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2013... a year of Kinly Awesomeness


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It's that time again, Kinsters and anyone else who wants to play along! I think setting goals is important to everyone and it's a great way to stay on target and get things done.


The best part about this here in the Kin is that we are here to support each other and give motivation to see these goals through. That's the purpose of this thread!


First, decide what goals you are going to work on this year. WRITE THEM DOWN. It's amazing what seeing those goals every day will do for you. Write them in this thread so we can help you realize them!


Second, brag when you accomplish something and let us party with you! It creates warm fuzzy feelings in all of us and provides motivation. Seriously.


Third, celebrate each others accomplishments! I call this positive peer pressure. You help someone else celebrate and you want a piece if that action.


Some things to think about:


*Keep in mind that it takes 21 days of doing something to create a habit.


*Set reasonable goals. Don't set the bar so high you can't reach it.


*Challenge yourself. Setting an easily attainable goal is pointless. The purpose of a goal is to have something to work towards.




So, let's start phase one: Set goals and share them. What do you want to work on this year?




1. Improve Health (diet/exercise.)

2. Go back to work smoothly after almost 5 months off.

3. Handle stress better (yoga, therapy.)

4. Find time for myself (meditation, relaxation tapes, reading.)

5. Save money for various goals.  Vacation to Israel, buy son a car etc.



1- Get organized and stay that way. This scattered stuff is making me batty.


2- Reassess my teaching techiques to incorporate my new Chrome books in class and technology brought by students, too.


3- Eat better, establish an exercise routine, lose weight. My goal is to get back into the outfit I met Kyn in.


4- read more, write more, interact more, keep my blogs updated, keep the Kin buzzing.


5- organize JordanCon schedule so it's less "fly by the seat if my pants" and more professional.


1 - Eat better, be 3/4rs the guy the Lor met.


2 - See Lor in the outfit she met me in... again. 


3 - Actually make JordanCon, as opposed to just planning it.


4 - New, better, job.


5 - Read all the stuff I need to read to sound semi-intelligent if I achieve #3, since I've been told I'm an 'expert'.


This is truly one of my favorite of all the traditions of my Kinsters! *grins* lol and of course our Elegant Eldest is quite right..needs to be a challnge of sorts..ok...the short list for now.


#1 To make a minimum of ten posts in the Kin every week, say from Sunday thru Saturday. LOL y'all can help me keep count and make sure I have plenty of reasons to post!


#2 I want to get back into the good habit of sending each of my cousins and thier spouses birthday cards this year! And googy homemade postcards for the main holidays like Valentine's Day, St. Pat's Day and of course National ludfisk day! LOL!!


#3 To seriously start writing and working towards a novel, starting with some short pieces just to brush out the cobwebs and get the brain working. Perhaps posting some of them here for some constructive critique..hmmm?


#4 ..and as always to work towards a healthier me..instead of taking steps backward this year!


Yup! that'll do for a start!


Phase  2- Lay out a plan to make these goals manageable


1- Get organized and stay that way. This scattered stuff is making me batty.

      a) moved office into the library and organized desktop.

      b) creating a monthly file box to organize monthly stuff

      c) creating a menu calendar so I plan meals more than a few days in advance

      d) wash 1 load of laundry every day (and get it out of the drier!)

      e) focus on a room every week and clean a little bit every day

      f) give Peanut a set of chores to do

     g) create a schedule to keep documents from piling up at school


2- Reassess my teaching techiques to incorporate my new Chrome books in class and technology brought by students, too. 

     a) find a way for students to save and share information without using a hard drive

     b) organize resources they can use online

     c) set up a system for them to use the chrome books 


3- Eat better, establish an exercise routine, lose weight. My goal is to get back into the outfit I met Kyn in. 

     a) Establish an exercise routine that is easy to incorporate into my daily life

     b) track the food I eat using Lose It! via phone

     c) create a motivation wall somewhere I can see it

     d) plan meals ahead of time 

     e) drink more water

     f) cut back Cokes and chocolate

4- read more, write more, interact more, keep my blogs updated, keep the Kin buzzing. 
     a) Establish a reading routine

     b) plan blogs ahead of time

     c) plan activities in the Kin prior to the week before the month starting

     d) carve out time to write, even if it's at school (take Netbook to school so you can cram this in during dead time- hahaha)

