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Heroes Discussion Redux


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oooh, yeah! I can resurrect my 9th level chaotic-good half-elvish fighter-mage!


*digs around in his old D&D files from high school*


ewww no wonder your such a tree hugger! Half-Elvish? Figther-Mage? You might as well be a Druid! This explains so much...



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Agreed.... from AICN:


My ardor for “Heroes” continues to wane!


It is spinning its wheels and needs to find traction fast!


PETER. Beaten by Irishmen who want iPods. Sponge-bathed by Caitlin. Discovers he can heal. Discovers he can phase. Saves Caitlin from gangster’s son. Won’t get his driver’s license back unless he helps with a robbery. Why not just zap the guy until he gives you what you want?


CLAIRE. Loses her new Nissan (so peeping flying-boy can retrieve it?). She is also much more shocked than the viewers when her toe grows back.


NOAH. Has one of eight Isaac paintings and will search for the missing seven. Why is he working that stupid CopyKingdom job? Does he need that big CopyKingdom salary so he can give Claire the flashy Nissan? Is threatening his CopyKingdom boss the best possible way to lay low?


MATT. Investigates Nakamura’s murder. Brings in Angela Petrelli for questioning.


ANGELA. “We did something terrible and now someone wants revenge,” thinks Mama Petrelli just before something scratches her bloody inside an interrogation room. We kinda figured that out last week.


NATHAN. Still has a giant beard.


HIRO. Impersonates Kensei and saves the princess. Learns Kensei can do the cheerleader’s trick. Hiro couldn’t save his girlfriend/waitress but now he can alter and re-alter history? Since your powers are obviously firing on all cylinders, shouldn’t he maybe get back to the future in case the forces of good need help with Sylar?


MOHINDER. Cures the virus-stricken Haitian. He and Noah and the Haitian are all working together now. Quite the meh reveal!


MAYA & ALEJANDRO. Maya can cry deadly black tears; her brother can make them evaporate. “We are going to America to find a real doctor.” You and your brother and your superpower are boring.


Remember how great the episode-ending cliffhangers were last season?


Betcha Sylar works for the good guys this year. Tonight’s installment:


2.3 "KINDRED" - Oct. 8

BOTH IN PAST AND PRESENT, SEVERAL HEROES MAKE SHOCKING DISCOVERIES -- NIKI AND MICAH RETURN -- Upon his return to New York, Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy) is unnerved to find an undiscovered Issac Mendez painting that foretells death of someone close to him. Both Claire (Hayden Panettiere) and H.R.G. (Jack Coleman) pursue their own secret personal agendas. Determined to make it to the U.S., Maya (Dania Ramirez) uses her deadly abilities to free Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) from a Mexican jail. Ando (James Kyson Lee) returns to his job in Japan and makes a happy discovery. Meanwhile, in Japan's past, just when Hiro (Masi Oka) had written off Kensei (David Anders), his childhood hero surprises him. Niki (Ali Larter) and Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey) leave Las Vegas in an attempt to start over. Later, Niki and a lost Hero individually strike shady bargains to reach their goals. Two familiar people with abilities make an unexpected return. Dana Davis, Noah Gray-Cabey, Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar, Zachary Quinto, Milo Ventimiglia also star. Nick D'Agosto, Katie Carr, Ashley Crow, Cristine Rose, Barry Shabaka Henley, Dominic Keating, Holt McCallany, Eriko Tamura, Adair Tishler and Stephen Tobolowsky guest star.



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Clearly, there is a shortage of shirts in Ireland. I propose that Mohinder go there on a secret mission. Pretty, pretty Mohinder.


Also? Claire, sweetie, darling. Do NOT encourage your creepy stalker/harasser by allowing him to whisk you off to some beach somewhere for a make out session.  Just because you can't be physically damaged doesn't mean that you hurt be hurt, sweetie.

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I thought the scene at the end with Claire and Noah was well done with all the tension... the scene where Peter got his box back was far too predictable though. Why would he ever open it? That just kills a storyline right there.

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So, we now have TWO ex-Trekkies on Lost. Do we think Uhuru is another of the Nine?? She's about the right age, and if she's related to DL/Micah, it continues with the parent theme we've seen in three of that group that we already know.



Peter: The godsend symbol appeared on his arm while he was kissing Irish Chick, the way it appeared on Nikki when she was Jessica. He was violent and part of him wanted to kill the dude he had pinned to the wall. Is this Nikki/Jessica's ability manifesting? Was he ever close enough to her to get that power?



Poor HRG. I liked him. Wonder how long it will take until he's gone?



