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saying goodbye to 2011


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Specific, Goober!


I'm going to try this by month...



*my uncle's funeral



*my first ultrasound of Tadpole



*St. Party's day parade (Peanut loved it!)



*JordanCon- met a bunch of DMers & had a great time





*graduation of the class I'd had for two years



*took my parents & Peanut to the beach (FUN!)



*woke up having a stroke, went to sleep with a new baby girl



*started my couponing habit



*went back to work. :(



*my sister's baby shower



*my nephew was born

*Peanut's excitement about Christmas (the lights, Santa.... It was awesome to watch this year!)


Ohhh! :wink:

You took one class for two years? *scratches head*

Was your "stroke" on the 29th? >.> :tongue:





Let's see...



Jan - Graduated Basic Combat Training as an Honor Graduate (Soldier Leader of the Cycle). My dad came to my graduation and we drove to Ft. Gordon, GA so I could start AIT.


Feb - Uhhh, was in AIT.


March - Uhhh, was in AIT.


April - I flew my sister, Frances, out to Ft. Gordon and we drove up to Atlanta (though, we technically stayed in Norcross) for JordanCon. I got to me some cool people, especially a few DMers. This crazy lady named Lor or something. She was cool. :D I also met Lii, Limi, and Al Jenn. And a few others. She can't fly, by the way. I pushed her off the building a few times.


May - Uhhh, was in AIT. But I graduated! And not just graduated, I graduated as top of my class. Distinguished Honor Graduate! :cool: And I finally was able to go home for a couple of weeks. EEP.


June - Early June, I began my trip to Korea. Flew up to Seattle ad then began a long 14 hour flight to Japan. Quick two hour stop where we couldn't go anywhere and then another two hour flight to Korea.

Whoa. I'm in Korea! What's going on. People are talking weird. D:

And I had no cell phone reception or service of any kind. Good lord, I couldn't even call home until I got a calling card at the PX. It was a slow adjustment - everything was so different, even the weather - but I did adjust.


July - Happy 4th! Had a bbq with some pals from my unit. Played Spades. Uhhh, rest of the month. Then bam, I find this chick on Google Plus trying to KILL A FURBY! unsure.gif That poor little thing just kept trying to flutter to life, and she'd ram her drill into it. :sad:


August - It's my birthday! Well, before that, the guy I replaced finally left the unit. I fully took over and started forming my own role more at the workplace. But then it was my birthday! Bought myself a much-needed laptop. :D


September - My friendship with Kate just kept growing. Could it be? Was I really getting feelings for her? What's going on? Well, I told her I liked her. Whoa. And then, not too long after, asked her out (in as much of the sense as I could being over 7,000 miles away >.<).


October - I became the Master at Arms at the WT. WHOA. Why'd they do that? I know, right. Halloween...Not sure what else happened...left for the "field" on the 29th.


November - Was in the parking lot field until the 11th....Thanksgiving. Second one away from home. Bought Kate her first Christmas presents. XD


December - I can't remember. :dry:


Went to a quick "field" exercise. Another parking lot. On the way back, our LMTV (big vehicle) burnt down. I wasn't in it, and no one was injured.

First Christmas away from home. Wasn't too bad. Opened presents with Kate on Google Plus. I got some brownie points with her family. Yay. ph34r.gif


So I've been thinking for a few hours and I really can't remember before June...sad I know...But here is what I'm taking with me from June on!



June - Wrote the story 10:02am and sent it to a publisher as a submission for their anthology

July - Celebrated my 2 year anniversary with hubby (don't actually remember details of this though :()

Aug - Going with Dad and his wife off island to get crosstithing stuff for the first time (for by brithday).

Sept - Goose started Grade One!

Oct - Bonded Karasayl and Lily. And taking the kids out for halloween. Goose was a cowgirl and boy-o was Buzz Lightyear (but he told everyone he was spiderman)

Nov - receieved the kindest rejection letter for 10:02am I could imagine and it sparked me to keep writing

Dec - Super busy Christmas seeing as much of my family as I could, and my son's birthday (where I made him a cake) and my daughters (where she had a pinata! and I made cupcakes)


January-My ex broke up with me


February-I don't remember anything from this month


March-my grandpa died


April-I don't want to share what I remember from this month


May-I finally decided which school I was going to


June-We went to disney world!!! :D


July-I joined dm


August-I started college


September-don't really remember anything significant....


October-I owned Mills for a week (which was great fun) and redecorated Mother's Office


November-I kinda truly found myself again, redecorated Ed's Office and I BONDED LEELOU!!! :D


December-I became Head Wise One, the Painted Master of Arms, and had lots of other random fun :)


Wow! Ya'll were busy last year!


Eddie, dear, I am a teacher. When I say I had a class for two years, that means I had the same kids in my room for two years. And having a stroke is why Tadpole was early. I woke up in the middle of it and they decided to go ahead with the c-section.


I thought of a few others...



*Peanut's birthday! I can't believe she's four, already!



* WON NANO!!! This is the first time I've finished in 6 years and it felt good!



*Tadpole giggled for the first time!


