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Can a damane kill her sul'dam?

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I'm new to this forum and I just started to read The Shadow Rising. and now this question occurred again (it already occurred while reading The Great Hunt):


Can a damane kill her sul'dam?


Of course the damane herself would be killed, too. But as far as I understood how an a'dam works (it does not prevent using the Power against her sul'dam, but it hurts the damane twice as strong), a damane should be able to kill her sul'dam in order to be released from her pain.


The relationship seems to be more complicated than that


The suldam seems to control the weaves (at least the more experienced ones), additionally the suldam can sense what the damane intends, they'd know in advance if the damane was planning to attack and stop it (think egwene and the water pitcher)


I think this is possible very very early after being collared. But anyway, is that an Arrow sig BFG!?!? Bloody awesome whichever it is!!


Also, huge greetings new arrival!! Great name, too :)


I think this is possible very very early after being collared. But anyway, is that an Arrow sig BFG!?!? Bloody awesome whichever it is!!


Also, huge greetings new arrival!! Great name, too :)

Maybe, egwene managed to punch her suldam before she knew the consequences, but the suldam said she should have predicted and prevented it


Suspect it comes down to the experience of the suldam more than the ability/will of the damane



And thanks, the Sig was by Nynaeve <3


Also, huge greetings new arrival!! Great name, too :)



Thx :)


Maybe, egwene managed to punch her suldam before she knew the consequences, but the suldam said she should have predicted and prevented it

Suspect it comes down to the experience of the suldam more than the ability/will of the damane


yeah, this seems plausible. Thank you.


My guess it not with the power or while the Suldam has the bracelt on.   You would have to display/feel no emotions etc., since they can feel your emotions etc.  So any sudden change of emotions would alert them.  My guess is your only hope would be when the bracelet is off.  Since the Suldam contols the flow, actually killing her with the power would be hard.


From TGH Egwene hand started cramping when she tried to touch a knife.  She had to make herself think about not touching it for the pain to stop.  She also says "Damane are not allowed to touch a weapon of any kind.  No damane is ever left alone where she might jump from a height-that window is nailed shut- or throw herself in a river."  She also said she cannot touch anything she even thought of as a weapon".  So they seem to take great care to make sure they can't even kill themselves.


If a Damane even thinks of something as a weapon they cannot touch it to pick it up.  There was a scene where Egwene thought about how she had thought of throwing an innocuous object at her Suldam and couldn't pick it up for days or even go near it.  Her wash basin, iirc, it took her days for her to be able to approach it again much to her regret about her smell.  That or her hair brush.  She had to cinvince heself she would NEVER even consider doing that and had to groom herself into thinking the object wasn't a weapon.


The way I understand it is that either the Damane will not want to harm the Sul'dam (weird Stockholm's syndrome?) or the Sul'dam will anticipate it through the collared bond. I'm sure there's a whole range of possibilities in between that the author(s) don't get specific about. This is how I think about it, though. 


Im sure there's some extrenuous situation. Like I dont remember what the physical consequenses were for the damane if they tried to channel when the leash was on the wall, but Im sure there was one, but one that could probably be fought through if you had no regard for your own life (unless the collar just limits channeling all together).
Like if a suldam took her damane to survey a cliff of some kind for whatever reason, and the damane had a flash idea and acted quickly on it, they could probably push the suldam off and kill them both. especially since stopping yourself from falling is pretty hard to do / physically impossible with the power iirc.
either way, theyd have to be crazy suicidal, and even then it would be really hard to pull off. I mean look at SPOILER



<spoiler>that one damane they freed in the path of daggers who was like 700 years old, as powerful as Lanfear, and hated all suldam. pretty sure if there was a way to pull it off, she would have come up with it at some point.</spoiler>


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