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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. Yes he will always have the memory but seeing how Perin isn't ta'veren its likely Mat isn't either.  So the luck he has always depended on could be gone.


    Well we know Avi's orginial vision has been altered since Rhurac died.  

  2. My guess is LTT and Ishy in between birth chills out like the other heroes. Since they haven't been reborn they probably have vast knowldege so they might see things differntly, then when they are reborn they forget and lead their life and when they die back to TAR.

  3. I just think both RJ and BS made big mistakes with the Seanchan.


    Besides making them way too powerful you see instances where news should shake them and all you get is mehhh.   Path of daggers you see the guy in tears at having to report the ever victorious army lost, yet you never see any effect on them.  Damane can channel this will rock the empre to its foundation yet when its finally known, Tuon and the rest simply don't care.  Trollocs in their secure area, yet nothing after that.  No sightings. no fights, nothing in the LB.  So was sort of what was the point of that little attack?  Seanchan continent in chaos, yet why not have the forsaken use that army?  Give the LB a desperate feel I felt it lacked with Seanchan fighting Seanchan.  No matter how dire Mat tried to make the LB seem, it never felt that way to me, hell he sent away half his army to protect Tuon.

  4. The reason there is no way it could of been Olver as he was much to old.  


    if being a hero was common the horn would be summoning fifty thousand people.  Being a hero is meant to be rare.  There are only a few people destined to lead important lives.  Even fewer live lives meant to be linked LTT/Ishy and Brigette/Gaidal for instance.  Even the heroes can lead normal lives, briggtte mentioned something about being a farmer or something once and being the most boring thing ever.  That's the reason why most the important people from Rand's age for the next LB will be different people.  Just because say Egwene did a heroic thing doesn't necessarly mean she is going to become or was a hero.  Just like the forsaken aren't destined to be forsaken every time.  Briggtte also only remembers some things from past lives since she wasn't spun back out like normal but forced back into the pattern,  also what's to say Noal/Jain wasn't a hero already.

  5. I think the main thing about channelers is the Seanchan are trained for war, the Seanchan is described as a land always at war, usually rebeliions and such.  So they are skilled at war.  Aes Sedai have very little experience with using the power in a war.  The 3 oaths actually limits their use in a war as Mat discovered.  As I said earlier RJ made them too powerful as it didn't make since that they stopped so quickly,  Their stopping made no sense to me since over 100,000 were chasing Iraltude (however you spell his name) 100,000 were looking for mat, a huge army fought Rand small force in Illian.  The companion said the Seanchan going into Illian was Semi's doing to keep Rand occupied and so he would see them as an enemy and lessen the chance of any alliance.  So with Semi, they wouldn't of even marched into Illian.  They should of easily of had the weak divided nations near them.  Look at how quickly they took the land they had, and then sort of stopped.  Randland way of war was outdated when they encountered the Seanchan.  Ranland didn't use the power and calvary charges was the primary tactic, all which as the whitecloaks discovered don't work now.

  6. Just when you read about them in the LB, they are descirbed as being huge.  But you have to remember Semi stopped most of their armies from coming over, just seemes like they somehow got  huge force over by ship. Even before the LB they had at least 3 armies of over a hundred thousand men.  With as powerful as they seemed at the LB I don't see how they didn't control most of Randland.

  7. Actually it explains that, basicly all the nations and the BT went after the Seanchan one after another.  After each victory the Seanchan became stronger and stronger, simply becomes a numbers game.  The test all the women they find, chain the channerls and no one is around to train those who could learn.  The nations didn't stand up to the Seanchan together, which is why the dragons peace was so important, uniting the nations and aiel to fight together.

  8. Also not everyone keeps a blade on their hip, shinerians use two handed blades, one of the heroes of the horn had two blades on his back.  But I assume, yes they are using the hand they draw with across their body on the hilt, to symbolize being at the ready.  Depending o nthe situation and me be trying to be sneaky without them noticing or just to show you are ready if needed. Slowly also shows they aren't going to immedietly draw, if the King at Far Maddening did it in  quick motion it probably would of started a fight.  Since everyone would assume you are drawing.  Also for some might just be a force of habit, something to do with your hands.

  9. @sabio,

    "I never truly understood the purpose of the aiel sister bonding".