And the BIGGEST news, according to the teaser for next week, NATHAN LOSES THE BEARD. Thank goodness.  ;D

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whiny hairy can go chew nails cause I like season 2. Sure it isn't as pure awesome as last season was yet but things take time.


Niki/Micah= interesting. Micah's living with a grandma who we know *SPOILER* is going to have a power of her own. Anyone wanna place bets she's on of the 9? *SPOILER* Niki seems to be sided with Goldmember (don't know his real name and it sounds better then Mities imo^^) to try and be cured but needs to do a "favor" once more. Seems to me that nikki didn't win but rather the two did indeed merge.


Sylar= they killed Candace off so quickly! I'm sad! but it was imo a very well played death though it as obvious a mile away. Who are Candance's "partners"? We know she was working directly for Linderman which means she obviously had connections with the 9. They said tonights episode showed us what sylar does but I honestly couldn't make out wtf it was. It looked like he took a small triangle out of her head (wasn't that the coffee mug shard?). Anyone care to explain whether he does indeed eat the brain or not? <3 that they took away his normal powers though and it shows us that some things still haven't changed (in 5 years later sylar had candances ability)


Peter= ok I gotta admit this storyline is meh so far to me but it still has plenty of time to catch up. As for his tattoo becoming the godsend symbol who knows. It *MIGHT* have something to do with his anger issues this episode cuz we know he never had those previously.


Clair/HRG/Mohinder= At first I was depressed but the very ending of this left me freaking ecstatic! I've been hoping all along that West was only going after Clair for revenge on HRG but now it seems he doesn't know HRG is Clair's dad and somethign says he might not forgive old HRG to easily (namely that West and Clair look to be having a make out session when HRG is shot through the eye). HRG and Mohinder's storylines are picking up pace with his exposed death portrate. But I don't see as of yet how they plan to bring the company down.


Hiro/Kensei= awww Hiro is in love again XD. Mind we don't actually know yet whether things arn't happening exactly as they were meant to. We know that Kensei was given his power by the Dragon and then in return the Dragon would have the heart of his love. When the Dragon came Kensei ripped out his own heart and gave it to the Dragon and died. At least according to myth. What if the dragon was Hiro? the one who exposed his power to him and forced him down the path to become who he truly is. Then confesses his love in the end to Kensei's love and demands that Kensei give her to him for what he has done for Kensei. Instead Kensei kills himself by plucking out his own heart and giving it to Hiro.


and on a side note: *VERY* happy they killed off DL, wish more woulda died but then again: Linderman (thats still amazes me that they were willing to toss away such an awesome bad guy so quickly!), DL and Candance all dead? thats much more then most shows are willing to kill off. I r happy vemy bunny


And I can't believe I'm going to say this but...I don't actually know if I want HRG to die or not! him and Hiro are tied as my favorite characters! I think I'm more into the awesome acting talent of the man who plays HRG then HRG's character but still! Then again, if they kill him off it could add *VOLUMES* to the show. And NOTHING cements a character's fame like a really well written death scene.


What you guys think?


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I find myself caring little of the mexican kidlets plotline... possibly because we do not know how it will tie in with the others.


That flying boy is freaky.  Something is up with him.  Wouldn't it be weird if it was Claire's brother? 


Mohinder bores me.  Nuff said. 


I like how Claire is developing.  As Kathana stated, she is damaged and she can't seem to heal that.


I am interested in Hiro's timeline and continue to wonder why he just doesn't come back to the future a few seconds after he left. 


The best part of the show was the end of course.  What is the fate of HRG?  Every predicition has come true in some way.... will they really kill off one of the best characters? 


Sylar continues to be my favorite character.  I perked up whenever we go to his plotline.  I am intrigued he has lost his powers and could not successfully steal other's abilities.   

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I'm wondering if Candice is really dead.  Having Sylar trapped in the middle of a forest isn't out the realm of her abilities, nor is having Sylar believe he killed her.  Having his powers blocked is also something she could do.  They could actually be working, but her illusions make him think they arn't.


It's a good thing the company got rid of the Haitian too.  Man was he not doing his job.  He manages to erase a day from the kids mind but doesn't erase the initial encounter with Noah?  Not good work.  Well that is unless the Haitian wasn't around then, but it seems like if it happened only a few years ago, the Haitian should have been around.


Speaking of Noah, I also hope that he survives his predicted fate.  He's too good of a character to leave the show.  Most of the rest are expendible, but he needs to stay.


Poor Hiro.  Falling in love with another woman he can't have.  Unless he does something colosally stupid and brings her back to the future with him.  That would fit with Kensei ripping out his heart and giving it to the Dragon.



