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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. Another issue is there was no technically no BA back then, but if it was a bad channleer easily could of been a surviving dreadlord.  Or simply a channeler as Dex said out looking to find items of power.  Just some guess as  idon't really remember the scene.  As dreadlords weren't sealed, the survivors were still  about until they got hunted down.

  2. In time they will eventually unite, it will take a long time there will be alot of mistrsut and bad blood to be forgotten.  Possible it won't happen until the power is forgotten altogether and then resdiscovered, When they rediscover the power so much time has passed they won't remember anything and it would seem natural for the men and women to work together.

  3. RJ judged her correctly, simply she was the warning of what happened when one was never satisifed.  She was never going to have enough power or be content.  It wasn't about reaching ones goals, but about always wanting more power etc..  She was born to a poor family and did everything she could to imiate the speech and behavior of the upper-crust Taraboners.  From that she always wanted what others had and resented anyone being above her. Temaile was right in that Liandrin was the type that it was never going to be enough no matter what she had.  Liandrin in many ways was exact type the DO looked for, ambitious, selfish, willing to kill her way to the top.  But with that comes risks.  Liandrin was the warning.


    Pretty much she was destined to fade away but doesn't give too much more info then what was in the book.


    Moghi gave her to DF's in Amador where she was captured when the Seanchan invaded because she tried to turn her captors into the Seanchan for being Df's,  Suroth made her da'covale.  Liandrin murdered Alwhin to score points with Suroth.  She wasn't collared because Moghi's shield was still in place, but rumors that Suroth had a marath'damane started and she considered collaring Liandrin after that is the last thing it says.  So her fate is unknown, guess it depends on what happens to the house followers when Suroth was dragged off to be sold.

  4. Again though comes down to what each Aes Sedai deems a weapon or even defence of her life.  Just meeting a whitecloak could be enough for an Aes Sedai to view her life in danger.  If the power will leave no lasting damage, is it then a weapon?  But you also have to remember many of those Aes Sadai (especially the red) viewed Rand running about by himself and able to channel as a huge danger and putting the world in danger. So I can see them easily being able to see why the power would be needed to subdue and take him to the tower to be guarded.  Using the power to shield and tie someone up isn't a weapon either.

  5. It's always hard to tell because in the book the power assumption is usually from another forsaken POV.  If I remember right a Rhavin POV had him thinking Samm or him could handle either Lanfear or Gren one on one easily.  And Lanfear was suppose to be the most powerful female channeler.  Also after Agnior dies (think it was when the forsaken were discussing rand trying to cleanse the source) one of the forsaken POV was thinking only Aginors skill with making shadowspawn allowed him to be a forsaken.  So they seemed rather dismissive of his abilities.  So a lot of our knowledge of the forsakens abilities are from other forsaken's assumptions.  Which may or may not be accurate.


    I will never know what RJ was thinking when he came up and then made it even worse power scale.

  6. Again it's how each individual interprets her Oath, one could easily say it's not using it as a weapon.  They may see a weapon as trying to kill someone.As Rand killed some warders trying to escape they could easily see it as simple punishment for murder.  As for the BA I can think of only 3 in the group who were BA, may of been a few unnamed ones that died.  I forget their names but the leader who the shaido captured, Katerine, and Elisa I think their names were.

  7. Nothing says the need to stay in  Randland, nations ask the aiel for help and the aiel can come and request aid if needed.  With gateways there is no reason why the Aiel have to stay in the wetlands every moment.  Remember all nations borders are set, which means the Aiels borders are set for the waste.  The other nations would not be happy if the Aiel show up and carve out thier own land.

  8. I don't see them moving until the day the towers unify.  If I remember right Elayne has pretty much resigned herself that she will never have control over the BT and the area it covers.


    The clans will go back to the waste as the aiel are basicly one clan now.  The clans won't stay in the wetlands.

    If they did move the former blight would be perfect.

  9. ALso with the WT, you also have to remember each Ajah had their own agenda.  The companion really sheds light on some of this when you read about the ajahs and events that happened like the program where the Red Ajah went out and started gentling any man on the spot who might be able to channel.  They were told to stop and didn't and if I remember right murdered an amirlyn.  Now one has to remember the black ajah for awhile has been behind the scenes planting seeds here and there making sure there was always some divison in the tower.  Making sure Red and Blue were always opposed etc...

  10. Up until then it he was one of the few forsaken she had met and he handled her pretty easy.  So I could see her having a fear of him suddenly appearing.  There was still the myth surrounding the forsaken then, of OMG the forsaken are godlike beings. Agnor may of been one of the weaker forsaken but that still means he was a powerful channeler who handled them pretty easily in EOTW.  So it would be understandable she would have a fear of him.  It would of seemed odd for it to of been a forsaken she had never met before, had this happened later it probably would of been Moghi.

  11. during his fight at stone,rand noticed at least twice trollocs battling trollocs

    and correctly assumed that a myrddraal had lost control of the trollocs and

    their blood-lust took over,a little later,rand was pinned down by a trolloc's body,

    a second trolloc with an axe tried to take advantage of rand's predicament

    but was killed by a third trolloc,when rand managed to stand up,he heard

    lanfear's voice just behind him,this was her doing.


    cross,"if i take credit,you will expect it again,and that could be deadly.

    you can expect no open aid from me."lanfear definitely helped rand.


    Its confirmed later Lanfear never sent any of the Trollocs there.

    Doooh James beat me to it,.

  12. I find it funny they made a preview and didn't put it In the actual companion.  Unless I am totally blind.


    I was going to say wait she did all of that in less than six months.  But I understand now.  The BWB shows the split 999, so makes sense it being 1000NE when she was formally raised.  So she didn't march an army to the white tower, become prisoner, unify the tower, and fight in the LB in less that six months.

  13. I would say Taveren do not get what they want, but get what they need.


    Other thing we see with channeling, is people accepting limitations.  Aes Sedai are very set in their ways, novices etc are taught this is the way things are done.  The BWB even states the Yellow Ajah doesn't believe there is any better ways to heal.  So they don't try.  There is no urge to expand on what they know or experiment.  Since experimenting can burn you out, why accept the risk?  You see the newer channelers Nyn, ashaman, etc are the ones learning new things.  Where the newer channelers have the sky is the limit/there has to be a better way sort of attitude. 

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