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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. The bore is not at Shayol Ghul, it is everywhere but the pattern is thinnest at Shayol Ghul so that is where the Dark One has the largest effect on the world.


    It would make sense if Shayol Ghul was where the bore was drilled, but nothing in the companion says that was the exact spot. 


    After the breaking it became a mountain in the Blasted Lands, where the DO's prison lay close to the world.  More preciously, Shayol Ghul was a sort focus point, a place where the Dark One's prison close to the world - there was a thinness in the pattern, allowing the bore to be detected - so the focus of the Dark One's strength was there.


    So Shayol Ghul is where the bore is the easiest to detect. 


    Oh Creator, this thread is going to be the end of me. There are so many little things I want to change about these books, so I will not mention all of them, just the major ones.

    The Magic System (One Power) of Wheel of Time is arguably the best thing about these books. Saidar is well established, but I wanted to see more of Saiden being used. The Black Tower was set up relatively early and I wish we saw more of it in the earlier books, so the sudden interest in it by BS wouldn't seem so out of place. I also really wanted to see more of men and women channelling together and creating wonders, even if only in the end.

    Something else that I would have loved to see would have been the exploration of Seanchan (the continent) and Shara. The Ayaad and the whole selective breeding and hierarchy system seemed really interesting.

    Lastly, I would have loved to see the effects of the Cleansing of Saiden on different channeling organisations like Damane, Wise Ones and Ayaad...

    I'd be willing to bet money RJ would've explored these things if he hadn't passed...The Outrigger series?



    He might of, but RJ said a few times he didn't believe in tying up all lose ends.  So I think many of these things never would of been visited.  The Seanchean possibly since the planned outrigger. 

  3. But the abilty to channel is tied to the soul.  So technically if the creator was allowing people to use the OP, he could give it or take it away.  The DO can give or take away access to the True Power, but you never seen anyone being denied acess to the One Power.  Just like the pattern spins out the souls when needed, the creator doesn't.  So for me it wouldn't make sense for the creator to not at least try to limit the forsake access to the one power.

  4. so,rand's three lovers are sexual deviants?damn.let me quote mel brooks

    from history of the world part one:'IT'S GOOD TO BE THE DRAGON REBORN.


    LOL, Love that movie.



    Yeah but not sure I would consider any of the three girls to be freaky when it came to sex.   The freakiest thing, if you can call it that, was when Rand and her tore each others clothes off the first time. 

  5. I think I slipped because they both serve the same purpose...To be a calming influence to help a highly stressed man stay centered. Remember what Min said about the 3 lies that her aunt says that all women tell their partners?


    Plus, RJ himself said that all of the main female characters were based on differing aspects of his wife's personality.


    And of course there is something wrong with Min.. she is SUCH a freak (sexually speaking), but then so we're Elayne and Aviendha, so I guess that's why they were able to accept sharing the same man.


    Not to turn this into an R rated discussion, but how were any of the three freaks when it came time to sex?  It's not like they decided to share him at the same time.  They basically did the same thing the Aiel do.

  6. Problem is how were they suppose to communicate?  We aren't sure they could send messages or communicate through their visions.  Mostly they were getting a vison of what the others were doing at that moment.  With the guys all over the place, Perin didn't know how to communicate using dreams.  All the women could channel, make gateways if needed, and had TAR training.  The men didn't.  Perin could of used a Asha'man but with Rand moving about, he wasn't easy to locate.  Mat was pretty much on his own.

  7. At first I hated Mat, his being so immature really annoyed me.  At times you would think he would be serious he was cracking jokes and such.  But as a character he really started to grow on me and Perrin quickly became the one I disliked out of the three guys. 

  8. Mat was suppose to be sort of the carefree bachelor one,  Mat even said himself, he wanted women to be happy to see him.  All he wanted was a smile,  if something happened fine, but all he wanted was for them to be happy.  He never expected anything to happen, but if it did then great.  He wasn't a love them or leave them type but he also wasn't looking for a relationship.  Mat was the one who wanted to just have fun.


    Mat as we have seen doesn't really think things through, he acts on impulse.  Hence why he is the one who is the prankster.  Rand remembered when Mat got caught trying to cut open fireworks.  The taking the dagger, going in the doorway in both tear and Rhudiean, placing the fireworks on the stone in Tear, etc.   He simply jumped into action to save Auldra, he didn't think about the odds or anything, he just sort of acted.  I think are good examples of him not thinking things out and taking into consideration potential dangers.  It's not about if these things the pattern wanted to happen since he doesn't know that.  But Mat is reckless and impulsive.  Doesn't mean he is a bad person, just means he is one to act on impulse. 


