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Everything posted by HeavyHalfMoonBlade

  1. Is that so? I seem to remember when Pevara and co. are rumbled with their secret meetings, one of the Aes Sedai says something along the lines of "Is not obvious what they are doing?" and then grabs the Rod, retakes the oath and then declares not to be a Darkfriend. In my head, she did this while everyone was still gawking at her. I suppose someone could have been in the process of channeling, but I kind of remember it differently than that. I'd look it up if I could think of what book it was in.
  2. I also think that in the story it is fairly well set-up that no one knows who the Black Ajah is. Like when Moggie is talking to Liandrin and lets slip that she has no idea who they report to, in the Tower or if another of the Chosen is involved. So in the lore it is established that Moggie would not have been able to tell Egwene. Just as it is established capturing Liandrin and putting her to the question would not help. I suppose there is the possibility they could have used Moggie to try and out suspected Black sisters, but that would involve letting people know who she was, and would risk her escape probably. I can see Sanderson engineering some sort of complicated so set-up where they cleverly trap Black sisters due to the wording of the oaths or so, but Jordan always seemed happy to leave things such as that no one could know who the Black sisters were just as is.
  3. Well if you need any help don't forget about your friendly neighbourhood aspie πŸ™‚ I'm told I have a deft touch with boring menial tasks πŸ™‚
  4. I think it is fantastic that you take care of yourself. Everyone needs periods where they recharge the batteries so to speak. I kinda wish I had something similar. I just find myself withdrawing and then getting to a place where I cannot concentrate on or enjoy what I am doing as it is not productive enough, or well enough done, or I don't take it seriously enough, or I spend too long on it, or I'm not being friendly enough, or being too clingy; preferably where I can beat myself up for being too much or too little and bonus points for being able to do both. Then eventually I get enough rest and fed up enough of my own **** that I get out of the pit I was in. I'd love to be productive in there, like write a novel while tripping like Hunter S Thomson, but as of yet I most do stupid stuff because I'm too busy to start anything or too tired to commit to anything but have hours to read comment sections on the Internet. So in short, even though I'm fantastically bad at it, I fully support and encourage people to take time to look after themselves.
  5. The atmosphere had changed in the Riposte - it was palpable that people's attention was now on the prospective job. Kaylee was surprised that the Taraboner was still holding the offer open for her. She carefully lifted her spear so she could lean on it. "I have no horse, and well, I can sit on one." Kaylee sounded unconvinced. "The wagons will be good enough for me. I do be in, if you'll still have me."
  6. Yes, she is a bit headstrong. Though that explained by Min's viewing that her children would be born which is a bit lacking as she could have given birth minus a few limbs or in captivity and she is also very reckless with other people's lives as well. But I suppose she is allowed her faults as much as anyone. Also I think she is aware that she does not outrank the other Accepted, and that she has zero chance of getting Nynaeve or Egwene to anything she tells them anyway.
  7. I think this has something to with the way Jordan sees women, definitely how they are portrayed in the book. IIRC Jordan said he grew up in a household with strong women, I don't quite remember the exact wording. But most of the female characters are, to use a negative term, bossy. In contrast to the men who nearly universally follow the rules, accept each other's authority, selflessly work for the greater good; if you stick two female characters together they start to argue about who is in charge. Three and you have a fight. A lot more and you have the cluster**** that is the White Tower. The exception to this Elayne, who has been trained in diplomacy. I cannot help but feel - probably completely incorrectly - that a lot of the female interactions are based on Jordan's own experiences of, say, his relatives cooking Thanksgiving dinner and as such he sees Elayne as above this kind of kitchen politics. Of course it could just be she has been specifically trained on how to get along with groups that are disagreeing, but I cannot help picture a scene in a Southern kitchen when the issue of who's stuffing recipe is going to be used and it looks like things are about to turn nasty. That is my take anyway.
  8. I could be wrong, but I thought she was forbidden from channeling, which as long the oaths were in place she physically could not break. So even with the Oath Rod in her possession, she could not be free until she found another channeler to release her. I think at least that it was something like that, that although she could get free, she needed help yet.
  9. For this one, just in case anyone is wondering, it is funny because the guy doesn't hear what the girl says and that is really funny.
  10. I feel a little sad as I wanted to check if this really was Dick King-Smith, and found out he died in 2011. That just shouldn't be allowed.
