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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. The BWB described the WT as being 500 feet tall, and 300 feet at the base, slightly wider at the base than at the top.  The tower was designed to house the ajah's in the top half; each with it's own pie shaped section, while leaving the wider bottom half to general purposes.  A smaller-palace like structure attached to the back of the main tower was intended for novices and accepted, while a large building behind the tower and palace was to function as a library.  Solarz is right, the BWB also says the Aes Sedai intended for their numbers to grow since the Tower and related buildings were far larger then was needed at the time, with working and living quarters for many more Aes Sedai then there have been, even now.  


    Well first the 200 feet per Aes Sedai is an assumption.  Also how do you know each Aes Sedai had space for three rooms?  The novices and accepted are in a palace out back and the most the staff probably lived in the city.  No mention of where the warders or trainees stayed. The picture in the BWB shows the WT with at least 18 floors (possibly 26).   


    My guess is the rooms weren't very large, mostly a place to sleep and do some work if needed.  if you wanted food you went down to the kitchen etc..  For instance the companion says for Greens, staying in the tower was considered punishment.  So many Aes Sedai would rather travel about then stay in the tower.

  2. RJ did confirm they were DF's.   Their surprise is understandable since the point was to approach him all friendly like so he would lower his guard, then strike.  So when he struck first they weren't prepared for that.  I guess there was a risk these were just innocent people, but I assume to Rand it was unlikely this lady and her guards would be traveling that late at night in the Murandian Hills without a very good reason.  Most people would of found camp long ago and not risked traveling in the wilderness at night.  Also it would seem rather inefficient to have a gray man just riding in a caravan in the slim hope these people stumbled upon Rand.  


    Sadly the incident is left out of Rand's section in the companion.  So there is no way to know why he assumed the lady was the most dangerous.

  3. It would make sense that when channeling is rediscovered that men and women would be together, all the past history would of been forgotten.  Respect each other yes, but could you see Aes Sedai inviting Asha'man to be equal members in the tower?  Even bonding them there was talk of making sure to use to power on the men to make them obedient.  No to mention many Reds hate men, so it will take awhile before they ever consider men equal partners.  The BT just sacrificed a lot to be an independent place, they won't simply give that away.

  4. 1 hour ago, Maedelin said:


    I am afraid I must disagree with your statement, as Min was beneficial in turning around Tuon's army at the end.  Who knows what else she could have done if the generals had put her in their planning meetings.  She was utterly ignored.  If she were there, perhaps she could have told everyone the generals were being corrupted after a potential vision.


    Just because she does not have military acumen, she solved milennia old riddles of ter'angreals, foresaw various important aspects of the fighting before and during AMoL, and possibly could have kept Siuan and Bryne alive as she would have still seen the aura of death around them. (I'm paraphrasing right from the book)  There could have been many things a -person who can see the future- could have done to help the armies of the Light.  Instead, they had her copy messages, and run errands.


    Of all three of the women in love with Rand, she was the most underutilized, and because of that, it made me think that perhaps Sanderson wasn't fond of her.  Perhaps he just didn't know how to write her.  Perhaps both.

    When the actually fighting started and she figured out the sword's trap, her main purpose had been fulfilled.  She isn't a general and couldn't really add anything to military matters.  Rand wanted her to aid Egwene, but with the Aes Sedai and Seanchan hating each other, I think using Min to send messages back and forth was a good idea.   Her main purpose was to see rand ready for the last battle.  Remember her visons always come true, so if she said ohh don't do that I see you're going to die it wouldn't of mattered.


    Her viewing of Siuan hadn't changed, if they stay together they live, if not they die.  When Siuan suddenly showed up without Bryne, it was too late.  It was Siuan's fault, she assumed she fulfilled Min's viewing without ever asking Min if she still saw it.  Had Siuan asked if Min still saw it, Min could of said yes.  Min didn't know of their near deaths during the WT fighting, so Min had no reason to warn  Siuan that the image was still there.

