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Yellow! The New Color of Love: Valentine's Answering Machine


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My Valentine's Answering Machine


So this thread is dedicated for anonymous messages to members on DM,

to tell them how much you LOVE, care, and value them.

Any person that wants to leave such a message can PM me.

Their identity will remain hidden, unless they want it to show who they are.

~ ♥ ~




-Cough- Ahem…..


As Valentine's Day draws near,

There are 5 Aes Sedai that I think of every single day.

So even though I often disappear,

This given moment I want express what my heart always yearns to say.


There is the lovely Marta,

With her ambitious Red heart burning bright.

Masterful and accomplished with EVERYTHING she touches,

Her enchanting smile always successful is my heavenly delight.


I cannot think of the Greens without my beloved Kathleen,

Who with whip in hand will conquer all of DM!

And busy yet as she crafts away, each day brings-

Unparalleled joy to silly me with an email and PM.


Just like Stacey's mom- Dah's the Yellow with it going on!

With art skills and cooking flair,

He’s always lending an ear when I ramble or complain anon.

All the while- people pinch his famous derrière.


She had me 'whacked' once in Mafia,

So in retaliation I toilet papered her House Ospenya.

But AJ is the Green who has made me see,

That with all our fun- bringing a banana to a party is always a necessary.


And although lately IRL she’s been busy,

Since teaching me her spammy ways,

Our talks of anime, vampires, Burger King, and stuff make most dizzy-

But my dear Bela is my lil' sis and Yellow Queen of Spam forever always.


And thus as you can see-

I’m certainly no poet,

So if the above words caused you pain,

Chaulk it up to my Ren’Shai discipline training,

Cuz this Manshima knows no shame!


Love Always,



I would like to leave an anonymous message!


*cough cough*


Give me a beep, people!





Dear Daruya,


Far too long have you stalked me!


FAR too long have you been my shadow!


FAR TOO long have you stolen my undies, hoping I would think the washing machine made it disappear (neat trick, btw) and then having it appear out of thin air on my bed!


FAR TOO LOOOOOOOONG have you hid under my bed making creepy ghost noises and freaking me out!




Today it ends. Today is the day.






*dramatic note*












Would you be my valentine? :P








I, too, would like to leave an anonymous message . . .


*waits for the beep*




Dear Nynaeve,


Far too long have I stalked you (and I don’t plan on stopping now)!


FAR too long have I been your shadow (and I’ll continue sticking like glue)!


Wait a second? I’VE been stealing YOUR undies? I thought you’ve been stealing mine! *gasp* This means we’re both being stalked by someone . . . someone unknown. :blink:


(I will admit, though, that I’ve been the one hiding under your bed making creepy ghost noises and freaking you out – you scream delightfully, BTW.)



And now you say that today it ends. That today is the day.



*dramatic fanfare*












Yes, Nyn, I will be your valentine!






*is flattered*


My dear Karasayl... You just made my day... You know what is your place in my hear and soon, everyone else will know it too... biggrin.gif



Now, I would like to leave an anonymous message:


Dear Karasayl and Millon... I would like to have each and every one of the two of you on my left and right... (you decide which side you prefer, I don't mind) and have you escort me to a Valentines party where you two will be my Valentines...




Anonymous DM lover...


I guess I should leave a message as well. :wink:


Alrighty, so i have a few or more that come to mind.


First of is Kar. Kar, you have been a great friend. Someone who I can actually talk about art and enjoy them together. I thank you for the long PMs/emails that we both go back and forth. Haha. You're like a hyung to me who i definitely look up to and who i can come to for advice. Hehe and thanks for all the noogies that you give me. :tongue: I just want to show you...ok, more like tell you how much i appreciate all that you have done. *snugglebites* :biggrin:


Next, Elgee. Elgee my sweet and lovely. You are like a Goddess to me. Whenever we chat, you just light up my day and put a smile on my face. You are my rock. You've been there with me through the thick and thin. You have really helped me through my darkest hours as well. You are always there for me and I just really want to tell you how much I love my big sis and how much you have done in my life. :wub:


Then there is Big Mils. Haha, yes Millon, you. My bro from Buffalo. I just want to thank you for all the help. Also for checking up on me here and there and asking me how is school/work and life. I really do appreciate that. You've been a great friend and well, soon, the Brotherhood will come together soon, hopefully. And ya know, you're my #1 pick. :happy:


Boopsy. My awesome awesome blue brother Boopsy. You deserve a place in my heart. You know how to make a person feel better and know how to show it as well. I just always love talking/chatting with you on msn. You are full of life and energy. Me loves my blue bro.