  11. Kaylee glared at the blonde man with pure loathing. As if there do be nothing between being polite or a bully! The Light burn him to ashes! She now regretted not hitting him earlier, it would have been worth another handful of broken knuckles. But her anger was fading, the energy that had fueled her throughout the day was dwindling. Kaylee was tired, bone tired, empty within from the disappointment. The short-haired woman snagged her eyes, and twirled her daggers unnecessarily theatrically. "The boy didn't yelp twice at your hands for nothing." Kaylee held up her hands as if beseeching. "I did no be hurting the lad." She turned to Uno. "I did no hurt you?" She repeated it as a question. The boy looked away and rubbed his arm, shifting uneasily. "So, that do be that, then. I grabbed the arm of the most beloved and fragile boy in all the Westlands. But I did no mean to be hurting ye, and be sorry if I did." Kaylee offered her wrists to the group at large. "Will ye be binding me fast while you call for the Watch? No?" With a disgusted snort, Kaylee snatched up her spear and strode to the door. Or tried to. No one moved out of her way. They were all looking at her, as if they were all judging her, looking down at her. She wanted to barge her way through them, but her explosive anger was spent. Kaylee felt tired and alone, and very far from home. She looked at the floor and waited.
  12. Kaylee looked at the newcomer with interest. Would she look similar when she was older? The short woman wore her scars well. She moved with a lean grace that drew the eye. Her appraisal was cut short as the mercenary started talking to her. Berating her actually, Kaylee's eyebrows rose as he went on. Piss on everyone around her? By ordering a drink from the wrong person in an inn? Idiot Northerners. For not talking like some Lady who has spent her life with servants waiting on her every wish? Kaylee was so indignant she could do little more than splutter helplessly as the Taraboner continued. He spoke to the young man as well - commending his principles! - and then started talking to the scarred woman again. "I don't work with bullies." The young man with the braided hair picked up her coin and walked away. She had told him what would happen if he called her that again, very clearly. The Taraboner worried she would get a blade stuck in him. The newcomer with her old scars...well, Kaylee could not rightly think of what she had done to annoy her but even then. It. was. unbearable. Kaylee slammed both fists onto the table with all her might, instantly regretting it as the pain from her damaged hand shot up her arm. Opening her mouth, Kaylee let out a wordless scream of pure frustration, that tore through the inn making several people jump in alarm. "STOP! You be no just walking away after insulting me again!" Kaylee yelled at the retreating figure. "So I no be some fine lady in silks and be no simpering and giggling. I've worked me whole life since I was a mere babe, and I have never looked down on someone doing an honest day's labour. I have never bullied a single flaming person, as my aged grandmother stands witness." Kaylee glared at everyone. "If the boy no be taking drink orders, he could be saying that to me, no? Northerners! The water smells of chicken and you be having to clean your own tables and you get called a bully if you be ordering a drink in an inn!" Kaylee's chest heaved with emotion. A tear leaked out of her eye, and ran down her scar. I will no cry in front of them. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself. In a much quieter voice ended with "It looked like it was going to be such a good day." So Plan B was no great success. Sadly, she did not have a Plan C and she had just given away her last silver crown. More tears ran down her cheeks but she refused to cover her face in front of these people.
  13. Kaylee stared up at the young man looming over her. The bells hanging from his braided jingled gently, as he smiled down at her. She balled her fist, ready to let loose the frustration that the day had built up and stoked inside her. Shifting her weight preparing to launch herself at this overbearing popinjay, Kaylee felt something popping in her hand. Glancing down, she could see the angry bruising around knuckles. Experimentally she squeezed her fist. Again, she felt the subtle movement. She had broken at least one of her knuckles. The ache would set in in a few hours. The merchant had had a tougher jaw than she would have given him credit for. Probably punching someone else was not going to be a good idea. That did not mean it would not be worth it. Slumping back on the bench, the humour of the situation caught up to her. She chuckled and finally took a long drink of her wine. "You actually be wanting to fight a duel with me, puppy? Because of the honour of your runner? You do be lucky that I be rationing myself to punching only one man a day." Fishing a silver mark out of her belt pouch, she placed it beside the young man's cup of water. "Here, buy your pretty little friend something nice to make him feel better, if that be making you feel better. I'll just mark the cost up to a bad day. I have had worse." Grimacing, Kaylee finished her wine, pointedly turning her shoulder to young man.
  14. Kaylee again carefully placed her wine cup untouched on the table. "Manners indeed do be going a long way. And insulting me won't be helping you to live long enough to have to shave everyday, boy. I be no having the best of days, and I'll no be having some child insult me because he's trying to protect his pillowfriend from the rough side of my tongue. I'm no the most polite of people, there you have me to rights, but call me a bully again and we'll be seeing exactly what skills you do be having after all."