It's ok, dear. I never even felt the contractions, to be honest. I've since learned that high blood pressure & severe swelling will cause pregnant women to have a stroke. The nurse just about had a stroke when she saw the swelling in my legs!


Glad you and your youngin' were okay!!



Here is a snapshot of my year:


January - I turned 20 years old. I was coming off of a great Fall semester and was looking forward to busting out another 4.0 or close enough to. On a more negative side, I decided around this time that I was most unhappy where I was living, but I didn't really have any alternatives at the time.


February - This was an uneventful month. I went to school. I was loving calculus, go figure. :tongue:


March - This was another fairly uneventful month. I was halfway done with the semester, though, so that was exciting.


April - I was still in my same living situation and was most unhappy about it. To relieve stress and such, I started reading the Wheel of Time again. I also began re-visiting an idea that I'd had back in high school, that I would go into the military.


May - I still hadn't found an alternative place to live, but fortunately the house I was in was big enough that you didn't really have to interact with someone if you didn't want to (having multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.) I was completely absorbed in WoT and didn't do much else this month. XD I joined DM on the 30th.


June - I joined a few orgs on DM this month, the Aiel and WT. I was also taking a summer class, calculus, which I managed to get an A in. This month, I also read a Crown of Swords in one sitting. That's right, one sitting, without stopping. I don't recall the exact amount of time it took, but I remember thinking it was about 1am when I finished only to see that it was nearly 0800. :biggrin:


July - By the time July rolled around, I was getting to know a few DMers and had begun talking to them outside of DM. At the end of July, I joined Google Plus. Very shortly thereafter, I was in a G+ Hangout with a handful of DMers and met this really goofy guy named Ed. He accused me of killing a Furby when all I did was make it live.


August - I moved back into my parent's house. D: It sucked, but I was so glad. I also went to MEPS to let them tell me I was perfectly fit and healthy to join the military, even though my recruiter could not find me a job. This month, I also had a few really really really long (18+ hours, if I recall) conversations with a certain someone and we became really good friends pretty quickly and I sent him homemade cookies for his birthday. I also discovered that I had this really odd talent for getting him to do these insane things just because I asked him to. :wink:



September - With the assistance of one really awesome NCO and a cool MAJ, I decided I would join the Army ROTC at a military college here in Charleston instead of enlisting. It was far from what I'd imagined I would be doing, but I really do enjoy it. I also discovered why it was so easy for me to get Ed to do silly things like hang from doors and stand on his head. (*totally didn't know before then* >.>) He officially asked me to be his girlfriend. The rest of the month was kind of a happy haze after that.


October - By this time, I was also coaching soccer two nights a week as well as [usually] all weekend AND I was playing two nights a week. My grades kinda slipped, between soccer and chatting with Ed and playing on DM, but I was truly happy. I was doing things I loved to do and had someone who supported me doing these things (even if it meant it took away time that we could be chatting, such as on weekends.)


November - I'm still coaching and playing soccer. I become acutely aware that Christmas is coming. I started Christmas shopping. Thanksgiving was pretty standard, nothing particularly exciting went on.


December - I finished my semester off strong! Woot! I did tons more Christmas shopping and sent Christmas packages to Ed. For the first time ever, I received flowers, even though I had explicitly stated that I didn't like flowers because they die. (However, I must say that I absolutely love them and they are still alive and well...perhaps I'm less bitter about the flower-giving thing now. XD) Eddie and I opened presents together on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I spent the latter half of Christmas Day with my family. And I experienced the amazingness that is Jaffa Cakes at the end of this month.




Now...I'm really looking forward to an amazing 2012. Even with how amazing 2011 ended, I really can't wait to go through all the things 2012 has in store for me. :biggrin:


Ya'll are so cute! Thank heaven for the internet, right?


I used to feel the same way about flowers, Kate. But, then I noticed what I was doing with most of the presents I was getting (they were just sitting around) and then (enter mushy stuff about warm feelings and pictures of beautiful flowers here). I decided that I didn't have to dust something every week to feel that. Besides, flowers smell pretty...


Spending time with my family and my dogs. Working with my clients. Good food. The Coast. Visiting my sister.

  On 1/2/2012 at 2:48 PM, U4ea said:

Ya'll are so cute! Thank heaven for the internet, right?


I used to feel the same way about flowers, Kate. But, then I noticed what I was doing with most of the presents I was getting (they were just sitting around) and then (enter mushy stuff about warm feelings and pictures of beautiful flowers here). I decided that I didn't have to dust something every week to feel that. Besides, flowers smell pretty...


:blush: >.>


Oh, I know what you mean. I think I'd still find some sort of living plant to be way cooler... but I really don't have anywhere to plant it so I suppose I'll wait for something like that. These flowers came with a few packets of powder called "Plant Food" that you put in the water every few days. So, weeks later, the flowers still look as nice as they did when I got them. :biggrin:


My standard rule is "pics or it didn't happen." :)


Being a gardener, I agree about the living plant thing. I'm glad you get to enjoy them longer, though!


When I first got them... flowers2-1.jpg


I took this a couple days ago... flowers-1.jpg




I'm going to try my hand at drying one. We'll see how that goes.


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