Finally, there is Nyn. Oh Nyn, where do I start LOL! You have been the bestest (i know, its not a word) Head for the Yellow Ajah. I dont think there is anyone who would do better than you. I just love my Nyna. You have been an awesome friend since I joined. You are like a sister that I never had. I appreciate all the hard work you put into the Ajah as well as keeping it together. You are like the heart of the Ajah. Thank you for being someone who i can talk to and someone who can put a smile to my face with your witty remarks, but yet having a loving/tender side to you. :smile:


Loves all around,




Dear White Tower People:






Uh...oh. Ahem.


Dear White Tower People: (Generally speaking because I'm new here)


I want to say thank you. While I may not post much, you are a great part of what keeps me sane. there are many contributors to my sanity, and you are one of them. :) And for that, you deserve a biiiiiiiiiig hug. *huggles*


I hope to get to know everyone as I go along, and I also hope to recruit one of my dearest friends among our ranks. (Her computer's a little haywire, though, at the moment...as is her life, so it may take a while.)


Anyways, I hope that wasn't too generic. I know I was addressing everyone, but I want to express my gratitude.


Love ya lots,




P.S. Yay for ending in an alliteration!


*waits for beep* Um, well hi. Just wanted to send some valentine wishes out to some special people here.


First goes to Limi, my mentor for being so warm, friendly, snuggly, and supportive.


Second I'd like to wish a wonderful Valenties to my friends from the Aiel SG that I found here too, Song, Kathleen, Egwene, Alanna Jr. and Thorkin. I hope this day is special for all of you. you are all wonderful. ^^


I would also like to wish a warm and happy Valentines to Mystica, Torrie, and Tynaal for all their hard work in the upcoming event, the blogs, and for encouraging me to get involved. ^^


And Happy Valentines Day to my novice and algai friends Lessa, NYanna, Em, Deadly, Wolfie, Icey and all the others. You're all so much fun to be around...even if we do tend to get thrown into the moat now and again. :P I think I hear Bob gurgling our names now... LOL


Happy Valentines to my house uncle Millon for being so friendly, funny, and for those Irish greetings which I lurve. Slainte!


And lastly this one goes out to Charis Al Aslan because we have so many things in common, and because she was the one to lure me over to the WT SG. ^^


Heh, I'm sure I've probably forgotton someone, but that's all I can think of for now. ^^


Aw, thank you Poet *snuggles*.


I totally did mine with the anonymous PM through Dah *laughs*. I thought that was all sneaky and fun, but you're making me think I should have done it here instead!


Ok, asking a Greenie to be all mushy...really? You wanna start that....Ok, here we go!


Karas: I already told you how much your message to me made my day, and you know where I stand and how I feel about you. You are such a positive person, even when you try to be negative, and your friendship and correspondence has been such a blessing for me. I'm so glad that I got to know you, and I look forward to your emails, even when its my turn to write you! You may be away from DM a lot, but you are on my mind constantly. Yes, I know I'm creepy like that *winks*. Thank you for being the great friend you are, come see me sometime and bring shineys! I'll have Tim's for you. It'll be a fair trade.



All my Greens: Time to get serious, and mushy... You are my family, my friends and my home. I would single you out and write to all of you, but that would make my message far too long! Thank you to all of you, for you saved me. For those of you who knew me when I joined, I think you all know just how true that statement was, and thank you Greenies for supporting me and getting me through the toughest time in my life. You keep me coming back and you keep me going on. Even with the darkest days behind me you still are there for me and welcoming. From the ones who have always been there strong, to the newest Accepted to join us, to the few of you who drifted from view, I hope you know how much I truely love each and every one of you. Bah mooshy!!


Arlow: To my mintee, you will always have a special place with me, you are my first mintee, and I couldn't have gotten luckier. You are clever, fun, and have a great sense of humor. You are a go getter and I love how eager you are. Don't loose it, it will get you far. The eagerness sure worked for me! Now to just keep you from setting my house on fire (again), stealing all my emoticons and my oven...you're a work in progress but you'll make a fine Aes Sedai some day! Now get your butt back from LoA!


