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Everything posted by Guire

  1. I think that would be great but dont think we have enough info yet. Maybe Lan Mo storyline in next few episodes will make that possible.
  2. Agree 100 %. I think Avi and Elayne will have an intimate physical relationship independent or coexisting with Rand relationship. I think Min may be sort of 1 to 1 relationship with Rand outside of his traingle with other 2. Btw I have never seen these kind of complex poly relationships do well in long run in real world. I think the royal harem polygamy relationship from book actually has a better chance at working irl. Its like 3 simple coexisting relationships running parallel and can have decently defined rules.
  3. I am not being simplistic or saying people are evil because they are evil or bad. I am saying the degree to which people are self centered has an overwhelmingly strong effect on the harm they can cause which is perceived as evil. I think a fault of some modern thought is to always look for an understandable reason for people to do bad action. Trying to understand the reasons then sort of creates an excuse for the action. I think evil is sort of a simple word to describe a very complex system of human action and reaction. Also many sort of universal truths are masked behind systems of religion,culture, and ethical thought because we cant deal with the harsh coldness of reality. I just think when you dig down into people who have done large scale horrific acts the common denominator is they are all selfish pricks irregardless of background or life experience.
  4. 2 things I noticed not commented on so far. Rands dealing with Fade was was big call back to Wonder Girls sucking Fade into a flaming black hole when they were captured by outlaws. Possible biggest nitpick of entire show. How come no one in entire film crew and actors not know how to mop. Elayne I can buy as daughter heir but inn keeper heir Egwene should be forever shamed for that mop job. I was hurt to the depths of my soul.
  5. Showing affection to someone who doesnt desire it is about as nuanced creepy as it gets. Think a mother who abuses her children but expects constant affirmation and physical affection from a child.
  6. I am just assuming her and Alvarian are merged in some way at this point. I think RJ presentation of villians is way more accurate than people think. People act evil because they are selfish, self centered, narcissictic. They ally with people that serve their self centered needs and this is evil to everyone it affects. That was the means EF5 and allies could defeat the Forsaken and why Dark One favored idiots who served his needs over intelligence or competance. Asmodean could still make great music but he was a selfish prick.
  7. After downloading in highest quality instead of streaming to watch , I have found the flows and weaving to be pretty damn good. I think they have cleaned up channeling cgi and have reduced some of the more overt body movement that made it seem like avatar bending. So I will say slightly different, overall better imho.
  8. I think she can have genuine affection but it is so twisted by her own self importance that it is almost unrecognizable. So son might be real. But probably really needed a therapist and lots of meds besides crimsonthorn.
  9. Elaida and Egwene just "discussing" things is going to be great TV.
  10. I am wondering if this is just tv writer mystery box stuff. or show Mo and Siuan were in a happy public relationship. they witnessed the dragon foretelling, then manufactured a huge public betrayel/break up to cover their mission. So to Alanna this could be a foundational change in Moraines life. Why she has stayed away from tower and might challenge Siuan's rule. but to Lan who knows truth there is something else Alanna is referencing or he has to play along to keep up secret.
  11. Very likely Lanfear could have Jedi mind tricked a few people to get them in the door. However Selene and Rand are 2 attractive confident well dressed people crawling through a den of vipers. With game of houses in full effect I think their presence without interference was pretty reasonable.
  12. I always assumed Liandrin was instructor that beat her. I do think that Liandrin does have feelings for Mo and Nyn in show world. She is a very self centered power hungry person who believes her view of the world and men as the problem is the correct view. She needs powerful allies to achieve her goals and seems to want allies/tools in her journey. But at this level of narcissism and this far into her life any person or bond is subservient to gaining power because she is the one who knows how to use it. Basically she is 3/4 of the worlds politicians and upper business elite.
  13. Good info. I wonder if her extra years were spent as novice/accepted or if she had few decades as full Aes Sedai. I also wonder if Liandrin and Moraine had kind of weird Dom/sub relationship as part of Moraines training. If Liandrin is slightly older and became Aes Sedai earlier she may have been working to get Mo to reach her full potential similar to her mentorship of Nynaeve. Mo would also have been a highly sought after recruit for black ajah because of strength and family background.