    Only contact I remember Mat having with illuminators was Auldra in the 3rd book when he saved her.  I might be wrong but I don't remember Mat doing anything with them.


    So you're saying he didn't have a choice? In that case, that goes for virtually all the actions all the characters take. Going to Rhuidean doesn't mean he has to go in the doorway. Yes, we should be glad he did in the end - we should also be glad the women used the bowl, even though that causes problems for a time, or that Egwene became Amyrlin, all things considered, and decided to take the Tower. Elaida was dangerous and would pose problems for Rand and the last battle. 

    I don't really understand what you mean about him having to take the knife - they had to go to Shadar Logoth, yes, i guess, but as Sabio says, he didn't have to take the knife, and it was definitely reckless. Regardless of whether it didn't end up being all bad. An action can be reckless even though the consequences of it were desirable or at least not all baf. 



    Not quite sure what problems the Bowl caused? If you mean how the Power was going wild near Ebou Dar, you're confusing Elayne blowing up her gateway with the Bowl use.


    Mat had to take the knife so Fain would have it later to cut Rand with. If Rand isn't cut by that knife, then he doesn't figure out how to cleanse Saidin. Kind of a big deal no?



    Yes it had to happen, but that's not why he did those things. it also doesn't mean he wasn't reckless in those actions.  Going through the doorway nearly killed him, carrying the dagger nearly killed him.  Both of these things Mat didn't know he had to do when he did them.  He saw a valuable looking dagger and took it, then lied about having it.  While unleashing an evil that could of destroyed the world.  He saw a doorway and simply walked in, simply assuming the doorway was the same.  These are reckless actions.  Yes we know he had to do those actions, but he didn't.


    A lot of people were promised RAFO's and never had it answered in the books.  I think Alan and Maria released some clarifications and we were waiting on the companion to answer the rest and it didn't.  I'm with those still wanting to know, lol!


    :laugh:  But I really thinks leaving many things unanswered is way better than having answers in clay tablets



    That's the way RJ wanted it, he said he wasn't a fan of everything being explained.  So I assume he was going to leave a lot of questions unanswered and not tie up every loose end. 


    It is hard to remember the specific circumstances without going back and rereading, but just from the top of my head, I remember: 1. Entering/conquering Tear 2. The whole Caemlyn/fireworks' guild thing 3. Escaping Ebou Dar 4. Chasing down the girls in Ebou Dar (and Tanchico? Can't really remember anymore what happened there, maybe I am mixing it up with a different situation) 5. Entering the ter'angreal in Rhuidean 6. Never really thinking through what he says, which leads to him babbling off to Seanchans and others while drunk 7. Basically anything else that doesn't involve direct battle or planning battle after the incident in pt 5. 7. Not realizing he should mainly leave meddling to Thom etc., he seems to be completely blind for the non-battle related skills of people around him, such as Thom when it comes to politics / reading currents and people and the women when it comes to doing magic and what that makes them capable of. 8. Taking the knife in Shadar Logoth despite all the warnings. He acted generally reckless in there.




    #1 He had to get into the Stone to save the girls, which he did. His explosion provided a perfect distraction for Rand and the Aiel.

    #2 No idea what you're talking about, be more specific

    #3 Freeing the Seafolk women was a risk? Or talking Tuon along? The escaped Seafolk caused a disturbance just as Mat and company were getting through the lines to leave Ebou Dar. He HAD to take Tuon at that point or the Seanchan would still be at war with everyone, never mind entering the Last Battle with the rest of Randland. It took her away from Semirhage's influence and most likely Tuon would have eventually been killed by Suroth if she stayed in Ebou Dar.

    #4 He wasn't in Tanchico. As far as Ebou Dar...he saved Elayne's from being killed by the Gholem. Directly and indirectly found the location of the Bowl as well. Not to mention he all but single-handedly got the Seafolk women in line.

    #5 He had to, was told to in fact, he didn't have a choice. Go to Rhuidean Son of Battles/Trickster/Gambler, or you will die was the jist of it. This was one of the most important decisions he ever made in the entire series. It's mind boggling and quite frankly downright scary the amount of events, storylines and characters that cease to be if Mat doesn't have those memories, that ter'angreal and that weapon. Rand, Elayne, Moiraine, Tuon all dead.

