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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Pah! You all forgot this Adam character.


You seem to all be forgetting that Adam apparently seemed to be on a very personal basis in that note. The note made that seem so. Ticket to Montreal, Adam in Montreal, Company looking for Adam, plotting something together. I shall let your own minds wander on that one.

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indeed the person many believe to be adam monroe is kensei (note: not certain yet). they really obvious supporting evidence is the flags chilli mentioned and the godsend sign (note: kensei's sign) being above the door way that those flags were found in *&* being used as the "death symbol" on the pictures sent to the "12".


[glow=red,2,300]SPOILERs! [/glow]Also some theory crafting people have done with evidence on the site I linked that do contain some spoilers for up to episode 12 (I think thats the episode...)




Basically all signs point to the fact that the Hiro/Kensei conflict will resolve with Hiro defeating Kensei and Kensei being buried alive. At some point in the future Kensei is going to be released and become a member of the original 12 (remember the man next to angela with his face blurry? thats not her husband but kensei many believe. they believe that mr. petreli was the white man sitting down in front of her and kaito)


Eventually the 12 begin to break apart, the details on this are scattered so i won't comment on the how. But it is believed that "adam monroe" is in fact Kaito's killer. As we know Peter is currently in the future (the upcoming episode 7) and in episode 8 we have "4 months ago". Its believed that peter is going to flee the future and land in the past during the events of 4 months ago when he fought Elle and the Haitin and the haitin wiped his memory, future peter then tells adam (kensei) to leave a note in france, montreal, for peter so that the current time line peter can go there and eventually follow the time line this peter is on. This also shows us how all the plots are going to tie together except for the sylar/maya plot. shown here:


Peter, adam (kensei), HRG, and the Haitain are going to team up to take down the company

Bob, Elle, Niki, Mat, Nathan Molly, and Suresh will team up to take down the killer of the 12/protect the company (mixed goals aligned by stopping the same people)

Clair/West story line will fit in with West turning Clair against her father who he will convince is working for the company once again. As of now its suspected either clair or suresh will be the one to kill HRG.

Hiro is in fact the Dragon from the Kensei story that he heard as a child and "when the Dragon comes for kensei's Princess he plucks out his own heart and gives it to the dragon" seen as Kensei does truly love Yaeko and when defeated by Hiro he will give Yaeko away to him. At this time its unknown whether Hiro will be joining the cast in the future or whether they will write off his plot as him staying in the past with his love.

Maya/sylar/Alejhandro story line we don't have any evidence for. but peopel have been sheer *guessing* that Maya is somehow connected to the virus. Because Alejandro is not a main character people also think that he will die soon. Possibly Sylar kills him to take his power but leaves Maya alive because "shes a shiny new toy for me to play with".

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My view on the Hiro/Takezo/Yaeko situation.


There are two possible situations. It is very possible that dragon is EITHER of the two considering the new developments in the story. I implore you to go check out the Yamagato Fellowship and watch to the very end of the videos. It says at the end that all three vanish from the world. There is the one possibility. Takezo is the dragon, though considering that the dragon was so touched by Kensei's actions at the end of the story and he gave his life back to him after placing his heart in his chest it is all too likely that Hiro is the dragon.


Takezo = Dragon: He is the dragon. All that Yaeko loved in him was truly what she loved in Hiro. Hiro is constantly adamant that he cannot fracture the time/space continuum, and he feels terrible for falling in love with her. The Dragon wishes for her love, and demands it from him. Hiro, reluctantly, hands over his love because he truly believes that he must preserve history as the way it was. The vague possibility that when he cuts his heart out Takezo is so moved by his actions he somehow discovers he can breathe life back into people. Of course, this is far-fetched but it's Heroes. Anything is possible.


Hiro = Dragon. Hiro came along, and he taught Takezo how to become a good man and not a lecherous alcoholic bastard. But the price was dear, Hiro too fell in love with Yaeko. Seeing the kiss, he felt betrayed. The story of Takezo unfolds over time. The end being that Takezo cuts out his heart, handing over Yaeko to Hiro. Hiro, touched by the actions and knowing that he cannot do this, places his heart back inside Takezo. Due to his powers his life is restored.


Now, Yaeko was the one who wrote the original Takezo Tapestries, telling the story. It makes it hard to choose which one to go with, knowing that Yaeko fell in love with Hiro. It would make it feel as if she would be biased towards him, and considering Takezo's deceitful actions. Also, all three of them disappeared never to be seen again. No one knows what happens. It makes me feel that Hiro took them all  to the present, also supporting Adam Monroe = Takezo Kensei.