5- organize JordanCon schedule so it's less "fly by the seat if my pants" and more professional.

      a) set up schedule

      b) poll FB group for "essential questions" to get an idea of the direction the panels need to take

      c) organize research for panels I'm leading

      d) get the other panelists together via e-mail so we can discuss the direction we want the panel to go and the method of getting it there

      e) e-mail publishers to set up times that fit their travel schedules





4- read more, write more, interact more, keep my blogs updated, keep the Kin buzzing. 


     c) plan activities in the Kyn prior to the week before the month starting


*coughs* That might be the other way around, m'dear.


*laughs* well, I can check things in you, too, I guess. *smirks and edits* Thanks for catching that, love. 

  • 2 weeks later...

you two are so cute! *giggles*


Ok been thinking a bit more specifically...(and I can never get the a b c thingy sorry)


first of all, I need to stop letting my health problems dictate what I do or even try to do. And to have realistic expectations about what is even attemptable.ie: My house needs painted inside freally bad, but I know I can't move furniture, and painting itself is out of the question! However, I can work in my yard..and I want to get it cleaned up and pretty with flowers. BUT.not in one day like I used to..and thats ok..I can take two or three days with a few hours a day, instead of all day. I'll still hurt..but not so much I can't move for two day after. SO...


1. do not let my health problems dictate what I do or attempt to do.

2. to have realistic expectations of myself and pace myself.


secondly...my daddy in law reads the bible cover to cover every year. He starts New Year's Day and finishes a day or two after Chritstmas. No study guide or schedule of how much to read each day..just reads a bit every night. WhY? Not so much an issue of faith, although I know i'll argue with God about some things, *smiles* but also because I have forgotten things. It's like my brain has atrophied! And to that point, I also want to read one nonfiction book every month. then write book report/review. Then post it in the Knitting Circle and invite comments..actually that might be something all the kin could do during this year if they wanted! SO:


3. read the bible cover to cover

4. read a nonfiction book every month and report on it to work my mind and de-

atrophy it.!!


The big one is number five:


5. to refuse to let depression keep me a hermit and in my cave, cutoff from my friends and interacting with the world! and do this by staying active at the Kin, on FB and the house. By writing letters and sending people happy mail just because I love too!


It will be interesting, exciting, a journey, frustrating, difficult, sometimes disappointing and sometimes over flowing with joy! And I'll need my Kinsters support! :)




I started reading the Bible before Christmas and try to read at least a chapter every night (usually I go with a set story- ie, Adam and Eve, stop, Cane and Abel, stop...)! We can start a book study! :) I have some notes I'm planning on taking up with the big guy when I get there, too. From the look of this list, I'm either going to Hell or going to live forever. *laughs*


I am motivating myself with small projects to work in my garden this year. You need to find your new addiction: www.pinterest.com. DO IT! I have a whole board for gardening, another for fairy gardens... (I have plenty more boards, too! I'm addicted to pinning stuff), but I've found that finding cool projects motivates me to do something out there. I'm determined to do it this year, too! Starting with a set of "last chance" bulbs I ordered from Michigan Bulb Co. ! Want some? 


Happy New Year! 

My goals for this year: 
1. Get through all the Achievements for Wolf Scout with our Cub Scout Troop in meetings. (I can't make the goal that they all finish them, because that's their own responsibility with their parents, but I can make it all available).

2. Make Izumicon in OKC even better than it was last year. (With better forms, an even better schedule of organized panels, and improved guest relations. All things I have more direct influence over this year than in the past. Exciting!) 
3. Make the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium in June awesome. 
4. Finish my Alternative Certification to teach in the State Public School system. (I've already passed the tests. Now it's time for letters, interviews, etc... fun with jumping through hoops). 

