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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Did anyone else love the scene where Parkman was interrogating Mrs. Petreli?  It showed her actually being cool for a little while.  The coy little smile when she realizes what Matt is doing and then shouting in her mind "Get out of my head!".


Speaking of Claire she must really be a masochist.  I know she can heal and all, but doesn't she still feel the pain?  I mean geez cutting off her toe with a scissors?!?!  That must hurt pretty bad. 


Nice to see Peter getting all bad @$$.  Though with all his power why doesn't he just take the box?  I mean these guys beat him and tied him up.  It's not like he really owes them anything.  Though I guess it wouldn't do much for the plot if he just did that.

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I gotta say, I loved this episode. Everything lacking about the first episode was present again in this one... the charisma, the beat, the tone. All back again.


My first thought--Mrs Petrelli. She was seemingly attacked by something that wasn't there. This bears marked similarities with the way that Kaito was attacked, and then the attacker was no where in sight. Since it seems likely that they were the same attacker, it occurs to me that the attacker has some form of astral projection ability. The ability to manifest yourself and act where you arn't.


My Second Thought--Isaacs paintings. Did anyone else notice that HRG mentioned that there were eight of them. One of those eights depicts the death of Kaito. Now, we know that there are nine remaining members of the previous generations group of heroes. One of those members is seemingly killing the others. That leaves eight, the same number of paintings. Kaito is the first, do the other seven depict the deaths of... the other Seven?


My Third Thought--it seems i was right about the relation between Maya and Alejandro. His ability does seem to be to control hers.


My Fourth Thought--I think that Kensei is in play in the modern plot as well as Hero's plot--specifically, i think he is either 'Mcsorty'? or in control of him (as in, influecing the Irish mobster thread. Nothing really to support it but a feeling, but yeah i wanted it stated for when it becomes clearer.



Beyond that some general thoughts. Mrs Petrelli 'get out of my head!' was awesome, and finally Peter is hot, rather than looking like an angsty teenage emo.


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I've wondered if Kensei is also the main villain in the future.. the one that is worse than Sylar and controls the cockroaches or whatever it is.  That guy is supposed to be hundreds of years old, so maybe Kensei turns evil over time becoming the true head of Yamamoto (spl?) and the reason Hiro's Dad has the sword or something...

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That's kind of the lines I was thinking along. And "I have no need of a sword - I have all of yours!"  ;D ;D  And of course the Irish mobsters are some kind of revenge for The Black Donnellys tanking. Great episode.

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My first thought--Mrs Petrelli. She was seemingly attacked by something that wasn't there. This bears marked similarities with the way that Kaito was attacked, and then the attacker was no where in sight. Since it seems likely that they were the same attacker, it occurs to me that the attacker has some form of astral projection ability. The ability to manifest yourself and act where you arn't.

That would be awesome. Beats invisibility any day.  ;D


My Second Thought--Isaacs paintings. Did anyone else notice that HRG mentioned that there were eight of them. One of those eights depicts the death of Kaito. Now, we know that there are nine remaining members of the previous generations group of heroes. One of those members is seemingly killing the others. That leaves eight, the same number of paintings. Kaito is the first, do the other seven depict the deaths of... the other Seven?

Exactly what I thought when HRG mentioned them. It leaves the one remaining member of the 9 as the killer, or person behind the killer, as was alluded to in the previous episode.


My Third Thought--it seems i was right about the relation between Maya and Alejandro. His ability does seem to be to control hers.

I hope it's more generalized than just being able to absorb or undo whatever Maya's power is. It would be interesting to see him be able to work against other people's misuse of their powers as well, like the Haitian, but in an active rather than passive way.


I'm still not completely convinced that it's a simple physical separation that causes Maya's powers to activate, nor that simple physical nearness to her brother is the direct reason that they remain under control. Clearly his power does create a balance to hers by being able to absorb/undo/etc the damage she's done, but I don't know that saying his power "controls" hers is quite the right terminology. It's clearly possible, since we haven't seen quite enough of the two of them to know the full relationship, but I'm still suspicious that she's got a bit of Ted Sprague's problem, in that her power has a tendency to manifest when she gets especially agitated, and that she will be able to learn to control it without relying on her brother.


My Fourth Thought--I think that Kensei is in play in the modern plot as well as Hero's plot--specifically, i think he is either 'Mcsorty'? or in control of him (as in, influecing the Irish mobster thread. Nothing really to support it but a feeling, but yeah i wanted it stated for when it becomes clearer.

This makes sense, as it gives a reason for us to go back in time to meet him at all. I mean, it's a fun story, and could be developed just so we see Hiro continue to grow, but that seems like a lot of effort for no larger reason.


so maybe Kensei turns evil over time becoming the true head of Yamamoto (spl?) and the reason Hiro's Dad has the sword or something...

I'm confused... Are we still talking about the sword Hiro stole from Mr. Linderman's collection? When did Daddy Nakamura have it? I'm not being contentious, I simply can't remember the details.  :D




1. Yes, Peter is hot.  8)

2. I don't like the Irish accent of the head Irish guy. Is it fake? It sounds like it's there sometimes, but not always.  :P

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I hope it's more generalized than just being able to absorb or undo whatever Maya's power is. It would be interesting to see him be able to work against other people's misuse of their powers as well, like the Haitian, but in an active rather than passive way.