    Robert jordan needed a way to include min in a 4-way bonding weave so saidar became an imperative part of an aiel's adoption ceremony,the whole adoption scene was just a precursor for the 4-way bonding scene. (winter's heart prologue).


    *nods*  But really seemed just tossed in as it seems there was really no reason for Aiel to this.  I think it would of worked better as a part of the Aes Sedai warder bond since that already involves someone who can channel and someone who can't.  

  10. Wouldn't of been worth the time and effort to set up a base camp,  Mostly because no one thought there were that many about.  You would either have to just start kindapping folks to test them or wait til lthey start showing signs and try to beat the Red Ajah to the person.   So you either only test just DF's or have to start kidnapping a lot of people to test them.  Or you just look for people showing the signs.  Problem is most of the people in he BT were the ones who could channel but never would of without some sort of training.  


    Taim was able to recruit, then he gave special training to those who had darker sides.  The DF's were allowed to learn weaves the others weren't, making them more powerful.  Then you slowly turn the others to your side.

  11. I find it funny they made a preview and didn't put it In the actual companion.  Unless I am totally blind.


    I was going to say wait she did all of that in less than six months.  But I understand now.  The BWB shows the split 999, so makes sense it being 1000NE when she was formally raised.  So she didn't march an army to the white tower, become prisoner, unify the tower, and fight in the LB in less that six months.

  12. I always thought he became a DF after, since it always seemed unlikely the DO would give up a seal willingly.  But the companion shot that theory down as it said Demandred freed him and gave him a choice to join or go to the WT.  Taim joined and the seal was to ensure he could gain Rand's trust.  Almost everything you posted is what I originally thought.


    He couldn't simply recruit just Df's, since he might not of found many.  His  tactic was to simply go to a town and say he was here for the dragon reborn, he played up the grand adventure aspects to help entice men.  Those who failed went to the legion of the dragon.  While teaching the Asha'man he could then look for the ones with a darker aspect and give them special training.  This way he could show Rand how well he had done while secretly building the DO forces.  Also ther came a time where he could no longer justify doing al lthe recruiting himself.  So eventually he would have to let others do it.


    Taim had good reason to be worried, notice he never said for the world or anything.  Without Rand there was a good chance he would of needed to fight his wait out of Andor and with no army.  Also he was only of use to Dem if he could earn Rand's trust.  Without Rand, Taim was simply a DF who could channel.


    Taim had no choice, he didn't dare risk Rand going to the WT and only Rand knew where the seals were.  There also might of been orders that Rand was not to be killed.  Not to mention what would Taim love more then a chance to kill Aes Sedai and turn his Asha'man loose.

  13. Make the knowledge of Sul'dam being able to channel mean something.  All the OMG this will rock the empire, Suroth hiding the Sul'dam etc..  Only for it to come down to Tuon saying I choose not to channel and everyone seem fine with it.   Really anti climatic.  

  14. Couladin was needed for two reasons.  


    First it made Rand reveal what had been hidden and second his going to Cairhien made Rand seem like a savior instead of an invader.  HAd he sent the Tairians north and then appeared with a large aiel army, he would of been seen as an invader.



    Honestly the Shaido to me just seem odd, I always found it odd how almost all of the shaido so easily broke their cherished customs like ji'e'toh and taking non aiel gai'shan.  Sort of like the earth shattering news that may break the empire when its discovered Suldam can channel, was met with hardly a raised eye.  Seems like the Shaido rather casually broke traditions they had, with really no problem at all.  Just always seemed odd, could you see Rhurac's clan blindly breaking ji'e'toh?  .

  15. In TGH the aiel said " It is said there will be great signs and portents to his coming".  Then said "I thought you might have word of great events, the events that might hearld him". They didn't know what the signs would be or really where to go until Perin i believe said he is headed to Tear in TDR.  It's unknown if they knew the wetlander prophecy of what the fall of Tear meant.  But he took the sword and killed a forsaken, not to mention they may of seen one of the drawings of him fighting the DO over Falme.  So that gave them the thought, ok he might be the guy.  Without that Rand would of just been another wetlander to them.

  16. I orginally thought it was Lanfear testing Rand, until RJ said it was Fain.  I mean Fain at that time showed no special power like that so it was easy to assume Lanfear did it.  He hadn't even been in possession of the dagger that long.

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