5. Continue moving forward on my house simplifcation/organization scheme. (So far every year this has made progress. So progress should continue. I'll get it all done eventually! The reflooring of the upstairs is almost done!)
6. Not a goal, but a wish - would really like to have a year where no one in the family (especially my husband who's had the lion's share) has a life-threatening health issue.
7. Complete major rewrites and large Edit 2 of my Novel. (I have a completed first draft. It needs major work and some huge rewrites on the first third.)
8. Re-Read the Wheel of Time from start to finish. (I haven't done a re-read since before book 9 came out. So I've only read 9-14 once. And 7-8 only twice. Though the first six had about four rethroughs before 7 came out. :wink: ). And I want to use my brain and my Masters in English to keep track of a full analysis of the awesomeness. I anticipate needing spreadsheets. Who knows, maybe I'll write an academic paper on it when I'm done (paper not a goal just a whimsy at present. :smile: )
9. Get Better at being able to work on my own fictional works 'and' read in the same day. I have a lot of trouble with doing only one or the other. They seem to like to occupy part of the same mental 'zone' in my brain if I get into something absorbing. 

I think that's the majority of what I've got planned for the year. At least as far as goals and things that I actually have some control over. :smile:


I can help you, too, Lady!!! I am planning a reread of the series, starting with New Spring after JordanCon! I'm debating reading The Eye of the World to my class  (though I should probably be a good girl and buy the YA Versions for them... *ponders*). We could do a group reread!! We'll write a paper together! *grins* 


:smile: I can just imagine how long reading the full version would take out loud! How old are you students again?


I'm planning to start when my brother starts his reread. (He is rereading 'up' to 14 because he got very busy and is a couple of books behind). Or at least, that is my plan unless I cave before he finishes the other book he's finishing up first. And I have to remember to take my Mom my copy of A Memory of Light next weekend so she can read it! 


It would be fun to all be rereading at the same time. It's more fun to share insights when you're reading at the same general speed. That's how I read the first six books (all that was out at the time), and made my best friend in high school at the same time. :smile:


I rarely find anyone to talk about my books with, so I welcome it! :) it'll be fun and horribly on topic for me. That might cause DM to crumble into another breaking... LOL


ok i am with both of you!  I want to do a reread of the whole seriews as well..and there are study guides available online as well as a type of cliff note.s avaailable at B&N I think...they are on my Nook anyway. Got the one for eye of the world and it is really detailed in summation, characters, looking at plot and everything.  Only 4.99 each!


Lady, are you in OKC?  I live there too!  We should go out for coffee and meet!..My major was in English..only have my BA though.  It wold be great to meet someone here that has similar interests! *grins*


*hugs lor*  thank you sistermine!  yes to the bible study..lets talk on the phone about what an how?  have some ideas!  lol and I have a ton of crafty things I want to try and haven't because of my hands...but I think I'll take  stab at them anyway..just no crocheting. 

as for the bulbs...LOLLOL  let's hold off until I actually really find my gardens!  they are buriied in leaves, and a couple years worth of weeds.... :wink:   and my latest garden fascination is fairy houses!  I have a book, found a website AND  they even have a version theey sell at our Ren Faire!  I'll have to make you one!  !You figure out what we need in our fairy garden and I'll figure out houses we can make..I bet Peanut would love that


Study guides for the Wheel of Time. That's fabulous! (It makes me want to try to add them to a curriculum again. Though I always felt they were a little long for a one-semester course). I made an attempt many years ago (in an old dog-eared notebook) to track every Min Viewing, all the prophesy, Egwene's dreams etc....so I could cross-reference events as they came up and see how it all tied up (and which ones were left open). Only up through book 6 was out at the time however. So I am thinking of trying that again now, but using an excel spreadsheet for ease. (I also have always sort of wanted to track some of minor characters like Aes Sedai who became important later but I am sure were probably around in less important scenes back as far as the White Tower in book 2. So this will be my chance to just follow all the little nitpicky details I've wanted to follow since the beginning and see what comes of it. :) One of the things I love about this series is it's one of the few I found BIG enough and detailed enough to satisfy my brain.  :laugh: 

If they would publish Jordan's piles and piles of world notes, minor character biographies, etc... I would read those in a heartbeat! 


TwinFlower - That's great that you're so close! I'm in Stillwater actually. But my husband works in OKC and we are down there reasonably often. :smile: And we've both been involved with Izumicon and the SCA (if you've been to the Norman Medieval Faire, which I'm guessing by the reference to the merchant they have that sells fairy houses, the SCA has a huge compound) for several years. We also have a Zoo Membership (which my son adores), so we go there several times a year. Especially when the weather's nice.


