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Everything posted by Guire

  1. Its not bad it just complicates telling a story with 4 male characters whose book characteristics are deemed toxic. It's like telling a story from pacifist point of view about American Civil War.
  2. That was almost exactly how I thought they would play that. Egwene as hand of justice.
  3. So heron on hilt on Rands sword was just a "my bad" by show for first season and that was Tam's sword that burned up correct? I plan a full season rewatch soon but didnt remember a sword swap.
  4. I dont think you are shilling for show at all. You have been pretty consistant in praise and critique. But this was a politically driven adaptation just as much as the flag humping patriotism shows are. My contention all along is that a less modernized female centric, female prioritized adapatation would have made more entertaining consistant TV in the framework of this story, plotline, and time limitation. I thoroughly enjoyed watching but its a pale mirror world of what it could have been.
  5. They are playing by TV rules. Can we make it entertaining and emotionally engaging enough to not care about rules and consistancy. Its "Whose Line is it Anyway" where the pounts dont matter. And oddly enough a recent US presidential election.
  6. For sake of enjoying show you can choose to not see it. Perrin and Mat thus far are kind of unlikable and not nearly as interesting as should be from what they have done in show. Rand has been in fetal position on floor alot and much of his screen time has been a dialogue partner for richer, more interesting female characters. It is what it is. Long live my dark diety Lanfear. the sneaky Lady of Carhein.
  7. Packed peasants presenting perilous pandenic possibilty was always the real danger.
  8. I am assuming power rules will be fast and loose at this point. So scope and distance of channeling will probably be a looks good on TV thing. I would have prefered Mo cut weaves. Damane target Mo and tower. Egwene and Mo blast ships. Ishy target Rand and Egwene. Angry babysitter Nyn momentarily block Ishy. Wolf Perrin try to physically attack distracted Ishy with Captain America shield Uno gave him. Nyn shield fail almost immediately. Elayne and Egwene throw everything they have at Ishy while Rand steps through and guts Ishy while channeling massive screen encompassing, burn out my eyeballs level of one power. Nyn heals barely conscious Rand while Elayne cradles him in her arms.
  9. Rand asked for help while being shielded and captive from Lan without TV showing what help was supossed to involve. After Lanfeat burned Forgate he doubled down on using her help knowing she was burning city to aid him.
  10. Perrin at start of book 4 was in a solid relationship with Faile. He was coming to terms with lesving behind his blacksmith past and struggling with violence but willing to use it. In show he should be in inpatient mental health facility. He has murdered wife and guy he barely knows. Killing Geofram as revenge for Hopper should create all kinds of emotional trauma for tons of reasons. Mat took express lane from Benedict Arnold to Captain America. who hnows where he is? They did much better than I thought they would but show still sufgers from lack of time and lack of interest for male characters. I still enjoy watching. Its good tv but still a big missed opportunity.
  11. We will never get the trial. Its pretty obvious Mat and Perrin are getting most of the story cuts. May not even get power wrought hammer. Big question. Is Horn gone now?
  12. Last of season 2 was as good to me as most of Expanse and the Boys. Season 3 has better material as long as they remember its EF5 not sheF5.
  13. Crap adaption. Womderful TV. I highly suggest gettong a few alcohic beverages in you and have your partner wear something sexy. Distracts from the nitpicking and fast cuts. Wife was very sad to see Ishy go. We are both Team Forsaken. Egwene was perfectly powerful without feeling Mary Sue. Overall cant wait for next season. Unlike last season trying to do a gofund me to have executives hunted down by cartel assasins.
  14. Anyone else thibk the weaves in this still look like a dragon? Very cool if intentional.
  15. I got sense in books her administrative training then adventuring had gotten in the way of having much romantic experience. So she was both wordly and naive at same time.
  16. I wonder if this mechanic will be like Aes Seadai having to personally feel danger or if they think they are lying its impossible. So Siuan just saying something doesn't trigger oath until it is invoked. Clunky but may give writers room to write scenes without being hamstrung by oath. Wonder how this will work if Siuan stilled? Or possibly a later scene where oath is revoked to restore Siuan and Moraine trust.
  17. I really like both actors in Damodred family so extending their runs would be great. Seeing more mature Rand playing off Lady Anveare in court if she is jockying for power would be good TV.
  18. I am full team Lanfear at this point. Gonna start a youtube channel dedicated to a Lanfear ruled age. In this adaptation it might actually happen. Look for incoming merch😁
  19. I will have to go look for it in books but I dont remember Rand trying to put anyone in the kitchen. He had an over concern for women in general and ones he cared for specifically. I dont think this was any kind of political statement but more about an inexperienced leader whose good intentions were misguided.
  20. I see Ishamael as a definite fake out death if they are not bringing in a Moridan actor seperately. His on screen presence and interaction with Lanfear has been so good I dont think they want to send him away even if plan called for it. Any surprise deaths possible? Siuan maybe or a warder? I think Barthanes is probably gone if not already. Lady Anvaere might be an interesting tragoc death.
  21. That is a good perspective. If I had to guess this is mostly a cultural and generational issue. Modern western society is very much at adds with martial culture. I think a conflict between Two Rivers traditional agricultural environment and a martial culture designed around survival more than gender equality would be offputting.
  22. Thats one area show may actually do a good job potraying. I feel like all the main characters will be weeping for their salvation.
  23. I think most of this is cultural differences. Saldea is borderlands. A martial culture like Aiel where physical punishmant is a norm. If you have never been immersed in a culture like that then I can see where the spanking and cruelty may seem like the traits of a horrific person. The spanking to me is an RJ thing stemming from attending a military school and being in vietnam era army. I was in military during transition from old scholl to less physical correction. In late 90s I was a medic in a joint international operation. The british soldiers still acted like they were getting their asses beat as punishment. Their SgtMajor carried a stick and acted like EoTW Nyn. From my perspective Faile knew Perrin could handle it and she wanted him to behave as she saw proper. A juvenile but not unheard human failing. In the army when we did pushups constantly for infractions we didnt know we broke , there was a turning point in training. Once we understood the expectations when we made a mistake we would drop as a group even if the fault was beyonf our control. It was embracing the suck. It also enpowered us and made the drill sgts proud. We were always going to make mistakes or fail but you still payed the price and had the dignity to face it. I think that was Faile's position with Perrin punishing her. By not following her cultural rules he was devalueing her and perceiving her as weak.
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