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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Announcement to my mafia games: My internet has been cut off, and my phone is cut off too, so I only have acess on my husbands phone until monday. This means I'll not be able to get on as much, since he has work, and I can't occupy his phone all the time when he's home.

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Not enough coffee yet? 



Just finished my fourth so I'm good for now.





Starbucks made mine wrong this morning. It was just supposed to be mocha, no frothy crap and it turned out all bubbly. Ruined up of coffee...

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Personally I've always liked Starbucks, but then again my taste buds are woefully underdeveloped.  In fact, I only have two taste buds on my tongue.  One registers "good", the other "bad."  I'm pretty sure the "bad" one is now defunct because I happily eat anything.  In a blind taste test I would never be able to tell the difference between different brands of coffee.

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On your way to the Grey house, Not Bob let out a shout. His candy was falling out of his bag through a hole in it that was not there moments before. He managed to pinch the hole together and save some of his candy, as he headed for home.





Not Bob, cheeseburger, roleless town, has been sent home


It is now day 6. With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline Monday noon MST/ 3PM EST

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