  15. "No, lad, I choose to be this bloody rude all the time." Kaylee carefully placed a damp cloth to the side for herself and then with another wiped up the spilt wine. No one appeared to be hurrying to clean the table, the wench was obviously as bone idle as the boy. "Lift the mugs." When the two men did not move quickly enough, Kaylee moved them herself and then wiped down one side of the table, and then moved them back again to clean the other half, Glaring at the young man, Kaylee fastidiously cleaned her hands with the second cloth. "These days, I do be finding little reason to be all simpering and kind to people doing a job they are paid for." Finishing with her hands, she quickly cleaned her face and neck. "I have never remarked that a boy will bring you a cup of wine quicker if you have a soft tongue." Kaylee appeared to hesitant to go on. "Thank you for bringing the wine, Fortune prick me if I knew you could not just call for it. Even if you did spill half of it." The last was muttered nearly inaudibly. Kaylee picked up her wine cup, then hesitated, placed it back down and then snatched the used cloths up and took them the bar. Uno flinched as she passed. Kaylee rolled her eyes extravagantly, which did unfortunate things with her scar.
  16. No you are wrong because you saying that the motivations of a character are somehow matters of opinion rather than fact. That you think they are well written is quite different from them having rounded motivations. It is not about a degree of complexity - it is a degree of how they are defined as being bad. They are petty and shortsighted, and are bad for being bad in and of itself, even though they have to make huge sacrifices for it personally. Saying you are confused by the criticism does not refute that criticism, nor does it mean that your opinions are somehow given more weight. You not understanding the criticisms on reflects on your ability to understand the issue, and not favourably on your ability to pass judgement upon it.
  17. The mercenary recruiter offered Kaylee a drink of water as she sat with a barely contained sigh. A faint aroma emanated from the cup, was it apples or... chicken? Kaylee took it with a grimace. Probably the cup was not clean, she was not going to drink from it. The boy do be having skills now? Kaylee narrowed her eyes at the youth but shrugged. He could be a blademaster five times over for all it mattered to her. At least he was not a runaway apprentice. "I do be Kaylee Tammuz, late of the City of Illian, Captain No Name." Kaylee drew a finger along the table, it looked sticky. "Looking for a hire to take me out of the city. I be skilled in the working of leather, and can take care of any repair work that is needed, and I know which end of my spear has been sharpened. This last year I have been employed in a mercenary band round Cairhien, though our Cap'n be dead now, wasting sickness from cut from a rusty knife in a bar fight. Nasty business, that." Kaylee shook her head and nearly touched the suspicious water to her lips. She took in the mercenary's open countenance. Could be worse, she grudgingly admitted to herself. "That be my skills, if they do be to your liking." Kaylee coloured slightly, uncomfortable with the possible double meaning in her words. "This do be quite far north enough for me, but work is work." She called to the youth that she had accosted when she entered the inn. "Boy! Bring some wine. And damp cloths." She caught his arm again as he tried to rush off, causing another yelp. "And clean this table, my aged grandmother would no be eating from it, and she ate in the worst inns in the perfumed quarter every night." Kaylee frowned at the boy as he shrank away from her, which did not seem to improve matters. Sighing she fished out another copper. It would have been cheaper just to have knocked a few teeth out in the first place.
  18. They are two dimensional and childish. No one is evil for evil's sake - everyone thinks that they are right and morally correct. Ishamael is interesting because of his motivation. Daved Hanlon you could say was a classic sadistic psychopath. But bad guy after bad guy were motivated by lust for power, greed, and hatred, self recognised and chosen because they were just bad to the core. They had no motivations beyond personal enrichment even though it was obvious what they were involved in was more likely to end up in painful, humiliating death in the short term, yet they were convinced by vague promises of life eternal and power and some later and vague date. However much you may not agree with the criticism, denying that most of the bad guys were cardboard cutouts compared to characters like Ingtar or Verin, that were evil and acted evil because they were evil only shows that you weren't paying a lot of attention when you were reading the books. It's totally fine that you like the way the book is written, totally fine that you wished they had flourished capes and twirled mustaches more, but trying to claim they were believable rounded characters with human motivations is just false, no matter what your opinion is.
  19. Roleplay is not a game as such, it is like creative writing but where each person writes their own character and develops their character's story arc along with the other people in the story. I am still very new to all this, so I don't have all the nuances down, quite how you work together with other players to write overarching plotlines, but basically each person takes turns writing a piece that will contain what their character is doing - and can discuss what is happening in a thread outside of the story thread if that is needed. If you sign up, will see far better explanations from people more eloquent than me and also have linked resources, and can see the stories that are being written at the moment, and people's ideas for stories in the future. Would be cool to see you about πŸ™‚
  20. Don't feel any pressure due to us Lily. We won't be going anywhere, just you get better and rested. You don't want to be pursuing evil unless you are 100% πŸ™‚
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