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AMOL Orbit Cover and Jacket Text

Jason Denzel

Orbit Books, which produces Robert Jordan's books in the United Kingdom, Australia, and other locations, released their cover for A Memory of Light.

Click here, or on the image shown for a larger version. 

In addition to the cover, Orbit released the text that will appear on the hardcover jacket:

And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died.’ From Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon.

In the Field of Merrilor the rulers of the nations gather to join behind Rand al’Thor, or to stop him from his plan to break the seals on the Dark One’s prison – which may be a sign of his madness, or the last hope of humankind. Egwene, the Amyrlin Seat, leans toward the former.

In Andor, the Trollocs seize Caemlyn.

In the wolf dream, Perrin Aybara battles Slayer.

Approaching Ebou Dar, Mat Cauthon plans to visit his wife Tuon, now Fortuona, Empress of the Seanchan.

All humanity is in peril – and the outcome will be decided in Shayol Ghul itself. The Wheel is turning, and the Age is coming to its end. The Last Battle will determine the fate of the world..

For twenty years The Wheel of Time has enthralled more than forty million readers in over thirty-two languages. A MEMORY OF LIGHT brings this majestic fantasy creation to its richly satisfying conclusion. 

Working from notes and partials left by Robert Jordan when he died in 2007, and consulting with Jordan’s widow, who edited all of Jordan’s books, established fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson has recreated the vision Jordan left behind.

A Memory of Light will be published on January 8, 2013 in hardcover and audiobook. The eBook will be published on April 9.
Links and other info:

  • Read the opening portion of the AMOL prologue.

  • AMOL info page.

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    Whoa, never realized howing boring the Orbit covers are compared to the Tor ones. Not that it matters greatly, however it does make a difference imo....just glad I started to read the series here in the States.

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    Im in Aus and prefer the orbit covers to Sweet's covers.


    eBooks > Orbit > Sweet's is my preferance.

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    I called this, I did. Wait till I find my post...




      On 4/13/2012 at 4:56 AM, Vieira151 said:


    Or maybe it'll be in reverse! Writing in gold, but Black wheel and white background?


    Not perfect, but oh so close. :P

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    I wish I could buy a copy with both covers and switch them whenever I started getting bored of one.

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    In Andor, the Trollocs seize Caemlyn.

    In the wolf dream, Perrin Aybara battles Slayer.

    Approaching Ebou Dar, Mat Cauthon plans to visit his wife..... :)

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    Wow. This must have taken them literally minutes to produce. I only have one UK Orbit cover (despite being a Brit) as I couldn't bring myself to buy the infamous breakdancing Rand cover. Role on the Whelan cover.

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    This is my favourite Orbit cover so far. Perfect choice of colour. And I'm liking the sound of Mat meeting up with Tuon again - it sounds significant to the plot :3

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    A nice cover, but I also prefer the ebook covers over all the painted ones. They seem so much more epic and exciting, rather than the traditional (somewhat boring) covers.

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    omg this is the cover? do they not feel this book deserves an awesome cover? i was excited over Tor's cover. i hope i can buy the tor version in australia. i didn't know orbit releases the books in aus. i do not wish to buy THIS book with that cover. if i cannot buy the tor version i probably will wait for the ebook.

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    I have bought every Book as it came out in the US and I can honestly say that i greatly prefer the Orbit book covers and i really like this one.

    They just look classy to me. Some of the artwork on WOT covers was not all that great.


    I plan on buying the entire set from Amazon UK so i can sit them all on my book shelf and not touch them. I will reread the US versions.


    If only they would release a leather bound edition for collectors with simply the wheel of time logo on the cover (Orbit style).

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    WOW! The Bean counter's design is sad. For the last book of such a great series you would thing more effort and money would have been put into the front cover design.

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    I kind of like it. The understated-ness of it really shouts that the inside is going to be epic. The other Orbit covers have been really bold in a "there it is" kind of way and this is so "light" that it shows the importance of the last one. IAH though, nothing compares to the Sweet ones, they were integral in gaining an image of the characters, for me. Such as Rand in his red coat, and Perrin with his axe.

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    As a lover of the traditional fantasy artwork covers, the UK Orbit covers suck is so many ways I can't even begin to describe them. I will as usual be ordering the US artwork version.


    I honestly think Orbit have really missed a trick with these super simple cover designs. The power of a book cover to attract spur of the moment purchases purely from the appeal of the artwork and characters portrayed should never be under estimated IMO!

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    I like the orbit covers, wish they would do a reprint of books 1-9(hardcover). Got all the boojs in hardcover, 1-9 with tor covers, 10-13 with the orbit ones. Personally I prefer the Orbit covers.

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    I think it conveys more than the ToR version. Since all other nooks I have are of orbit this is going to grace my bookshelf next. I like the way with simplicity it goes with the title and says "this book is epic"


    And the text is going to keep the mind running till the book comes. Probably I would have no sleep till I finish. And more sleepless nights before.

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    I love it! The Orbit covers have a great aesthetic and look wonderful on the shelf - they have a continuing theme and simplicity that belies the complexity of the novels. The fact that they have chosen a white version as opposed to the usual black covers for this final book seems significant and appropriate considering the title.




    Plus I was never a fan of the ToR artwork.

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    I do admire simplicity but personally I do love the artwork of the covers. It just sparks imagination and for me, musical creativity. When I saw the new cover art I felt compelled to write a song, aptly named, The Dragon Reborn.


    Plus white hurts my eyes too much! :D

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    I used to work in a library, and one problem with the WoT Orbit paperback books were that they fell apart so quickly and constantly needed replacing - to an extent that we stopped replacing them! The Tor ones seem rather more robust. The library certainly couldn't afford a hardback, and white wouldn't last a minute before becoming blotchy grey! While the wheel-&-serpent icon is dramatic and pleasing, and there is a sort of 'classiness' to this collection, I like the pictures; I think they're more likely to entice new readers because despite the phrase, people DO judge books by the cover.

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    I much prefer the book covers here in the UK, which are usually much plainer. It seems a bit odd to have a pictorial representation of characters and events on a book cover in my view; plus I don't like it to look like I'm reading teen fiction when I'm on the train (even when I was a teenager I didn't want this!). This one from Orbit is perfect in my view.

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    It's great that we all have different views - I tend to pick covers depending on preference (ie UK GRRM etc). I don't think that I could carry this one on a train though - you'd need a suitcase to carry it round :)


    @Neddy, I buy my books from BookDepository. They ship free to Oz and generally have both UK and US versions available. They are a little more pricey than Amazon but shipping cost generally level it out unless you are buying loads in one go.

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    @ Booksnhorses Thank you for that. I just checked that site out. Its great. And you are right about different views.


    Anyway I checked the other Orbit covers and stand by what I said. They could have atleast done another symbol. Maybe the dragon or the black and white(ancient Aes Sedai symbol). But that's just my opinion. It just wasn't for me.

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