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I think, one question is if Hiro does that, would he go to the 'present' or the 'present' Peter is at?

I ask this, simply because If Hiro goes to the present Peter is at, that would imply that there is some kind of 'pull' to other 'time travelers'. Otherwise, Hiro would have no reason to go there. If anything he would go back to right after syler got wtfpwned. So we would have 1 year later, and of course 4 months ago.

That, or the 'peter' timeline will be finished before Hiro returns.



On a side note, If Hiro is doing everything the way it was supposed to have happened, and the story remains true still, and what were saying about being 'disapeared for ever', perhaps Hiro escaped? And Hiro becomes histories, Kensia. And the 'orginal' seeks revenge, lets hatred grow in his heart. Waiting, a good 600 years to find Hiro... I think a man, who has waited that long, would probably be far more 'powerfull' then Slyer ever was. Not to mention, being around that long, you learn a few things. Like setting up things like the Company, what better way to find 'hiro' then a 'company' that tracks down people like him?


On a side note when the 'mysterious' killer, kills Hiro's father, he pushes him off the edge of the building. And he went down with him.

So unless he can fly, the only people who could have surived that fall was either Claire, Peter, Nathan, Possibly slyar. But they all have an Aliby. So the only other person that we know of is... Kensia. And unless Peter/Nathans Dad isn't really dead, I believe this maybe what happens..


Also, have you noticed how everyone has someone they know in the picture? Nathan/Peters mother/father.

Hiro's father,

Fat cops father

Claires 'fathers'.

Then theres black guy and skitzo ladies 'pimp' (the mobster guy)  I believe was in that picture.

That 'company' man we've been seeing so much was in there to. I'm not sure, but was Suresh's father in it to?


Have we 'seen' the entire picture? If we have, was Kensia in it?


just a random thought, have we even seen peters Fathers face? If we haven't, It would be pretty damned funny if Peters/Nathans father was Kensia.

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Peter's father can't be Kensei due to a cannon Heroes comic that was done showing the events of when Mr. Petrelli met Linderman (Petrelli is shot and lays dying for a good bit before linderman comes over to heal him. when Linderman heals him Mr. Petrelli freaks out because he's never seen anything like that ever before)


What is being theorized is that the man with the unseen face is Kensei, but Mr. Petrelli is the fat white man sittign infront of Kaito and Mrs. Petrelli

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Peter's father can't be Kensei due to a cannon Heroes comic that was done showing the events of when Mr. Petrelli met Linderman (Petrelli is shot and lays dying for a good bit before linderman comes over to heal him. when Linderman heals him Mr. Petrelli freaks out because he's never seen anything like that ever before)


What is being theorized is that the man with the unseen face is Kensei, but Mr. Petrelli is the fat white man sittign infront of Kaito and Mrs. Petrelli


Well, I wasn't sure if we had seen his face or not, so it was a good thought while it lasted. :P

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There are three unknown women and three unknown men in the picture. Two of the men and two of the women look like they are white, and one of the men and one of the women look like they may be Hispanic/Latino (related to the twins??). This site has the faces of all the twelve in that picture, and postulates that Kensei IS Mr. Petrelli. I'm more interested in Kensei NOT being a Petrelli, but meh.



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ok...now that i've edited out the swear words... >:(


Heroes season two (this whole story line!!!) is ending December 3rd due to the strike.


Rather then take the viewer loss that Heroes took last year when it took its break Heroes has officially decided to change the ending to one of the episodes and have that be the climax of the season (rather then just being the end of the generations arc).




seen there



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So, tonights episode was 2 hours early, as I discovered a half hour into the episode cause Prison Break has some stupid extra-long episode.


Anyways, thats on Global... I dunno about the American stations, and I'll wait til I know when your episode was played before posting stuff about it.

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Its the Canadian NBC.


So I liked tonights episode, and Peter's storyline made a lot more sense after I actually saw the first half of it. Very pivotal, I hope Hiro encounter's Adam soon. I don't think Bob actually realises just how old Adam is.

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We knew that before the season even started!


Kaito being the first to get killed makes a lot more sense now. Wonder why Adam didn't take more of an interest in Hiro in all the time he was working with his father, though.

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