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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. But this is where the problem lies we are trying to guess what Nynaeve, Moiraine might of said or done, or what we feel they should of said.  Only Ny and the Asha'man healer (forget his name) even seemed to pay Moridin any mind at all.  If Ny had truly thought he was dangerous wouldn't she just of blasted him and be done with a forsaken?  I think its clear no one really considered him much of a threat and thought he was in no condition to do much of anything.  With him slowly getting better if anything it was probably assumed it would take him a lot longer to get better, and it wouldn't turn into the body sitting up and just walking out as if nothing had happened.  If we are going to guess it might be that Alivia ensured there was no guards.  But I don't think anyone said who he was, Morinae clearly wasn't paying much attention to Moridins body.  There was no attempt for Aes Sedai to try and shield him as he was getting better.   The Aes Sedai certainly would of been there had they known who the body was.  With Ny being so upset with Rand dying I can imagine she wasn't thinking as clearly as she normally would of been not to mention trying to figure out the strange behavior from Rand's women. So for me there are any possible explanations as to why the body was left alone.  Also could of been that BS didn't elaborate because RJ didn't leave much about it.  I thought I read somewhere that the ending was RJ's.  So BS might not of felt comfortable trying to expand on what RJ had.

  2. You have to remember 99% of the people in camp would have no idea who Moridin was if they saw him.  So if they saw him walking about why would they be suspicious.  For me its that everyone was at the funeral and why leave guards on an unconscious person?  The funeral probably didn't last long so Moridin wasn't going to be left alone for long.  For all we know all Aliva was told by Rand was to gather gold, clothing, and other supplies and leave the stuff in the tent.  She might not of been clear on why she was being asked to do this, but she did it.  So there might not of been much to tell from her POV she was told to do something by Rand so she did it.

  3. Yes I also liked Logain needing to be rescued, but the problem is in the end Androl got most of the screen time and I just felt like Logain like Taim) were left unfulfilled.  These were two characters that I felt could of been so much more but both pretty much never got to reach their full potential in the books.

  4. I am just surprised how many people think it was one of the forsaken.  Why would of one the forsaken even care about the aiel or what happens to the aiel in the future. I think Nakomi did add a little her planting the seed of worry that I don't think any of the aiel truly wanted to think about.  Many assumed, like Rand did, that after the last battle the Aiel would return and go about their business like they always had.   Nakomi planting the worry in Avi plus seeing the visions of the destruction of the Aiel helped convince her that the aiel just staying the same wasn't possible.  Maybe the visns in Rhuidean would of been enough, but I think both helped Avi come to the decision that the aiel needed a purpose.  Since the dead were walking again my first guess was she was a dead jenn that was able to walk the world again because of the barriers weakening.  It the whole Avi coming back and all Nakomi's stuff being gone that made me think she was a spirit.


    Can anyone tell me how the opposite to balefire is a weave which only kills bad guys, Huh? Sanderson I really expected better that this from you.


    Balefire does not kill only good guys,it will wipe away bad guys as well,hell Rand used it to blast a no of forsaken away!!

    There was nothing, like it kills only bad guys, if i remember. It was only stronger against them ?? AKA Holy Bolt ?? :-)

    Yeah, it never said a good person wouldn't die from it or be affected.  She just some how knew that it would be more effective against someone who has gone over to the shadow.

  6. I still don't fully understand Egwene's last fight, I mean Taim had one of the most powerful things every built yet Egwene overpowered him.  With that mace he sohuld of been able to fry her to a pile of cinders.  Even with her drawing too much, we saw how powerful Demandred was with that mace.  That fight and her taking out all the remaining channlers at her death just seemed too cheesy for me.

  7. It's already been stated but let's do so again. The prophecy never says the Dragon Reborn will be Aiel. It says "Born of a maiden." The Aiel hadn't been seen since the Aiel war and even then little was known of them.


    Can't remember, Is this Aiel prophecy or the prophecy everyone knows?  The prophecy says born on the slopes of dragonmount but does the prophecy the Aes Sedai know mention a maiden.  Hard to keep track of who's prophecy is who's.

  8. So? Ishy didn't know that Rand was the Dragon Reborn specifically, but that doesn't mean that Moiraine wasn't almost certain.


    Ishy had the same information as Moiraine.  Like Moiraine he could narrow it down to the three of them.  Besides just because Mat and Perin looked as if they were from the Two Rivers whats to say their parents didn't birth them outside the Two Rivers?  Had it been known the child would of been from the Aiel they probably would of headed to the Waste to search.

  9. Well just because Rand looked different didn't announce him as the dragon reborn or else Fain would of most like identified him too.  Plus it is something you need to becareful of since what happens if she rushed into a decision and picked the wrong one?  Also she just knew he had been born, far as I know the Aes Sedai who announced didn't say he was born from an Aiel.  They might of suspected since probably not alot of women wandering on the slopes of dragon mount, but if they had known it was Aiel how did they know wasn't carried back to the waste? Don't think she knew anything was really special about all 3 of them till Min viewed them at the inn.  Ishy knew almost as much as she did and he didn't even know which one it was.


    How many people in the two rivers had seen an Aiel before the ones arrived with Perin?  Doesn't seem like many took part in the fight, if any.  How many knew what Tam had been up to outside the two rivers?  How many knew Tam and his wife didn't concieve the child on their own?  Impression I got was they came back to the Two Rivers with the child since he was fighting for Illian during the war.  She asked Ny questions and as you saw Ny held info back how many others would of done the same thing to an outsider coming in asking questions?  Plus she had to becareful who she asked and how she asked it.  DO has eyes everywhere and if you are too open about it he would find out.  Also she had another reason for not be too open about it, every other sister sent on the search to find the Dragon reborn had been murdered.


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