It would be great to meet up with you sometime! 


Lady your brain is a wonderment! Before my brain atrophied I used think of doing things like that and LOVED to discuss it with anyone who would listen!  Many times they thought of the one thing or other I missed!  Sometmes important sometimes not, but always interesting!


Stillwater is not that far!  my bill is a truck driver, gone most of the week, but home on Sat or Sun...we love the zoo!  that would be a great place to meet too!


LOL  we seem to usually miss the Norman Faire..but have been to the Muskogee faire the past three years!  I have no clue what Izumicon is!  But I am familiar with SCA and  have considered joining for a long time...but never have, not knowing anybody involved in my area.  The two times we have been to Norman the SCA compound was fascinating!  Maybe being here and now knowing you, we might get thier and know the dates! r For some  reason we always think of it a month or two after the event!


It's great to you here in our Kinster family Lady!  and call me Twinnie!  *pokes with her knitting needle, giggles and pokes Lor too*


Thanks Twinnie! I've been enjoying it. Even though I don't have time to get on nearly as often as I'd like!

It will be fun to talk about all the little details of the books with everyone. :smile: It will be nice to apply that level of analysis to something of my own choosing as opposed to the things we sometimes read in college! 




Izumicon is an Anime and Japanese Cultural/Gaming Convention we have in OKC each year. This coming year will be the 7th year, I believe. We were at the Reed Center in Midwest City up until now. This year we're moving to the Cox Center and Renaissance Hotel. We are also expanding a little theme-wise as far as having panels themed around other fandoms that our Congoers have expressed interest in. It is a growing and exciting event. :smile:


And this year the Medieval Faire is April 5th-7th. (It's pretty much always right about the first weekend of April.) There are two fairly large SCA groups in the OKC and Norman area if you decide you are interested. :wink:


So maybe we should plot a zoo meet up when the weather gets a little warmer! 


Now I'm going to be jealous of Oklahoma! *mutters about being half a country away*


wee!   I'm working on AMoL so starting over will be fun! I actually listened to New Spring last summer while I was cleaning and moving stuff around in here! Which book do you want to start with?? 


And THIS is my fairy garden collection on Pinterest, Twinny:http://pinterest.com/u4ea/fairy-garden/   I have so many ideas!!! I have an old oak tree in my back yard (ok, I have a couple of them... that's not the point) that has a flower bed around it that's just begging for a fairy garden!! 


Well my brother is going to be starting with The Eye of the World. So when he starts that, I'll hit it. But I'm planning to go ahead and re-read New Spring first, since I just can't imagine stopping in the middle of the other books, or tacking it on to the end. So I plan to read that as soon as I get through a book a friend of mine loaned me, so I actually have to give it back at some point, and should read it before I spent months on the Wheel of Time. :wink: 


lol  just gives you a reason to come to OKlahoma....


I love the  broken pots to make a fairy garden out of...what a cool idea!  I have a big garden around our redbud tree..but it really needs to be built up with  more dirt and sides...but it is a shade garden and would also be perfect!


I would prefer to start with New Spring too...havn't read it for quite a while now...


*hugs May*  well hon...seems you've been meeting some goals already...maybe take time to enjoy that and grow in them! :birgitte:


lol, I have a few books I need to read between now and April, which is why I probably won't get to start until after JordanCon. I'm the director of the Potpourri track of that Con, and I need to get some more reading in before then! Eugie Foster, Jana Oliver, Seanan McGuire... not to mention Brandon's stuff (need to read up on my Mistborn stuff and maybe the Way of Kings...). My "things I need to read" shelf is HUGE! 


However, we can tackle them in set reading goals and I could probably read them in conjunction with some other reading. *ponders* I can read more than one book at a time! :) 


I understand that! My 'things I need to read' list is huge. I almost feel guilty about putting my re-read ahead of them. Except that if I don't do it while I'm motivated, I will find reasons to put it off, and I'll get even more busy. So I need to do it while I'm not 'quite as insanely busy as I know I will be later in the year.' :biggrin: Then I can save series that aren't quite so time intensive for later. All of Sanderson's other works are definitely on my list. 


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