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Everything posted by Guire

  1. Ok show a'dam has a magical component to its form. It deployed itself from a round metallic collar, itt can shrink itself through some means. So giving your pet damane a bath would involve weaving tiny bit of spirit to shrink collar to minimum form. Have damane heat water in bucket with power, garmet is unfastened at back or front like hospital gown and removed. damane pour soapy water over self and scrub with air. dress is cleaned and dried with one power. New or cleaned clothing, shoes, hair adornments put back on. Damane is forced to expand collar to daily form and tucked in for night. I swear I reaf somewhere that form of collar was dictated by set safety concerns. I thin metallic collar that was at times attached to a chain presented to great of an accident risk. So voila safety issue averted and even more funky run fashion added for the segment of fans clamoring for a George Michael patina on their horror action wartime fantasy. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
  2. I would have love Nyn throat punching sul'dam then glaring at Elayne while saying "dammit Elayne you were supposed to channel spirit into it." Then cute to Elayne in best daughter heir expression saying"Oops".
  3. Just want to point out that seamen valda is an amazing autocorrect. I am in full snark mode today and the world keeps refilling my cup.
  4. It is overblown but I think it was something close to what RJ experienced and many soldiers in real life have. Most of the soldiers in story are older soldiers who have long made accomodation with capacity for violence and war. Perrin is also unique because he is a massive physical specimen who could have pushed and bullied people throughout his life. Modern war is technology. This period of human conflict his strength like Loiol and trollocs really is a factor. In books he is basically trying not to be enraged hulk. Mileage may very as far as who we would be more interested in seeing on screen. You are not wrong I just found book Perrin and his entire story very enjoyable.
  5. Al'Lan Mandragoran the research assistant that we never knew we always needed.
  6. I think that is a pretty accurate down and dirty assesment for Moraine and tower plot moving forward. If I can get some really uncomfortable flirting with Lan and Dark side recruitment of Moraine by Lanfear maybe I can forgive Rafe for the break up plot arc.
  7. The acting and casting choices are really making show watchable even when other parts are lacking. I wanted more Lady Anvaere. I would have loved a longer more developed plot with her family. Her and Moraine were a blast together. Damn Amazon really screwed us by having such tight time and episode restrictions.
  8. I hate harping on this but Perrins story is RJ reflecting on war. You are a nice guy who has all the tools to be good at violence. You kill someone and then have to deal with all the myriad conflicting emotion. you feel enpowered while hating what you can do and does it make you a bad person. Then you are faced with the bad things your enemy is doing to you and your friends. do you unleash your violence because its righteous or in self defense. Why is your life more important than people you kill even if they are bad or you are supposed to hate them? Then when something you see as truly good or beautiful pops up in your life you cling to it like a life raft in the ocean. It may not be the healthiest relationship from most peoples perspective but it is the person you can trust and love. In the presence of chaos and violence this is how you stay human. In show Perrin is not defined by killing a stranger like a soldier would, he is defined by killing the person he is supposed to love the most and protect. Then we get the tawdry 3 some fake out with Egwene. Perrin is a much darker person and way less relatable. He may become entertaining and beloved. Right now I hope they just kill him off.
  9. Outside of Alanna, other 3 are experienced operators and co conspirators who share intimacy and metsphysical bonds. In books it was inexperienced leaders thrust to the front or people from different cultures who had reasons. In show it just makes Lan, Moraine, and Siuan less likable and untrustworthy. I really want to see a show on Randland postal service. I never knew the secret mission of the Brown Ajah was to provide next day mail.
  10. I also agree there has not been much word of mouth or push from amazon outside of sort payed endorsement articles. But I am very aware I dont swim in most social media pools. There are not a ton of youtubers pushing show. I don't think Amazon has a real master plan to create buzz for show. I think they wanted to capture a young modern online fanbase with Rafe's interpretaion. Instead they got 65% over 35 who were probably heavily book or fantasy reader fans and some good traction in a few asian markets. Episode 8 needs to be brilliant so word of mouth about quality increase gets out.
  11. Thus Siuan and Moraine taking on task at young age is a real character reveal about both of them. They abandon previous dreams, romances, and comforts to accept this mission to save world. It defines them in books and foreshadows role of EF5.
