  a sudden :wink:




Under-Commander of the Band




  • May Competition

The Monthly Competition of the Band is a competition where in the three Regiments take up the challenge of competing for the top spot on the dias. Each month, the UC puts forth a challenge and then the game is on between the Archers, the Cavalry and the Infantry to see which will come out on top.


May's Competition was to have a conversation using nothing but song titles.

And the winner of this month was....











Totally rigged game of course.... Just saying....











  • Tune or no Tune

The Tune or no Tune game of the Band is a game where someone puts up a video of a song they picked and then the debate is on whether that song is worthy of being called a Tune. Banders go in to discussion on why they like or don't like the chosen song/musical piece and then by the end of the month the decision is made by... not quite sure by what really. I think by whoever manages to make the most convincing argument? Or bribe the most Banders?


This month's selection was Thane's Metal Edition



  • Returnees

Ledzepman and Dawnflower returned home to the Band! Welcome back!




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  • Word from the Executive Officer (XO)

We had 2 Raw Recruits join the Band this past month. The new RRs were Killashandra and Elanthegood. Elanthegood had a welcome thread but has not shown up yet. Maybe we scared him off with our awesomeness! Killashandra had made her rounds through each regiment and had some time to get to know each of the regiments. She has completed each of the tasks that were given to her and has completed the XO missions as well. Killashandra has joined the ranks of the Infantry and her graduation ceremony was held on June 2nd 2017. Congratulations Killashandra on picking the Infantry and they are glad to have you!

Good news is that we had 2 returning members who came back for their long journey within the wilderness. We welcome back Ledzepman and Dawnflower. It's nice to see them back in action and their band spirit.





  • Recruit of the Month


RRStripe.png  :bandredhand: My Time as a Raw Recruit  :bandredhand:  RRStripe.png


My experience joining the Band began with being dragged here by my ear. I will always be thankful to Dice for that. The Band has truly become my home on the boards, in just the short time I have been here. I had no idea what to expect and was honestly a little skeptical about joining. When I joined Dragonmount and started looking at all the social groups I skipped right over the Band boards, dismissing them entirely as probably not for me. I was so very wrong. So thank you again Dice for basically conscripting me into one of the best places on DM.


Starting out as a raw recruit was fun from day one. I really enjoyed how in the beginning every regiment comes into your welcome thread and throws shade at the other regiments, all while pumping their own up. The rivalry with an under current of comradery is one of the most fun aspects of the Band.


When my RR week truly began I was assigned to spend a week with the Infantry. Almost immediately I felt right at home and had an absolute blast really playing up being a recruit and performing tasks given to me. Everyone seemed to jump in on the action, even those from other regiments and it made everything that much more entertaining. I opened a karaoke bar and then got into a brawl. Good times.


My second week I got to visit the Knights and war ponies over at the Cavalry stables. My first task required me to reach back to a time when I loved horses and knew how to ride one. My second task was quite the challenge in a variety of ways. I got to ride on Ahmyra's Blitz and see the renowned Bunyun in action. I enjoyed some bandy and got a small taste of the cav way of life.


Last but not least, my stay with the lithe and agile Archers also felt very comfortable. They definitely made me hesitate and really think about where I would fit best in the Band. I love the mischievous nature they exude and they do rock the house with their music tastes. My first task was a delightful search for some songs to add to their archery play list. My second task was to sneak around and gather up all the regimental drinks for a celebration. I got caught but did not do too badly. Plus I got to drink a little of everything after being punished.


Our fabulous XO also assigned a few non regiment related missions that covered the band as a whole. I had to get creative and come up with some lyrics for Jak' o' the Shadows. Next I had to share an experience with a review in the Jain Farstrider boards. I think this task really encouraged me to explore a big part of what the Band is all about, a love of good food, good music and seeing the world around us. Finally I had to get my self into trouble and have a spot fine to complete. Fortunately (or not) I was way ahead of him and had already made plenty of trouble for myself!


I have had quite the time being a recruit in the Band of the Red Hand and I almost do not want to move on ... almost. *shudders at the thought of having to dig more latrines or shovel any pony poo*


I will end with my hope for my time with the Band, I want to contribute to and continue the legacy of a group I have come to adore so quickly. So here is to the Band *raises her glass* the best folks, gathered together, in a party that never ends. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain my frands.



Raw Recruit



  • Regimental Liaison Officers Notes


Infantry RLO


Killashandra joined the Band at the beginning of May and dove right in like the best of them.
Her first week was with the Infantry where she set up a Karaoke Bar that took off like a rocket!


Her second task was a bit trickier but she proved she was more than up to the task.

Showing the old rots what to do with abandonned barracks, our latest Recruit organised a brawl worthy of the name Infantry.

And instantly earning herself her very first Spotfine for, believe it or not, assaulting Zander. Who, let's face it, probably had it coming.


We were very proud to have this girl with us and can't wait to see what she'll get up to as a fully raised member.



Infantry Blademaster - RLO



  • RR Awards


Killashandra went through the Recruit Program like an absolute pro and earned herself the Raw Recruit Pin & Stripe Award and got promoted to the rank of Private First Class!


Congratulations to Killa!!





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  • Archers
The Archers' undercover investigation to determine why the Infantry smell so bad has finally been completed, and wheeloftime13, dawnflower8, LedZepMan, and Lessa Nikia have all returned to their posts. Their scientific conclusion to the study was as follows: because they do not bathe.

Asked why this mission took multiple years, they assured me that it had nothing whatsoever to do with karaoke nights at the Sword and Shield.

In other news, Assassin and Captain Thane Vakarian has been awarded the rare and prestigious Archers' Regimental Medal and Stripe for his long and dedicated service as our regiment's previous Captain-General.  Go buy the man a bloody drink at the Burning Arrow already!

Archers CG


  • Infantry

Word from the CG: Applecake


The Infantry saw the return or resurfacing or de-wintersleeping of a few ancient ones, including yours truly. Taymist, of course, was around but as usual busy getting up to no good which kind of took quite a chunk out of her available time.

Meanwhile it looked like Zander and Kronos were the only Infants around which in Zander's case was a worrying thing. The boy really does continue to need supervision.

Kronos showcased his fabulous catching skills over at the Joust in the Cavalry camp. I'm telling you, you throw that guy anything and he'll catch it! The Redarms are still waiting to spotfine him for spilling brew but I think they can wait for a long time. If only he had kept Zander busy with practicing throwing skills. Perhaps that lad might have gotten in a bit fewer problems then.


In an attempt to reconnect with things, Mystica has started a gossip board which drew out another ancient Bander from the Stables. Katiora came to share some juicy stuff with us but then I think Dice must have locked her in one of the stable booths. He's a bit weird that one.


Seeing the state in which the Infants were at, Myst decided it was high time for some much needed training and opened a Training Shack in which people can share their Real Life training programs.



Infant of the month:  Kronos! for spectacular catching skills!

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  • Trial News


Zander earned himself a spotfine which he instantly made worse, obviously, so he was then hauled before the court after several Red Arms had to chase him down.
It was a bit of a challenge to find him a sponsor but after being promised she could tell the others what to do with him, Mystica was found sallivating at the prospect and instantly brushed up on her sponsor skills!

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