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Everything posted by Lightfriendsocialmistress

  1. Agreed with your assessment and would add one more thing that I thought might explain it. We don’t have a lot of time to waste in the show, and Perrins internal conflict regarding his personal relationship to violence might have been easier/more efficient for the show to have an incident that viewers can see as a clear turning point rather than trying to portray the inner turmoil some other way.
  2. I agree with you. I realized on rereading that I actually like the situation through failes perspective. Not so much perrins but it does play better for me overall on reread.
  3. I have been rereading our beloved WOT for the first time since completing the series last year. Someone recommended another series and so I stopped my reread to read it. I do like the book but all I can think about is getting back to WOT. It’s like I can’t even give a s*** about anything anymore. I used to love reading everything. What is happening to me? Can someone relate?
  4. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the plausible explanations for the difficult to understand scenarios that you provided. I will admit that a lot of times in my confusion I have boiled it down to “must be plot devices”. It didn’t strip away my “all in” mindset when absorbing the books, but despite the fact that I was willing to blindly accept certain things that were plot holes or devices to me because of my love for WOT, it makes me truly grateful to know that there are real reasons for everything. I might be too dense or plain dumb to realize it, but there is meaning in everything. And perceptive fans like you are smart enough to understand it.
  5. Is there any information about the age regression in terms of men who are gentled? Everyone seems stunned by siuan and leane aging backwards after being stilled, presumably because of a lack of precedent. But men are gentled more commonly and even though they do typically die before too long, I don’t recall anyone remarking on a sudden change in the appearance of their age
  6. I’ve read the entire series and feel thoroughly confident that everything has been explained to satisfaction
  7. That’s a really interesting (and I consider obvious) point in terms of, who decides what is the “right” perspective. Some people love the way the story is presented on screen, some hate it, and most are somewhere on a spectrum in between. There is no correct judgment, IMO, but a variety of people are in their experience seeing it in a way that is right for them, but they lose me when they insist they have the only accurate interpretation. Also, we only have one season to draw from. Who knows where the show will take us? I’ve heard plenty of people say it took them a few books before they were really on board. Judging the whole based on the first season strikes me as being as limited as judging the whole series on the first book
  8. Thank you for your well explained and executed response! Whether or not I personally agree (I will refrain from commenting because I find my opinion irrelevant) it’s refreshing to see a viewpoint represented in a way that doesn’t preach personal bias and therefore it’s more likely to be considered and respected even if not agreed with.
  9. Agreed in terms of “mainstream” appeal. It’s interesting to me though because if fantasy/sci fi is simplified by defining it as anything that isn’t apparently realistic in our current world, then plenty of platforms have attracted large audiences. Take for one example the matrix. All the super hero movies. Really most content designed to entertain. Regardless of how much real life relatability, there are plenty of examples of media that have attracted the attention of the masses in spite of or because of their fantasy foundation. Escapism in my opinion can be achieved by any genre if the masses embrace it.
  10. Thanks to everyone for clarifying! I definitely made that assumption based on how I interpreted the wording. You all correctly pointed out that the way it was worded could be interpreted either way. It doesn’t matter to me either way, I just didn’t catch it the first time and since I interpreted it to mean “Jain herself” I was caught up in the moment! Appreciate the input.
  11. Interesting question. I’m just curious, aside from what you observed from the above articles, do you know (or does anyone) if pike participated in promoting the show in other ways and if so to what extent? I don’t really follow that stuff so I don’t know. My limited knowledge is that she has seemed involved beyond her acting role by narrating the audiobook and maybe some other extras but I don’t know if she is neglecting promoting the show entirely or just in certain instances?
  12. I don’t know how I missed this the first time around, but I’m rewatching the show now and I just noticed that Jain Farstrider is now female in the show! Huh 🤷‍♀️
  13. Since I originally posted this topic I figured I’d add my two cents. To start, I will say that I was surprised reading through the responses to see that this is a much deeper and more complex issue than I realized. I was curious about how people thought the relationship would be portrayed moving forward but only because the books don’t focus on it much not “because it’s two women”. I’m humbled by the opportunity to learn that I didn’t fully grasp how much deeper the issue is. thank you all for sharing your perspectives. I was surprised that some viewers saw it as a way to work in a sex scene to check a box, which implies they found it meaningless and without any basis for it in the source material or importance to the story. Until now I took it for granted that anyone who has read NS would be happy to see the inclusion of the deeper nature of their relationship. It made a significant difference to me when I read NS because I read it after completing the main series and I admit I didn’t pick up on it until I read NS. It really helped me to understand how much they’ve shared and how no one except the two of them could comprehend what they’ve given up for this cause. We don’t get to see it on page so much after NS but I appreciated seeing it on screen as a reminder of how sacred and deep the bond between them is. That’s my perspective on it but I thank you all for sharing yours. I’m still curious how it will play out and to be honest I would have no problem at all if the relationship continues on screen to the exclusion of Thom and bryne. On screen it might make more sense than trying to fit in the other love interests in a way that makes sense to viewers. Whatever happens I look forward to finding out!