    #6 Not sure exactly what you're referring to but I'm almost positive that it leads back to being part of the Seeker setting Karede on the trail which eventually leads to him being able to bring Tuon back to Ubou Dar safely with the proof of Suroth being a traitor.

    #7 Not sure what that has to do with risk taking exactly?

    #8 Had to be done. The domino effect of him not taking the Dagger are once again mind boggling. No cleansed Saidin, no holes in his memories to be filled...the list is endless.


    In the end, there's more than enough to make the argument that Mat had just as much affect on how events played out as Rand did.


    Fine, you don't like Mat, fair enough but to say that his "risk taking" was a detriment to those around him or especially to the story itself...well, that's just completely false in so many ways, complete opposite in fact.



    I think he meant that Mat knew he had to go to Rhudiean, but nothing told him to go in the doorway there.  It was a foolish risk since he assumed it was the same, and without thinking he stormed in and that assumption nearly killed him.  I would say the other reckless thing he did was take the dagger.  That was him being greedy and thinking he knew more then Moraine, with his thinking he clever since it wasn't "given" to him.  I mean it has to been deemed reckless since it very well could of killed everyone.  The risks he took ended up being needed, but I would classy those incidents as being reckless since he didn't really think either out before doing them.  Rescuing the sea folk women could be classified as sort of reckless, since it was a risk he really didn't need to take.  But I can't blame him for that since it wouldn't of been like Mat to simply abandon them.

  12. I can see how Galad's everything is black or white could be pretty annoying, Elayne said a few times how unbearable he was.


    Egwene was extremely manipulative.  Look at how she treated Nyn in Tar, or when she would lie then get angry at Elayne and Nyn for almost exposing her lies.  Her bullying people to swear loyalty to her.  Her by default assuming Rand's plan was wrong, and even trying to lie to Moriane about her dreams at the meeting.  Turning the aiel are wrong for looting the stone, to then trying to insinuate it was Rand who needs to accept other cultures,  Rands POV even said that was typical Egwene. 

  13. She was a know it all who refused to admit she was ever wrong.  She had no problems manipulating friends or even other Aes Sedai in order to get what she wanted.  She always assumed she knew better and had an aura of superiority about her.  She just assumed Rand was wrong about what needed to be done, and even though she had no plan herself, she just took the you're wrong stance.  Even when Moraine called her out about her dreams there was her refusing to admit what they meant.

  14. Alas! the world has really changed. Three ages into the thread and no one has really bashed Eggy the exalted  one? What a sad day I have been destined to live. Hell no one has even come out to defend our very own Gollum the eggy. Perhaps, hate is a too strong a word to describe my feeling, but severe dislike is not too far. You see she has been one character that you had to make others to look stupid to make her look good. Right from the beginning she was a slut who latched on to whoever, provided her with maximum benefit. If she cannot have Rand to lord over, she will flirt shamelessly with Aram, Galad or Gawyn. Whoever happens to, be convenient. I know it is only partially true and probably not fair, but look at her character arc throughout the book and you see that all o her greatness was contrived. Unlike, some great characters who developed wit the story. There are several readers here who are new to the series and I will be spilling it or them.


    I think it's time to spread the hate around.  Eggy is the top of my hate list, but never hurts to share some of the dislike.

  15. Treachery maybe, but at least when she deposed Siuan she thought Siuan was harming the tower.  Yes there was jealousy, resentment, ambition, etc  but she thought Suain secretly helping a man who could channel was a crime.  Also part pf her change was from being near Fain.  But I can never accept her being willing to turn Aes Sedai over to the Seanchean. 

  16. I like eladia till the whole she gets captured and starts saying she will give them Aes Sedai to let her go.  I didn't mind her getting captured, as it made it the easiest way for Egwene to take power, I just hated BS making her such a traitor and coward.


    For me, Nyneave was irritating right up until her "i give in" moment vs. Moghedien, when everything clicks into place and she accepts her life (while maintaining strength of character afterwards). 


    I got most irritated mostly with any top Aes Sedai in the Salidar camp. Elaida was obviously bad and I agreed with the split, but their pettiness and squabling just really brought such a strong society and characters to a screeching halt. Suddenly Egwene was a Mary Jane instead of a strong young woman, and I don't think she ever needed THAT, although I loved her as Amyrlin. The group of irritants include: Suin Sanche, Leane, Romanda, Lelaine, et al. 


    The pettinness made sense to me to a point, as alot of it was the BA doing.  Not to mention they have been squabbling and stuff for awhile, and its hard to suddenly put that all aside.  In TGH it's clear the ajahs didn't get along to start with.

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