  5. One thing with the Shaido is they don't know about the Dragon's peace and sounded as if Thevara was never planning to leave the waste again.  The BT I would guess will never give up their independence right now, so I couldn't see them ever allowing Elayne to command them.  I would guess that being part of the government wouldn't be an option for Logain..  Maybe something like the Two Rivers deal where they are "officially" part of Andor, yet really mostly independent.  I mean if the BT said screw you we are an independent city state leave us be, Elayne couldn't really do anything about it.  So that's why I think it would simply be easier for her to set up boundaries and tell them don't go past that or just do what she did with Perrin and the two Rivers.

  6. I just always saw it as he already had so much time with Min, that in the last few days he had a lot of catching up to do with the other two.  For the rest it seemed weak but he had to find a reason for her to get to Tuon so she could expose Moghi.  After all she couldn't channel, fight well, etc.. So BS I felt was limited to how she could be of use, either bandage people or use her visions.  I just think it was probably tough to find a way to make her have a use.

  7. Well if Tuon keeps her word and gives channelers a choice to be collared or go to the WT.  It could be the Seanchan run out of damane.  Since it seems like most Randland women would run for safety over willingly being collared.  The issue is Rand never made a deal about men who can channel, will the seanchan kill them, try to find a way to collar them, or let them go to the BT.


    Shaido have made a blood feud with every other Aiel clan, if a fight breaks out the Shaido are going to get squashed.  Especially will all the defeats they have experienced.  Though oddly they never seem to be real low on numbers.  They also aren't part of the dragon's peace, so like Shara, they are fair game for anyone to attack.


    With as mistrustful as Logain is of Aes Sedai, I couldn't see him merging with Andor.  I could sort of an agreement to help Andor if it's in need.  

  8. Warders do have a reputation for being deadly fighters.  True, Galad didn't finish the training, but he should at least know Galad isn't some punk off the street.  So a smart person should at least be a little wary.


    Companion describes Valda as a true blademaster and his primary goal was self-aggrandizement.  So Valda was a cocky I'm the best and I'm more important type from the start.  I think that's what it came down to, Galad was no blademaster, Valda was, Valda was the Lord Captain, Galad was just some newer recruit etc..  So Valda was I'm better, this is just some upstart.  Had he taken a moment to consider Galad had at least some warder training and was probably also trained by one of the great generals growing up he might of been a bit more cautious.  But from the sounds of it that wasn't in Valda's nature.  Valda was the type to assume his titles meant he was the better man.

  9. Well in the new spring the tactic was to simply drop them over the side onto buildings below.  The companion did say many died "trying to escape".  So there wasn't a big need for the BA or Reds to hide anything, they simply could say they tried to run for it.  Which makes one wonder if they were intentionally allowed to escape since any non BA Aes Sedai shouldn't be able to lie and say they tried to escape.  Since the BA only knew the Dragon had been reborn, and not when it seems anyone deemed lucky would be targeted and killed.  


    Most the BA in all Ajah's were involved and most the non BA red.  Seems the Red knew about it and a few didn't take part in it much.  Elaida for instance knew it was going on but only went after Owyn.  It just surprises me with all the non BA reds that knew, how easily they went along with it not to mention assassinating an Amyrlin.

  10. Not to mention Lan didn't have the advantage of the Warder Bond when he fought the Darkfriend.  Lan admits the DF was better then he was.  But I would agree that in the 20 years since Lan skill has improved a lot.  I would say now Lan weakness would be that he is starting to get to the age where his speed and reflexes would start to slow, so his main weakness is probably age.

  11. According to the Companion his tactic in the Two Rivers was he would openly talk about Rand being the Dragon Reborn and say Rand sent him.  He played up the grand adventure aspects, demonstrated channeling, and dismissed fears of insanity.  The Village Councils and the Women's Circles knew they couldn't stop him, but talked against him.  He managed to recruit some fourty plus men and boys in the two rivers.  Some had to run away to join him.


    Perin more than likely took men only between certain ages and I can't see Perrin really going out of his way to encourage people to come with him since it was the start of his ten book complaining about being a leader.  Perrin is more of the type to say you are all crazy for wanting to come, don't you know this won't be all fun and some exciting adventure?

    So I could see some the older types thinking wow marching with an army doesn't sound fun but Taim shows up and really puts on a show and talks about how exciting it's going to be etc..  Some who stayed might of started thinking wow this seems exciting.   Taim also didn't care about ages so you might be twelve or fifty, he wouldn't care.