Mystica: My thoughts on you have changed almost completely from my first interactions with you to the last few months. I won't go into details about our first few chats, but lets just say I was sure I would never actually want to talk to you again! You weren't mean, or rude or anything like that, but you didn't seem very approachable and you were the first to really make me feel like I had to work to prove myself to you. Usually when that happens I have the attitude of flipping you off and saying if you don't want to like me you don't have to, and I don't have to prove myself to anyone. Then forgetting about you and moving on, leaving you the loss of not getting to know me (Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like me...but then you all don't know me as well as you thought you did eh?). I am so thankful in the last few months that I got a second chance to talk with you and really start to see the real you. I know its just starting, but your friendship is something I never thought I would want to have, and now it one friendship on DM that I hope I never lose and I can't wait to get to know you better!


Elgee: I was scared of you when I first met you, and now I'm scared of you for completely different reasons! I know I was like a little bug that just kept flying by your face bugging you about every little thing just hoping I wouldn't get hit with a fly swatter..thank you for not crushing me. Without you I wouldn't be able to do almost anything on DM...I'm sure you're aware of that from having to tell me how to do absolutelty everything on DM...thank you for your patience, and your patience...and all that patience. I know I couldn't have been easy to continually humor, so thank you for that. And also thank you for the continued patience with me as I continue to bug you, as you and I both know I will. You are my go to person, even when you tell me your not the person to go to...but you know you loves me, and I loves you!


Thorkin: You are bright addition to my days, and I am so glad that we met. Remember who you are and be yourself. It's not about being what others what you to be, its about being confident in the person you are and the person you are is great! I really enjoy our chats on MSN, and just relaxing and catching up with you. Thank you for being a friend, and checking up on me! Thanks for all your help.


To my friends all over DM: Thank you all, who I interact with on other parts of DM or through other internet based things. You are who make DM what it is for me. You are the reason I keep coming back, and with out you this place would not mean what it does to me, so thank you all for all you do around this site and off it, and thank you for sharing your time with me.


There, end sappiness, and happy Venereal Disease (Valentines Day) to all!




Hey, this is Thorkin. Have a few messages I'd like passed along.

Here we go!


Kathleen:I have truly been blessed to have met you so long ago

in that WT&DM World class. Whether it being about what to fix for

supper, daily crises of losing things, or going over goals for life

and DM, I have found that I can talk to you about anything. I

appreciate your friendship, marvel at how much we think alike, and

laugh when I remember all the laughs we've shared. I know you are

definitely a Green but you seem like Moiraine to me. You're the first

to help someone when they're in need and the last to ask for credit.

You're one of the most selfless, humble, and genuine people I know.

I wish more people were like that. Anyway, thank you for everything and

for being my friend when I needed it most.


Egwene: I'm very happy that we met on your very first day here

and we've been close ever since. From the Hayride to the Moat, you have

been one of my best friends on here. I’ve learned so much from you and

your energy. You have such a wonderful outlook on life and you always

make me smile no matter what mood I’m in. You be careful in Spain and

hurry back.


Alannalynn (a.k.a. Sunnygiggles): I’m extremely happy when I get

to talk to you. You brighten up my day with your Diet Pepsi and Doctor

Who. You are such a sweetheart and can always bring a great big smile to

my face. It’s so awesome to be a House Head with you in the dormitories.

You have so many creative ideas and so much to offer the world. You do need more sleep though. Bless your heart!


Reyn: It was along time before I finally got up the nerve to talk to you. But I’m so thankful I did! You have one of the most intelligent and imaginative minds. You also have a wonderful heart and a very playful attitude. Thank you for being such a great friend to me.


Mashikins: What a lucky guy I am to have found such an excellent Sister. You are my sister in every sense of the word. Our journeys have been almost the exact same story in many ways and you are my twin without a doubt. John and you have been a blessing to me and for that I’m thankful. *Hugs*


The Reds: All of you are so special to me. Pankhuri has taught me so muchabout culture and nature, Zoey Cakes is a cute precious and happy ball of energy and positive light. Torrie has been an anchor and rock for me when I lost my job. Amalove has been a pillar of strength as well. Tynaal is my sweet TyNya and such a remarkable sweetheart. To any I might have missed…thank you all! You have a loving and accepting Ajah. Thanks for the snugglebites!


The Greens: Oh my! What can I really say about the Green Ajah that hasn’t already been said. These ladies are so rightly nicknamed the Battle Ajah. They face their daily battles with strength and determination. Everyone of them are full of spirit and have such a passion for life. And…yes, can talk a Trolloc to death. LOL. Since when is that bad, though. Haha. Minuet and Lily are always there for me. Adella is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet and…..of course, my DM Valentine herself….Miss Song make me so glad to stop and visit.


