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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. The theory is actually close in some spots.  Random reading of the companion turned up a couple of interesting things.


    For the Samma N'Sei (Eyeblinders) It says they were groomed to be a surprise weapon in the Last Battle.  Some of them had an earlier mission to find and destroy the Eye of the World before the Dragon Reborn could reach it, but that Mission failed.


    Eye of The World - It says it was destroyed when it fulfilled its purpose related to the Dragon Reborn.


    So seems Ishy did want it destroyed and sent some to find it but Rand seemed to of used it for what it was intended.  



    Had Book 1 of been the ending, it would of been a horrible ending.

  2. Would make sense if the WT was trying to find any survivor to keep them quiet.  Sadly the companion doesn't shed light on who the bandits worked for.  The bandits were real, the companion does say when he was fully healed and could travel he killed the bandits that were troubling the town.  


    Rand wouldn't hire bandits, and the Shaido wouldn't.  So if the bandits were working for someone, the WT or maybe BA would make sense.

  3. I assumed Aginor used too much of the power and burnt himself up but according to the companion Rand killed Aginor.  


    Maybe the Eye was used for the intended purpose, Rand did hurl back the Trolloc army with it and prevented Shinear destruction.  At the time that was mans greatest need.  Rand was going to need to cleanse Saidin anyway or else a bunch of insane men were going to be running about.

  4. It says it in the companion, but nowhere in the book do I remember Thom mentioning it.  


    The companion just says an Aes Sedai showed up in the nick of time.  Like Samitsu, she could regulate her weaves, so she was able to heal him enough to keep him alive.  No mention of the Aes Sedai's name.  He was probably still there when Moraine arrived, but was somewhere healing up.  The companion just says when he was finally able to travel again he made his way to Cairhien.  So it probably had to spend a little time regaining his strength.  Since Moriane wasn't that far behind Rand and Mat at Whitebridge, chances are Thom wasn't fit to travel yet.

  5. A portal from Randland to Seanchan empire one thing, the sun is a lot further away.  Which would explain need for portal stones.  Since making a gateway to another world would probably be impossible, so the stones were made for such great distances.  The most important thing is whether insane or not, Ishy and the Forsaken weren't going to simply kill everyone without the DO's ok.  Ishy might kill the world but when dead he still gets to face the DO.  Ishy wanted the DO to make it so Ishy was never reborn again, Ishy didn't simply want to die, but never be reborn again.  I think it's also clear the thought of gatewaying lava or anything else never occurred to the Forsaken.  Just like using gateways to spy from above they never tried.  Look at the devestation the insane male Aes Sedai caused, it could be back in the AOL they had such power to use that things like lava gateways would of seemed a waste to them.  As we have seen the Forsaken were not free with teaching BA and Asha'man weaves.

  6. The Tuon and Sul'Dam and A'Dam means for herself or her empire, annoys me from the point of it was all OMG this is going to shake the foundations of the empire so we must cover it up.  Then when it becomes known Tuon could care less.  All of this the empire might collapse and in the end it's no big deal.


    Ummm for the sun there is probably a distance limitation, my guess is the sun would be way too far away, not to mention one gateway will hardly end the world, just the spot the gateway is at.  Just like a gateway pouring lava on top of the Stone of Tear won't simply flood the city, just pour down a gateway sized flow of Lava down.  You need to start linking etc to increase the gateway size.

  7. Wolf Dream stuff went on way too long.  Perin was just always so moody all of his I won't let you hurt the prisoners tantrum,it seemed as if the longer the series went Perin just became more and more unlikeable.  Perins stories just dragged on, wolf dream, Faile rescue, not understanding Faile wanting him to yell etc..  Just seemed like As Mat was going from place to place, Perin was still doing the same stuff.

  8. The companion confirms Silvie was LanFear, it says she attempted to bamboozle Egwene in the World of Dreams.


    All the clues sort of pointed to her like Rellaeing said.  Says Great lord, Chosen, mocking Ba'alzamon, considers herself master of the dream world.  Plus at that time we hadn't met Moghi or any of the other Forsaken who might of been wandering the World of Dreams.  So pretty much was the main Forsaken you could suspect.

  9. They have to stick together, Elayne doesn't have the power to boot the BT out of Andor (if she tried and won it would be very bloody and involver her having to fight bonded Aes Sedai) and the BT doesn't want to move so Logain knows it's in his best interest to not make Andor an enemy.  So like it or not, it's in both their best interest to play nice with each other.  A strong Andor is a good ally for the BT and the BT in Andor is another layer of protection for Elayne.

  10. Rand respected that Cas was trying to help but he couldn't trust her since she was trying to manipulate him.  The cleansing and Semi ambush proved he could trust her, but you saw she always tried to take control and assumed she knew best.  Rand couldn't have that when he faced the DO.  You notice the two he trusted the most at the end were two who went against Aes Sedai ways in order to do what was right and not what the WT wanted.  if you look at Egwene the further the series went along the more she became the stereotypical Aes Sedai.  


    Pre Moiraine/LanFear encounter, no he didn't trust her completely.  He knew she was still trying to manipulate him.  Post encounter he did.  How could he not trust someone who knew in advance what would happen and still sacrificed herself to save him?

  11. Theradnecro is right, the BWB just says sometime during the War of a Hundred Years a change was noticed and almost 2000 years of use.  Only humans with ogier guides were allowed use of the ways.  Ogier simply didn't trust humans enough to allow them free access.  As you see ogier try staying away from human problems, the last thing you want to do is allow these chaotic humans free passage to the ways that lead right to steddings.


    Each stedding is like a small village, you use the ways to visit other villages, they had no desire to become one large ogier community.  They simply wanted to stay in contact with steddings, the ogier don't seem big into technology and advancements.

  12. When the ways were created most of the land was simply trying to survive, kill the remaining shadowspawn, and then rebuild.  When civilization did start to rebuild Ishy was spun out to trash the land again.  It also doesn't seem like the Ogier were advertising the ways much.  The BWB does say only Ogier and Ogier guided humans used the ways, so it doesn't seem like the Ogier trusted humans using it alone.    Plus the BWB also says the Ogier only grew a path to groves.  So there was never a desire by them to make paths to major cities etc if there was no grove near.  My guess is they simply didn't trust humans not to misuse the ways.

  13. I would just think to become chief of chiefs would of been a little more difficult.  I understand him being raised outside of the blood was to ensure he wasn't"corrupted" by aiel thinking.  So that when he did go in he didn't freak out and die.  Even then the information was really only of use so he could "expose the truth that was so long hidden".  it just seems like he got a free pass on this one to ensure the chosen one didn't screw everything up an fail.  I mean to get the one of the herons he was at least stabbed.  

  14. Am I the only one who thought Rand going to see the Aiel history was a little pointless or he basicly got a huge pass?  Only 1 in 3 men come out because seeing the aiel history is so shocking for them.  But Rand not being raised aiel might of been shocked but I doubt it was going to be so traumatic he would never come out.  So it seems like his becoming chief of chiefs was made a bit easy for him.  As long as he survived the walk to and from, there really was no chance he was going to fail the test.

  15. Am I the only one who thought Rand going to see the Aiel history was a little pointless or he basicly got a huge pass?  Only 1 in 3 men come out because seeing the aiel history is so shocking for them.  But Rand not being raised aiel might of been shocked but I doubt it was going to be so traumatic he would never come out.  So it seems like his becoming chief of chiefs was made a bit easy for him.  As long as he survived the walk to and from, there really was no chance he was going to fail the test.

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