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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Not quite, Nathan and Parkman weren't in there.

Yeh, and I'd rather have seen them than the whole Micah/Monica storyline. I still don't understand why they're even in the season. There better be a good reason next week.  :P


Am I the only one who expected Slyer and Maya to get frisky with each other, on the bed with her brother neatly tucked under the matress?

No. ^_^

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Syler: "I love your brain" *Messages Maya's skull*

Maya: "What?!"

Syler: "I said I like your rack"

Maya: "Sweet!"

Maya: "Does this bed feel lumpy to you?"

Syler: "nope"

Maya: "It almost feels like a person is hiding underneath it!"

Syler: "Its just an orthopedic matress" *Continues to message Maya's Skull*

Maya: "cool!"

Syler: "I can't wait to sink my teeth into your brain!"

Maya: "huh?"

Syler: "I can't wait to sink my teeth into your brain!" *messages her Skull*

Maya: "Oohhh you want to get to know me!" (insert luvvy duvvy face)

Syler: "yesssss."



Am I the only one who thinks Syler has some kind of brain fetish?

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I forgo that Nathan and Parkman wasn't there.  I actually expected them to show up when Peter and Adam was at what's her name's house.


Peter's kind of slow too huh?  I mean everyone and their mother is telling him that Adam is evil and wants to release the virus and he doesn't listen.  Ah welz.  Guess he can go on that World's Most Smartest Model show after this.  (BTW I don't watch that show.  I watch the Soup which makes fun of it.)  


I agree that Micah and Monica should not be in this season.  I thought that there might have been a point to it all when Suresh came to pick her up earlier in the season, but that wasn't the case.  Well except for helping to introduce the virus there was not real point to her being around.

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All shall be made clear after # 11  8)


I won't participate so no worries but who do you think the 2 heroes who are gonna die will be?


Well it can't be Hiro, cause if they did, I would wipe out Hero's from my memory banks.. FYI, Hiro inspired the name Hero. :P


I'm betting Peter and......Monica (thats memory woman right?)

Though truthfully, they can't kill peter becuase of the women mobs that would happen so....


also if its only the '1st season 'hereos' who die, then I'm guessing Parkman and Peter. :P

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My predictions on who will die...


SPOILER below in tan, highlight to read...




Nikki and Elle. Nikkie is in the fire painting, and I think I remember reading about her dying in Vemy's spoiler. Elle, because she is the one to take on Sylar. It would be soo like this show for her to help the "good guys" and then die as a result.

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I LOVE SYLAR.  If only for the fact he killed the two people I most wanted to see die. 


WAIT... noooooo... don't bring her back!


Peter is badass when he uses his powers. 


Does Hiro take Adam somewhere he can't escape to live forever? 


Oh I am typing this as I watch the show.

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I LOVE SYLAR.  If only for the fact he killed the two people I most wanted to see die. 


WAIT... noooooo... don't bring her back!


Peter is badass when he uses his powers. 


Does Hiro take Adam somewhere he can't escape to live forever? 


Oh I am typing this as I watch the show.


They shoulda kept em dead...


I didn't expect skitzo to Die, however, considering the 9th wonder comics tend to be 'accurate' since they were drawn (at least some) by that one guy... That might have been a foreshadow of monica... After that event + Skitzo's child influence... could probably transform monica into saint whatever. aka cat woman. :P


Obviously Hiro buried Adam alive.

HE shoulda at least put em in a tiny box and cut off an arm so its constantly trying to grow back but has no room. ;)


I DID NOT expect that ending at all.

Why didn't peter get shot in the head? WHY?


No Barm, not unless he can 'remember' claire, and has the same ability, but I have the feeling even then it wouldn't work..


Claire was Dead for at least 12 hours in Season one.

So they have at least '12 hours' to get Nathan to somewhere near claire to heal him.. they ARE in texas after all... The problem... They might not know that claire can bring him back to life..

You know, unless PETER has you know, a brain and goes.. 'hey!' Claire can do the same thing as Adam! BUt... he won't figure that out until like, mid season 3!

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Hiro is more hardcore than I thought. Can Adam actually survive in there indefinitely, though? I mean, he'll run out of oxygen pretty fast, unless Hiro left him an air-hole, and without being able to get oxygen to the brain, that'll shut down no matter what's supposed to be going on cellularly, which ought to switch him off, right? Maybe they figured giving Adam the Belzedar treatment was too tempting to pass up based on anything so trivial as verisimilitude.


Poor Nathan. He's finally a full-fledged white hat, and he immediately gets JFKed. Bet you if it were any pre-existing character as shot him, it were Bennett done the deed.


I wish I could feel as sorry about Niki, though. She and everything to do with her (with the exception of some of DL's badass moments) have been boring and pointless since day one.


Sylar: "I'm back"  ;D ;D ;D

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Me and my two friends both yelled "omg HRG!!!" when nathan got shot XD


So next season starts off with "Villains" hmm? interesting^^


Also! apparently my spoilers were for the old ending O.o


So same outcome but slightly different path in getting there XD

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I must say I was disappointed.  The finale was too predictable.  Niki's death and Maya's resurrection was the only minor surprises.  Even Nathan getting shot was very predictable.  If they didn't show that someone was watching them talk it probably would have surprised me, but after seeing that there was no way the company would let him tell the story.  Not after they went through all that hassle to keep Claire from talking.  I agree though that Noah is probably the one who shot Nathan.  Too bad.  He was finally becoming likable.

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I was disapointed too. I was completely uninterested in the Niki/Monica arc--i mean, as a plot for a single episode, sure, but why on earth did they think it belonged in the season finale. If i were them i would have had Suresh get the vaccine to Nikki before going after Sylar, and having Nikki involved in the  whole Sylar ending.


Speaking of Sylar, that was way too predictable. I mean come on, even if you wanted to keep Sylar in the story despite the expiration date on his character, there were much more interesting things that they could have played with. Maybe Sylar being needed to stop the virus, or something. Anything.


I did find myself kind of liking Elle for the first time, and Mama Petrelli was once again cool. But why do we still not know her power?


I also thought HRG when Nathan got shot. Meh.

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Did Peter really get rid of the virus?  Is Nathan dead?  Is Niki? 


So glad Sylar got his power back.  Now we can get a REAL showdown between Peter and Sylar.


Adam in a coffin.  That seems fitting.


Well, We saw Nathan Shot and Killed, so atm He Is Deader then a Door Nob. But that isn't to say no one will give him claires blood... But are they smart enough?


Niki on the other hand. We didn't actually see her die. WE are lead to the conclusion she is dead.

But its obvious that nikki dieing is what causes Monica to become 'saint bernice' or whatever its called..

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