  12. She was and got murdered putting responsibility on original wonder girls to save the world right out of college. Show wonder girls were middle age wonder women dreaming of securing safe govt jobs so they could retire early to Florida and start a fishing guide service. that is some top tier aspirational feminism right there.
  13. So I was a soldier long long ago. One of my digs at show all along has been that OG RJ wrote series from a soldiers perspective, even if many readers never caught it. He used weather in books often to show sort of the health of the world, as sort of a background sountrack, or as a real world obstacle. Jordan also used miscommunication or lack of ability to communicate well as parts of story. Our show writers have probably never been farmers, construction workers, or soldiers. So for writers who have probably spent most of their adult lives indoors or in Southern California like environments always on internet or with cell phones, modernizing story also means ignoring weather and instant communication. I do expect brush fire haze or mud slides at some point.
  14. I think I have figured out show Lan. After his rescue from Malkier he was raised by his surrogate family in their noodle shop in Fal Dara. Lan grew up idolizing the Shienaran soldiers and entertaining them with martial arts exhibitions. His stage name was Battle Lord. After Aiel War ended and country side was safe Dai Shan took his show on the road to Chachin to explore franchising the Seven Towers noodle house. He met distraught Moraine on road and cheered her up. Lan is Kung Fu Panda or Lan Pandragoran if you will.
  15. Of the charactors that will probably be around for awhile I only like Lanfear, Nyn, Elayne, and Egwene. So I am hoping we will get an epic battle where the Wonder Girls die heroic deaths and the reign of my dark empress begins. All hail Lanfear.
  16. With all the great development of Liandrin and the lack of Ingtar build up so far, is anyone else hoping we get a surprise Last Embrace swap with Nyn reciting her dads prayer to Liandrin. I am down if they do.
  17. I am not going to quote but just kind of answer last few posts. Nattie specificalky said Mat was going to be a bastard like his father. Also Abel looked in direction of drunk Nattie and Mat. In a tiny town being a philander is a bit more abusive to spouse than in a city where some doubt can be cast. Abel almost seemed to be getting off on harm he caused. When trollocs attacked he straight abandoned the girls. No coming back from that. Even pretty timid people step up when thwir kids are threatened.
  18. Nattie is supposed to be the sympathetic broken monster. Abel's horrible treatment has driven her to alcohol, despair, and child abuse. Neither Abel nor Nattie are redeemable to me at this point. Also Mat leaving his sisters in that situation if he never goes back makes him pretty horrible too.
  19. You described what feminism should be. What version are we currently accepting as dogma? Should there be payback for past misogyny and patriarchy? The politics here especially by activists and anyone who is concerned about their public brand is often not a clear cut moral imperitive.
  20. The problem is that changes like this require very skilled writers and time. The prime WoT is a giant crunch on main character development so major deviations eat that time. So far writing has not been strongest part of show.
  21. I have been enjoying this season much better. The WoT prime is still probably 4th best vetsion that could have been made. The problem is not with feminism. The problem is with the Hollywood version of girl power. Hollywood tackling gender equality is like a domestic abuser giving relationship advice. If equality is good then a dash of misandry is better. As shown by last few episodes the show didnt need to glow up the female characters. Decisions that were made for idealogical reasons muddled up lots of first season and its had knock on effects to second. They are doing some really good TV story telling. Much of that is just great casting and acting. The feminist reinterpretation in the new turning is one of the big anchors slowing the story down. I dont really enjoy Mat, Perrin, Elyas, Lan, Abel, and on the fence on Ihvon and Maksim. Even though the changes were meant to appeal to younger and broader audience I have seen little evidence it is. Performative activism does no one any good and that is most of what Hollywood and Big Tech brings.
  22. The dark forces are always better at propaganda and manipulation even in real life. Also the better forces can never admit they arent as clever as they think they are, so the wheel of politics keeps spinning.
  23. I was replying to a statement that show told a better story than books so far for first 3 books. I disagree.
  24. I think jury is still out if it will stay true to WoT. Right now it is decent tv. Lots of external forces are putting pressure on storytelling for series so I cut it some slack. I dont think majority of bookreaders find it better storytelling than first 3 books so far. Books did have a repetitive pattern of plot advancement. The devil is always in the details though and the joy of this series is very much about the details.
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