I'm still not completely convinced that it's a simple physical separation that causes Maya's powers to activate, nor that simple physical nearness to her brother is the direct reason that they remain under control. Clearly his power does create a balance to hers by being able to absorb/undo/etc the damage she's done, but I don't know that saying his power "controls" hers is quite the right terminology. It's clearly possible, since we haven't seen quite enough of the two of them to know the full relationship, but I'm still suspicious that she's got a bit of Ted Sprague's problem, in that her power has a tendency to manifest when she gets especially agitated, and that she will be able to learn to control it without relying on her brother.


I agree... and we even have some evidence that it is more than that. He pulls in the sickness from Maya, but also from the woman that Maya killed. He seems to pull the effects into himself, rather than stopping the power at its source, like the Haitian.


This makes sense, as it gives a reason for us to go back in time to meet him at all. I mean, it's a fun story, and could be developed just so we see Hiro continue to grow, but that seems like a lot of effort for no larger reason.










I've read mention of Hiro encountering a 1000 year old warrior and Peter encountering a 1000 year old Mobster. It doesn't make sense when put together since Kensei would be 1,400 in Peters time, or 600 in Hiro's depending on which is correct, but there does seem to be some support for the connection in the spoilers.







Quote from: The Outsider on October 02, 2007, 07:49:43 AM

so maybe Kensei turns evil over time becoming the true head of Yamamoto (spl?) and the reason Hiro's Dad has the sword or something...

I'm confused... Are we still talking about the sword Hiro stole from Mr. Linderman's collection? When did Daddy Nakamura have it? I'm not being contentious, I simply can't remember the details. 


As far as we know, Kaito Nakamura never possessed Kensei's sword. Linderman did for a time, but Kaito never did.



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As far as we know, Kaito Nakamura never possessed Kensei's sword. Linderman did for a time, but Kaito never did.



Yeah, I messed up the details since I haven't seen it since last season.  I think you guys missed my point becuase you were so focused on the details though.. That being that Kensei might be behind Linderman and the company and Kaito and Mrs. Petrelli and the whole thing... we've already seen a tendency for greed from him, what if he grows worse over time instead of becoming a hero?  I know it probably won't be the way it turns out, but I'm just wondering that since the actor who is playing Kensei was also rumored to be playing the centuries old villain at the time he was cast.  What if he is both? (I should mention I read no spoilers so it is all pure speculation)

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I had a really funny post all typed out to respond to Luckers' pseudo-spoiler, but my login timed out while I was writing it, and it was lost. I'm not going to write it again. Grr.  >:(



Outsider - I agree with you. I knew what you meant when you first brought it up, but I had nothing more interesting to say than "I think that's likely," so I skipped it to clarify my question about the sword's possessor. ^_^

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Yes, at one point does the body stop aging? I mean, I'm assuming we'll see Kensei at the same "age" in present time as we do in feudal Japan. If his ability is really the same as Claire's in every respect, what made him stop aging in his 30s, instead of younger, or older? Or does a person stop aging at the age they think they should be/want to be, as with Eddings' Belgarath the Sorcerer?

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Yes, at one point does the body stop aging? I mean, I'm assuming we'll see Kensei at the same "age" in present time as we do in feudal Japan. If his ability is really the same as Claire's in every respect, what made him stop aging in his 30s, instead of younger, or older? Or does a person stop aging at the age they think they should be/want to be, as with Eddings' Belgarath the Sorcerer?


It's like the Highlander franchise:  Even though Christopher Lambert aged 15 years between Highlander and Highlander: Endgame, we are supposed to pretend the character hasn't aged a day in hundreds of years... ;D

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If Kensai is the 1000 year old guy, then what if Hiro's being in the past will change him, and as such change his effect on history, and as such changes current events, like Hiro's father's death and such?


I haven't been following this show at all... but when it comes to Time Travel, well. It perks my interest. (GO JOURNEYMAN!)

That said, a common theme is the 'self fulfilling prophecy'. That being, his very being in the past is likely to be the entire reason why the future happened the way it did, and by not going there history would have changed, thusly causing a paradox that he went back in time before he was born. :D


<3 time travel paradoxes.

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Except that last season we saw that the bomb DID go off, and then they ended up being able to prevent it. So at least in this show, changing the past does indeed seem to change the future.


Or does it? :P

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Or does it not allow someone to not change what in the past does indeed seem not to change the future...or not?


Or perhaps we are just seeing it from one perspective of the timeline and not as a whole, and obviously what was meant to happen, happened, or it couldn't have happend at all, as time travel is impossible unless it is 'meant' to happen in the concept of 'fate' aspect of plot devices. :P


Kinda like when superman saved lious lane by travelling back in time, that wouldn't have happend unless sueprmans fate could had nothing to do with lious lane bearing his future children who turn out to be supermans great great grandpa.... :P

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