Whew! Okays, I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. To all of DM, Have a very Happy and safe St. Valentine’s Day!


Okay, this may or may not get wordy, and I'm a failure with words sometimes, so bear with me while I make sure I get to everyone..


*beeeeeep* (Alanna imitates the sound)




Summer, my Valentine, you know I love you more than anything else, perhaps except diet pepsi and a taco, but that's beside the point, you're the light to my bad days, thank you for always being here if not always HERE, if you catch my drift wub.gif You're such a lovely sister! *tries not to get mushy*


Karasayl and Thorkin: I'm putting you two guys together because you're both equally wonderful. Karas, I'm so thrilled that you are back (Until March, CURSE YOU!) and absolutely love talking to you over PM, and thank you for the verse in your poety ways! You need to see my frownie face I get when I look at your Aspie house; I've been missing you dear Kar! May you not stay away from DM long next time! dry.gif Thorkin: Oh you're so bright and happy all the time and my MSN is always crowded with you telling me to sleep! *ggl* Thanks for caring so much, and trying to get me to accept the compliments I don't think I deserve, you're a fantastic person!


Lily: You have no idea how much you mean to me and how much brighter my day becomes when I get to talk to you! You're a very special person, whether through mafia or msn and I thank you for your friendship. I know I'M supposed to be the cheery, always happy one, but on my bad days, even knowing you're around is good enough for me! Continue being such a strong lovely woman!


Kathleen: You care so much for everyone and I love that about you; you have such a positive attitude about everything and know what you need to do! *snuggles*


Limi and Charis and Adella and Marta: *ties a little bow around her mommy and family* hehehe A Christmas Tree! unsure.gif All four of you create this awesome support system for me; it takes a lot to be an amazing person, and all four of you are just that, and you make my day more amazing when I'm down. Limi, you were and still are a wonderful mentor and I'll always remember my novice-y days before I found the Greens. I had a home there before I even knew it! *goes to spam some FB walls*


To the Aspies: You all know that Ospenya is the best, c'est vrai? Goood! May all of you have a wonderfully amazing Valentines Day, even if you deny it's existence (like I do) because love is a brilliant thing! Hugs for Song and Egwene, and Millon and Poet, Lessa, Zo, Key and Nya! And ESPECIALLY for my first and most amazing Mentee MEL! <3 May you enjoy your candies today and think of hearts!





ummm, hello? HelllOOooooo, OH! hehe. Cute song there cupid. Listen bro. Need you to help me out. I got to tell a few people just how great they are alright. You are just the guy.


First off, the Doo-Dah.Let the guy know that he is set. He has some crazy talent adn I couldn't be more proud. I know it sounds cheesy just say it. The guy is hilarious. I am very lucky to know that if I said hi I'ma get a huge "HEYY!! What's goin on?!" without fail. There's a huge comfort in that. Oh, and tell him thanks for this awesome event. It's a lot of fun.


Then Karasayl, who I could not be more ahppy about seeing back on DM, even if only for a short while. Bigger and better things though so I am very happy. You've gotten me through some pretty dark stuff bro. Though we have never really met I consider you one fo my best friends and confidants. You've helped me to become a better person to. Enough cheesy-ness and go grab a beer. lol Good luck in your training.


Zosime and Barbarion, though not him so much. He's smart and stays hidden when on the book of face so doesn't really get the brunt of my harrassment. Feel bad for his wife though. lol You ever have one of those people that you see on line and get that little voice in your head "Oh sweet! So&so is on line" That's Zo and Barbarian. Teh cuteness is, just, Teh Zo-Bomb! lol


On the harrassment note, I have to say that AJ and Ice deserve some Kudos for puttin up with me to lol. I should really spend more time workin at work instead of slack-assin' all the time and futsin with the interwebs. lol Well, then again, if I did that, I would just totally ruin all of your days. ;)


DM, you are awesome and have altered my thinkin, humor, patience. I have learned alot in my time here. About myslef and about a LOT of other beautiful and amazing people.


Then, there is Marta. More radiant in life than I think I could ever be. So much full of love and dreams that it physically hurts her sometimes. I don't think she truelly understands just how beautiful that capacity to love and dream is in life. It's that break in the clouds when the rain has lessened. The warm sun on your face in winters chill. She has had such a spectacular effect on me and I don't have the words to really explain how. I hope you get the chance to check this before you leave lady. You deserve to hear it.


I know there are a lot of people that mean a lot to me here, Cansu, Eel I should stop lol. So, happy Valentine's day all.




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