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After a year or two of browsing DM weekly as a guest, I guess it was finally time to sign up and get on board. Can't make it to JordanCom next spring, but looking forward to the one after that. Thanks to everyone who makes this such a great site - everything from the forums to the galleries to the podcasts... it's fantastic. Glad to finally join the community!


Welcome to DM!! I'm glad that you're glad joining :))


Who is your least-favourite WoT character? Who is your favourite Forsaken?


I'd love to go to JordanCon too, but I'm too far away :( I hope you can make it, though!!


Feel free to ask if you've got questions about DM!!


I hope you will like it here!!


Hi al caldazar!


Welcome to the DM community :D Feel free to explore and have a good look around, and be sure to ask if you have any queries :)


Hope you enjoy yourself :biggrin:


Thanks! Hmmm least favorite character... I think it changes for different parts in the series. Right now, I'm rereading WoT and in the middle of Knife of Dreams, and I'm getting a little bit tired of Elayne's being-with-child frustrations or Perrin's nothing-else-exists-but-to-save-Faile blinders. I love both characters for most of the series, but right now.... eeesh, it's dragging on me.


And favorite forsaken? Hmm... I enjoy Graendal's absolute embrace of the raw pains and pleasures of the world. She seems to be the most cruel and twisted of the Forsaken, yet doesn't let that interfere with being relatively sharp-minded. She's not all that successful in her schemes... but I'd have to say she's my favorite.


Unfortunately, I'm going to be too far west and timing's just a bit off to make it this year, but hopefully in the years to come...


Just a few questions - how do the social forums work? And... any suggestions for working on a sig? biggrin.gif


Welcome Al Caldazar! the social groups are just that. places where you can hang out and chat with other WoT lovers. They are broken down by bok related groups but they do not all exacty follow along with preconceptions from the books. The best thing to do is to go to the ones you think you would be interested in and look around. Be sure to read the pinned threads at the top to get an idea of each groups rules and what not. They will vary some with regard to spam and other things. I am a memeber of the Black Tower and White tower groups. There is much fun to be had in the groups.


About the siggys. You can go to an area called the siggy playground where some very talented people have pre made sigs you can ask to be adjusted to your taste or you can post a request for your very own custom sig if you have an idea.


Have fun roaming and hope to see you around.


Welcome to DM, Al Caldazar :biggrin:


As Turin said, go have a look at each Social Group's boards, as well as the pinned topic somewhere on this board that explains what they're all about. Well, I think it's on this board ... I'm sure one of the above darlings will be so sweet as to check that for us *grins*


Greetingth Al,


You don't mind if I call you Al do you? I thometimeth find it difficult to pronounce thertain wordth. My Mathter tried thending me to a thpeach therapitht but to no avail I'm afraid.


I'm a very new vithitor to thith thite athwell. I have to thay that everyone hath been very welcoming indeed, regardleth of our thape, thize or colour. Well I have theveral colourth depending which part you look at but we don't really need to go into that.


Tho - where to go nextht? A lot of people have thuggethted the variouth Towerth. Have you any ideath? What made you dethide to join thith Forum, I rather arrived by accthident.


and thiggieth? yeth - I have theen a Thread ethpecially for that. Jutht go here: Click me to go to the thiggy page and remember to R&U the thticky at the top of the Thread. Then potht your requetht and thomeone will pick it up and create you a martherpiethe.


I look forward to theeing more of you.






What?!! I can't understand a single thing that comes out of your mouth you know that?


Listen Caldazar. You and me are in the same boat. So far, there really isn't any place bad around here. Awesome people all around. I have been checking out the white tower myself. Big old Halloween party going on soon over there you can check out. Just be sure to take on the immense task of R&U all the stickies in each group and you'll do fine after that. They'll answer most of your questions and the ones that aren't answered PM any of these guys. They've been incredibly helpful for me so far and I've only been here for a few days to.


Why hewwwooooo der! Aren't you just the cutesy wootsey one?! Yes you arrrre! Yeeesssss you are! Wit does cutesy wittle cheeks! *pinches a cheek* You should come visit the Tower. As you can see we have just grand bouts of fun over there. *pats the pinched cheek and swiftly walks away shaking his head*


Oh! and I just absolutely LOVE and ADORE Aiel Heart and Crimson Ayla! They ahve got to be some fo the greatest things to happen at the Tower. They are amazing. You need anything they got you. Anything. Have fun now.


(Mills, I am touched by your devotion :) )


Welcome to dm!!!


Which parts and characters have been your favorites? Which book are you on? (sorry if I missed those it's 1am here :P )


You've gotten a pretty good tour I'd say. If you have any questions feel free to ask


Oh and don't be scared by Mills. He's going through some intense training right now ;)


Welcome to Drrrrrrrrragonmount al caldazarrrrr!


I would love to go to JorrrrdanCon but they won't let me...hazarrrrd prrrevention, secuirrrity measurrres and whatnot...


I wonder if they'd let me in if I disguised myself as Perrrrin? Now there's a thought.


See you arrround the White Towerrrr al caldazarrrr! I'm going therrre myself now to terrorrrize contrrribute to the awesomeness. :monsterwolfmanlaugh:


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