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Super Heros


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Because I am presently trying to work my way through the movies leading up to the Avengers. Which was your favorite? Did it live up to the super hero you knew and loved before this wave of movies?


The movies I'm talking about:



Captain America

The Hulk



I've seen them all but Thor and IronMan2. So, try not to spoil it for me! ;)

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Ironman and Ironman 2 were really well done. I liked both of them alot, and they tied together nicely.


I liked both Hulk movies for different reasons.....and disliked them both for seperate reasons as well.


Thor was a bit more comedically done. You have to love the realization...

of no more godly powers against the taser and the sedative.



Captain America drug a little through the whole "costumed showgirl routine". It was good other than that though.

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I firstly would like to point out Heros in the title is spelled Heroes... >.>


Besides that, the Original Hulk movie had little emotion in it for a guy who is supposed to have trouble controlling his emotion. TIH was great though, why they didn't carry that actor over for TA is beyond me...

I dislike CA the most of the build up movies, the whole show girl routine was annoying.

IM/IM2 were what you'd expect from RDJ and the story lines I tracked down from the comics it was pretty close even if 2 villains were combined into 1 character...

Thor, for obvious reasons was going to be different. That's all I'll say on that until Lor watches it.

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Well, I shall get to them. My kids came in to tell me today that Once Upon a Time is on Netflix (they heard me say that it being on Netflix would be a bad thing because I'd have to sit down and watch them...). *smirks* little goobers!

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