  14. Show ages are different. Mo has a 5-10 year younger sister in her late 60s. Book Mo is mid to late 40s. Show Mo 20 plus years older. If Aiel war 20 years ago marks Gitara fortelling she spent 20 extra years in tower possibly all with Siuan. Also she is now a few decades older than Lan instead of slightly younger. And she would have probably been actively involved in Aiel War.
  15. So what is Moraine, Siuan, and Alanna's age range? This might really affect their roles in Aiel War and Mo and Lan's relationship dynamic. Also Mo/Siu would have been in a fairly long relationship prior to foretelling that put them on down low. Would there have been any reason for them to have a hidden relationship before Dragon Mission?
  16. I am not versed at all in TV production. Any chance Pike takes on larger role on creative or behind camera while appearing less on screen?
  17. Are we getting any outside of show explanations for rules behind the scenes or anywhere in social media. roughly knowing rules makes it easier for me to stay immersed. Especially when it feels like rules have changed from book.
  18. Yea its so weird. I have a 4k tv I was watching it on in bedroom. But thats worst spot in house for my wifi so I thought it might have been just auto adjusting quality down. Now I think the downloaded quality is just actually better. May start doing that with other shows and see if I have been missing things on them.
  19. I have been trying to get a rewatch in before commenting too much. One thing I discovered. On rewatch I downloaded show to my laptop at highest graphic settings. Before I had been watching on TV or phone streaming. My laptop has a good screen and I use a good bluetooth speaker for sound. The viewing experience was a massive upgrade. The costuming I wasn't really big on became impressive. Various dark and overlite appearing scenes became clear and balanced. The sound also made a big difference. I think this is first show I have ever watched that image quality and sound made that huge of a difference to my enjoyment. I watched a few episodes of RoP on laptop in same fashion and it didnt change my dislike of Rings at all.
  20. The showrunners and writers may or may not have great understanding of the book series. It is massive and people focus in on parts that are appealing to them. What does seem obvious is that Rafe and Co are creating show to appeal to their perception of modern feminist ideals. Thats how they pitched show and its how its being made. Whether they will create a show that is enjoyable and popular is yet to be determined.
  21. If Verin doesnt get her arc, Rafe better get lots of plastic surgery and disappear somewhere on a south Pacific island.
  22. Wonder if Adeleas will also be involved in Verin and Tomas alternative lifestyle? If not we may have a familial killing. Also a majority of sisters with spoken lines this season are likely walking in the shadow.
  23. That was Verin btw and she did seem to react to them before they created a physical effect. I think we need a couple of threads giving us consensus rules about how show world works....magic system, warder rules, Min visions, etc. I am afraid writers are leaning into mini mystery boxes.
  24. Tam was in multiple regional wars prior to Aiel War. Lan was a company commander possibly battalion commander in Aiel War. All Borderlander soldiers including Lan would have fought intermitent skirmishes against trollocs and Aiel in Eastern marches. All Borderlanders over 38 probably fought in some capacity in Aiel War. All Warders also in service at time had some war experience. So all the soldiers in Borderland service, Tower Guard, Warders, and White Cloaks were trained by officers and ncos with combat experience. Lan in books spent his entire life before Moraine at the heel of crusty old veterans or leading men in combat. He should be a master at compartmentalizing his emotion, taking orders from his superior(Moraine), fighting the fight even when emotionally compromised. Also Uno would have eaten Perrin alive for that crap him and Loiol were pulling. Maybe that kind of joking at a new Lt. A senior NCO with heavy combat experiemce sees all, knows all, and doesnt play games. Uno would never have forced the Seanchans hand either. You fight to win or defend not for foolish pride.
  25. A lion stuffed in a stall might look like a joke, but a lion on the high plains was something very different. Rafe so far is giving us warderdoodles. You are 100 percent correct that soldiers come in all shapes, sizes, personalities, sexualities, etc. And soldiers amongst themselves can behave very informally. But soldiers that have seen direct combat do tend to have a switch, an edge. I was not a very good soldier. I was a medic. But my dad did multiple tours of vietnam. Many of his friends when I grew up in 70s were combat vets. My family, my wife, my wife"s family large number of combat vets. This show is not capturing a soldiers voice from my experience. Borderlanders and warders have both been off. It is just not a priority for Rafe while making correctives to misogyny is.
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