  12. But I think seeing someone in quick visions is a lot different then seeing that person later with a veil on but also when she was with Mat she was letting her hair grow out.  With everything he had going on, he was just to preoccupied to notice such a thing (such as was it an ambush and making sure min was safe) also the whole seeing her and fight happened pretty quickly.  Rand was also distracted by warnings that someone was channeling and hiding the weaves.

  13. The male channeling program or what the companion calls the vileness went on from when Gitara Moroso  said the Dragon had been reborn so 978 I believe until 985NE.  So over 10000 people were killed in 7 years.  Now yes the BA had a hand in some of that, but non BA Red's refused to stop and they continued for 2 years after Ishy ordered the BA to stop it.  

  14. Reading the companion, I have to wonder how any of the Red Ajah can consider themselves good people.  


    1.  Red Ajah held their leader as the equal to the Amyrlin Seat

    2. Were told to stop the male channeling program, where men were basicly gentled or killed on the spot.  Many continued to do it.  Secret tower records mentions 2000 men and boys killed, and the companion says that number was too low by a factor of 5 and maybe more.  So looking at least 10,000 men and boys killed.  Yes the BA started it but the Red continued willingly even after the BA stopped.  Many of the victims were killed "trying to escape".

    3. Assassinated an Amyrlin Seat in 984 NE who was going to stop the program (Sierin Vayu).  Killed by non BA Aes Sedai (though a BA member (forget her name) claims to of manipulated them to do it)

    4. Companion mentions the Red considered seizing power in the tower.


    Just sounds like they did whatever they wanted and that they were killing people even if they didn't know they could channel or not.  Simply a rumor of being lucky was enough for them to target you.  Just seems for people fighting for the light, they rather easily went about murdering people.  Also seems like the Red thought themselves bigger then the tower.  Curious how murdering an Amrylin seat and breaking tower law and murdering thousands of people doesn't break some oaths.


  15. According to the companion here are the ajahs sizes at the time of the Last Battle:


    Red 200 members

    Green 180 members

    Grey 140 members

    Brown 130 members

    Yellow 120 members

    Blue 100 members

    White 80 members 


    Also have to remember about the green, they didn't seek fights.  The main focus of the ajah was to be ready for Tarmon Gai'don.  It became known as the battle ajah during the trolloc wars.  It wasn't necesaarily that they were always out looking for a fight.  They weren't going to get involved in wars but held themselves ready to fight shadowspawn.


    Could be something such as the ajah with the oldest or strongest sitters had importance.











  16. I can't imagine how hard it was for BS to take all of it in.  RJ had an extensive universe that BS had to try to get caught up on.  As Jack said the Tower is simply a gateway, seems you can enter the tower from the real world and world of dreams.  The difference bewteen the tower of ghenji and the red doorways is by entering by the tower means you don't have the protections you receive had you entered by the doorways.  

  17. He was according to the companion.  The companion says "when he was fully healed and could travel he killed the bandits that were troubling the town.  "  Also we see in Book 3 bandits able to capture women who can channel.


    I am just saying groups such as Rand, Shaido, and Aiel wouldn't hire bandits to find survivors.  Of all the groups that took part only the WT or maybe BA/Darkfriends would be the type to hire people to try and locate survivors.   Elaida especially would want any survivor rounded up so limit the risk of the disaster spreading.   Or seeking specific people.  Of all the people who fled from the fight, the WT people were the ones who left in small groups however they could get out.  Which make it seem like they would most likely be the intended targets.

  18. Aiel would be considered less dangerous than Aes Sedai or Warders?  Aiel had a reputation as deadly warriors.  Seems like only insane bandits would try hunting down Aiel.  Sleet eliminated the bandits when he was fully healthy and could travel.  Who would fetch a better bounty an Aiel or captured Aes Sedai and Warders?


    Just seems to make the most sense the WT would want to gather up survivor Aes Sedai, Warders, or younglings.  As seen when survivors returned to the WT, Elaida made them stay out at farms and refused to allow even the Aes Sedai back in the city.  The WT was desperate to try and keep the disaster a secret.

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