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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. Just seems like not that big of an age gap to be discipling other children by switching them.  I mean if she is 4 or 5 years older, who gives a 15 year old permission to run about switching their kids.  Or if she was 20 and they were 15 or so, that seems a bit old for switching.

  2. I think his reaction to seeing her alive says it all for what he felt for her.  Why at the end shouldn't he trust her completely?  She knowingly sacrificed herself to take out Lanfear and save Rand.  The sacrifice is what made Rand trust her, because chances are had she stayed by Rand's side he would always be suspicious that she was trying to influence him somehow.  Not to mention Lan and Nyn wouldn't of gotten married if he was still bonded to Moraine.  With Moriane around he also of wouldn't of needed Cas.  So Moriane had to go.


    But as Niniel said, he needed two women he could trust.  Eg and Elayne were busy with other things.  He didn't trust or like Cas enough.

  3. They had to fail to the point where the pattern would make it so the dragon would be reborn and forsaken freed.   The pattern decided when it was time to kick off the end of the age.  The seals were made of stuff that should never fail or be able to be broken (those chains around Tar Valon were made of the same stuff and they were as strong as ever.)  So the Pattern had to weaken the seals.

  4. How can the forsaken put a lot of time into finding the seals?  The seals weren't important, they were going to fail soon anyway.  So is it better to grab power and prepare for the DO to get free or spend a lot of time hunting seals?


    He had no power to widen/weaken the bore or weaken the seals. He is outside the pattern, that's why his followers made an attempt to break him free.  He was as powerless as everyone else to weaken the seals, basicly it was for the pattern to say when the time was right.

  5. It has to get to a certain size before it's large enough to let the DO get free.  The bore wasn't very large, which is why his influence spread slowly at first.  The BWB even described when the forces of shadow tried to break the DO free.  The hole slowly gets larger and larger, who knows how large it actually has to be before he could break out.  



  6. The aiel do not need to make all that, Randland already has steamweagons.  That's why Rand formed the academies so advancements can occur. The Seanchan are without a academy,the down side to the Seanchan is they see channelers as animals, so they have no freedom to learn new weaves.  I still disagree with how they got gateways with Elaida offering it to them and wanting to give Aes Sedai to take her place.

  7. According to the companion Nyn was born in 974 and Rand/Mat/Perin 978.  So at start of series she would be about 23.  But the books tell of her switching the boys as they grow up yet she is only 4 years older then they are?  Shouldn't she at least be in her late 20's?  Four years is not that big of a difference to be that protective of them.

  8. RJ was the same way.  Asmo deaths should be obivious, tossing out hints here about other things, intentionally being vague with some answers, or twisting his words etc..  No matter what RJ said about Asmo's death it was never obvious.  With some work you could come up with a good guess.  But obvious should mean from reading and not having to start writing down ever forsaken and going trough process of elimination to come up with a guess.  WOT was complex because a lot of those theories took a lot of work to come up with.

  9. I think in a Mat POV it even said it would be impossible for him to live that many lives.  From the sounds of it, the spinning out isn't fast.  Briggette is a hero but gets spun out like everyone else, and she has made it seem like there is a lot of down time between lives,  I doubt there is a set time but I also doubt if you die you are getting spun back out in a few months or a year.  


    An example would be If that was really Kari Ishy had in book 1, that means she has been dead for sixteen years or so.

  10. I am trying to think in history when towns had a council of just men to run parts of town and a council of just women to run other parts of the town.  This isn't like a committe that's formed to make suggestions, this would be like a town telling men ok you vote for this council and women vote for that council.  The men handle internal issues, women handle external etc..    Oh and by the way the lady in charge of healing/weather will constantly come around to yell/bully/ and insult you daily.



  11. I think RJ was trying to balance things

    Borderlands king or queen

    Andor queen

    Seanchan king or queen but has been a queen for hundreds of year

    Tear and Illian seem mostly men

    Tarabon has both a male and female

    Cairhien can have king or queen

    Amadicia a king (nothing if can also be a queen)

    Altara who ever has the most power

    Murandy - who ever has the most power

    Arad Doman a king



    Some seem a bit odd for instance having a female council and  a council for men like in the Two Rivers, seems like a poor attempt to show both sexes are equal and have power.


    Always seemed to me he was trying to balance men and women as leaders.

  12. Also most the nations don't have large professional armies and their tactics aren't all that good.  Look at Mats reaction in book 5 where the attitude he faces is basicly calvary is how to win, and the foot guys are looked down upon. Nations such as Tear where the nobles basicly draft their peasants when needed. So the quality of most the armies isn't all that good.

  13. Would the Seanchan put up  good fight yes, it is thought the exotics were brought from parallel words to fight shadowspawn after the breaking.  By the time Luthair arrived all shadowspawn had been wiped out.  But they are also use to big armies lining up and channeling,  but we know from one of Rands lives the worlds new rulers were being driven back by the forces of shadow.  Seanchan are good but without Mat they are no match for Dem, fighting through dreams, compulsion, grey men, and more importantly friends of the dark in their own ranks.



  14. Brandon even said  Gawyn wasn't as good as he thought he was so I assumed some luck or something else came into play with Gawyn killing Hammar.  


    Valda was a experienced blademaster.  We don't have a lot to go on for Valda's skill.  We know Galad was really good but both Lan and Dem could take him, Ran with both hands was pretty darn good.  I also suspect Tam was a match for Galad.  So is it so shocking Valad might be a match for Galad?

  15. It was punishment, they brought nine (yeah wasn't necessarily their fault that people not originally with the embassy showed up and took over).  So they were forced to kneel.  But I also see it teaching them humility.  Both sides had the opinion they needed to guide him, almost as if he was a child.   This was basicly Rand standing up and saying he runs things. 


    Also it was a good thing for the Aes Sedai that they kneeled and Rand sent them with the wise ones.  Had he let Taim take them chances are every one of them would of been forced to the shadow.

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