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I think Candice is really dead, because she was fat.  If she had ANY ability to control her illusions, she would have been the hot chick still.  Witness last season when she was knocked out, but still looked hot. I think her fatness was our signal that she was really dead this time.

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I agree that showing fat Candice is a big hole in my theory.  I also liked the old candice better, but I think whoever the new actress was did a good job.  I don't know if it was intentional or not, but there was one scene where she smiled and I swear it seemed to me like the old Candice's smile. 

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Yeah i think Candice is gone. It's a pitty too, because i love Missy Peregrim.


The one hope is that with Sylars abilities blocked by the illness that he did not absorb hers.


Ultimately though, this episode bored me. Peter, Nikki and Mohinder's storylines were absurdly predictable, Claire's whilst interesting in terms of personal growth was not enough to hold the show. About the only storyline that held its worth was Hiro's.

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Actually, I kinda liked the mexican's storyline, because obviously they are going to fit into the Mohinder bit at some point, and we did discover that the girl's power acts up under duress, rather than just any time her brother is gone.


I also think the guy they rescued from jail might have a power, although it may not be very important to the storyline.

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Well, I got the feeling that she may indeed have some control over her power, at least at times. She was under duress of a certain kind when she worked over the police officers, but she also seemed to have decided to be the murderess, which means she took control of herself, and I think her use of power was a choice, which it didn't seem to be, earlier. It's possible that this whole flight from their home to the US has been enough duress that her power is on the verge of manifesting nearly all the time, and only does when a) she is under even more acute stress than the general stress of running and hiding, and thus her minimal control is lost, or b) she chooses to let go of the control, as she seems to do in the prison.


What's happened to Sylar is the most interesting thing going on right now, besides Peter's chest. They need to step up the other plotlines soon, or start showing more of Peter when he's angry and half naked. ^_^

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Shocking confession?? Does Angela finally reveal tonight the details of a spicy 1972 three-way with Charles Deveaux and Kaito Nakamura?


Let’s check in!


PETER. The most powerful of the superpeople cannot control his powers and must rob an armored truck to retrieve his personal effects. He wins trust by defeating a traitor and gets his stuff back but is afraid to look at it.


MAYA & ALEJANDRO. “Run, Maya!” Still days from the U.S. border, the wonder twins try to steal a car and get tossed in Mexican stir. They wind up speeding north in Claire’s stolen Rogue.


JESSIKI. Drops Micah off with Uhura in K-Ville, then arrives at PrimaTech’s New York offices looking for a “cure.”


SYLAR. Can’t pull his powers on line, even after he carves him some Candace.


MOHINDER. Discovers his new PrimaTech lab is in Isaac’s old studio.


ANDO. Notices his name is on Hiro’s sword and there have been little notes in its handle for 400 years.


HIRO. “We have to re-write history!” Takezo Kensei learns he has Claire-power and retrieves a scroll from 90 angry Ronin. Hiro discovers his time-powers will not yet let him flee ancient Japan.


CLAIRE. “I’m going to class.” “Don’t do your nails on the way!” Claire learns West can fly and that daddy Noah once bagged and tagged him.


NOAH. Learns from the final Isaac painting that Claire will stand over Noah’s bullet-ridden skull, making out with some dude.


MATT & MOLLY. Got nothing cameos.


NATHAN, ANGELA & THE HAITIAN. Got last week off.


NBC describes tonight’s installment:




AS SECRETS ABOUT THE PREVIOUS GENERATION OF HEROES ARE REVEALED, A NEW HERO EMERGES IN POST-KATRINA NEW ORLEANS -- While taking care of her brother Damon (guest star Carlon Jeffery), grandmother Nana (guest star Nichelle Nichols) and cousin Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey) between shifts at a local fast food joint, Monica Dawson (Dana Davis) begins to exhibit some unexpected new abilities. Angela Petrelli (guest star Cristine Rose) makes a shocking confession as new information about the previous generation of Heroes is revealed. With Molly's (guest star Adair Tishler) "boogyman" continuing to turn her dreams into nightmares, Matt (Greg Grunberg) asks her to put aside her fears and locate him on a map -- with terrible results. Suspecting Claire (Hayden Panettiere) has a new boyfriend, H.R.G. (Jack Coleman) fears for the future. As they get closer to the U.S., Maya (Dania Ramirez) and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) make a grim discovery on the road. David Anders, James Kyson Lee, Masi Oka, Adrian Pasdar, Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Milo Ventimiglia also star. Randall Bentley, Ashley Crow, Barry Shabaka Henley and Jimmy Jean-Louis guest star.

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