  14. First of all, it’s existence. I was and still am ecstatic that someone had the desire and wherewithal to tackle the massive undertaking of adapting it to the screen. overall casting (for the most part, a few of the casting choices were not hitting me right, most notably Min) whether the actors were closely resembling what I pictured or not at all what I pictured, I was pretty impressed seeing logain and the blood snow on screen shadar logoth was literally identical to how i imagined it the portrayal of machin chin affecting each character in a specific way the visual representation of the weaves of the OP and the difference when logain channels locations overall from EF to shadar logoth to tar valon to the ways, even the tinkers and white cloaks who didn’t have a specific location were represented quite well IMO yikes I better stop here but despite some disappointments I have a lot to love about it
  15. Wow, these are amazing! Thank you for sharing 😊
  16. I’m curious to hear thoughts on this. Will the show continue to focus on/elevate the romantic relationship between moiraine and siuan, or do you think eventually we’ll see the two end up with the book version of things, moiraine and Thom/siuan and bryne? On the subject of relationships, do you think the show will portray Rand and his 3 ladies the way it is in the books? Seems like it could be a bit cumbersome to portray on screen but who knows?
  17. I agree with you 100%, that scenario was unsettling for me. Dad/romantic interest? Yikes. I was relieved when Elayne knocked that ridiculous flirting phase off. Romance is one area that the show can’t help but improve upon.
  18. A lot of changes are being incorporated into the adaptation, but in my opinion I can’t see one of them being that other male EF (mat to be specific based on the earlier post) can channel. Too complicated and unnecessary to me, but who knows what they’ll do?
  19. Yes, he’s another one who didn’t look like “my Thom” in any way but I liked his portrayal on screen. It also helps me understand how he attracts younger ladies 😂
  20. Hmmm…good question. I didn’t actually think too much about the “why” at the time. Without thinking about it and providing the first thing that comes to mind in the moment, I’d say that for Lan it might be due to his character on screen showing more depth of character and humanity than the earlier portrayal of book lan that I interpreted initially. Early on in the books he seemed cold and impenetrable and almost robotic to me and only over time did I see him show more complexity. Also I just kind of liked the casting because it wasn’t what I imagined as lan but I actually liked that version better for some reason. In general, I tend to enjoy having my perspective, experience or understanding of something expanded upon in a way that shifts my current view in a way I would have otherwise never considered on my own. For Tam it might just be that he was a familiar face (from GOT) but the good guy this time. His character in books is one of my most beloved and maybe I was simply relieved to realize that I could accept that actor as the one to do the job. I’m not sure if these are the reasons but it was what I came up with on the spot.
  21. Thank you for your response and for providing the added context from the passages from the books! I think I missed something though, maybe you can clarify. You stated that the 3 oaths were actually introduced after the trolloc wars, and the passage from TGH points out that the Aes Sedai were using the OP on the field of battle. I took that to mean that using the OP on the field of battle was just another way of saying it was used as a weapon. Did I misinterpret the meaning? Were they using the one power defensively only? Thanks again for your help!
  22. Good point! Is it also implied that another factor is the frequency of touching the OP? Isn’t it said somewhere that the aiel wise ones don’t actually channel all that much, that they limit their use of the OP to a certain degree? I figured that explains why some of the aiel wise ones who can channel actually show some signs of aging while the kin on the other hand don’t so much. As well as “wilders” who show signs of aging. Basically my point/question is that it appears that strength in the power PLUS frequency of exposure (and binding or no binding) dictates lifespan?
  23. Thank you for providing additional historical context! Since you seem to be knowledgeable about the history, I’m wondering if you (or anyone) can answer a question for me. I seem to recall something pointing to artur hawkwing being instrumental in the formation and implementation of the 3 oaths, as a way to end the siege of tar valon. My memory is foggy though so I’m not certain if this is accurate, but I feel like I remember something about this. If this is in fact true, then that combined with another thing that I seem to recall which was that he had a deep and thorough mistrust of aes sedai, it seemed to me that since the seanchan were his descendants/armies, (right?), that is why they perceive and deal with channelers as they do. Can you confirm if any of this is correct?
  24. Interesting observations! I will admit that as willing I was to go with it (Rand and the 3 wives) and without any judgement or resistance to it, I never really fully understood what the purpose was. I really appreciate you expanding my awareness on the subject.
  25. Thank you for sharing your insights, what you said and how you explained it makes sense!
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