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Posts posted by DigificWriter

  1. 49 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    Where was it mentioned that damane has to be killed in order to remove the a'dam?


    In an article wherein Costume Designer Sharon Gilham showed concept art and talked about the design process behind creating the Seanchan and Damane costumes (along with costumes for Moiraine and Siuan).


    Here's a link to Dragonmount.Com's version, with citations given to the original Nerdist article:


  2. 7 hours ago, Mirefox said:

    you aren't the minority across fandom. 


    The Patreon support and Livestream chats for YouTube channels like The Dusty Wheel, KritterXD, LezbiNerdy, Malkier Talks, Road to Tar Valon, The Amrylin's Study, Reading the Pattern, Unraveling the Pattern, WotUp, and even Dragonmount.Com itself, as well as the subscription numbers for the podcast feeds for RtTV, Dragonmount, Shade of My Heart, and others unequivocally prove this assessment wrong.

  3. Just now, Rhaze said:

     I think both Nynaeve and Elayne will dress as suldam. The suldam they captured will be Nynaeve's damane, They go in, Elayne puts Egwene's arm thing and walks her out as if Egwene was her damane. Then they can figure out how to get the collar off in their own time.


    Aside from briefly killing and then reasuscitating her (Egwene), that really is the  only viable rescue option.

  4. 5 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

    When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. And you should own it.


    There's no fault to admit to here.


    5 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

    how do you take it off


    By killing the damane who's wearing it.


    5 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

    and then, one of them, I’m thinking Nynaeve has to wear the collar to get in.


    Even if they were somehow able to get their hands on a second a'dam, it's not something you can just put on and take off, as it can only be removed if the damane wearing it is dead.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Finnssss22 said:

    In ep-3 it's pretty clear Ishamael visited with Perrin in the wagon in TAR


    Except he didn't.


    Every scene this season that has taken place in Tela'ran'rhiod has been consistently and explicitly labeled as such in the X-Ray.


    Your belief that certain scenes took place in TAR doesn't mean that they actually did.


    Also, the X-Ray providing location info is a completely new feature for Season 2, so your comment about things not being given away by the X-Ray in Season 1 makes no sense.

  6. I didn't mean to post the same thing thrice, if that's a what you're trying to allude to with this comment.


    Anyway, additional thoughts on the episode:

    1) I don't like that Rafe and his co-writer used what were borderline wedding vows from her to Siuan in order to force Moiraine into compliance


    2) All of the people who predicted that Moiraine was Shielded ended up being right, but Rafe and his team still approached her story as if she'd been Stilled, which is, IMO, important to remember


    3) I'm confused as to how collaring a sul'dahm is actually going to be of any help to Elayne and Nynaeve, but we'll see if Episode 8 clarifies anything

  7. 3 hours ago, Finnssss22 said:

    I highly doubt that Tea did anything other than put Mat to sleep. Everything after was Ishamael's doing in TAR.


    You're wrong here.


    I went to the X-Ray, and everything that happens with Mat after he drinks the tea is listed as occurring in Falme; were it occurring in Tela'ran'rhiod, it would've been labeled as such.

  8. 2 hours ago, BookMattBetterThanShow said:

    I had heard that the actor playing Siuan did not want to be committed to show for the long haul. 

    Sophie Okanedo was most likely given a Series Regular contract that allows her the flexibility to work on other projects. It was more than likely a 3-season contract (which is the industry minimum standard), and will likely be renegotiated if the show goes more than 3 seasons.


    Rosamund Pike and all of the other Series Regulars are likely on 3-season contracts as well.

  9. Laila was not a Darkfriend. That theory was unequivocally debunked by both Rafe and the actress who played her - of their own volition - shortly after Leavetaking aired.


    Elyas trying to get Perrin to fully embrace being a Wolfbrother doesn't suddenly give said debunked theory any more validity than it had two years ago when it was debunked.

  10. There are subjective opinions about the WoT adaptation and then there are opinions that, subjective or not, are just blatantly false or based on bad-faith arguments, and a good chunk of the negative opinions about the show fall firmly into the latter category.


    A recent example of opinions that are just blatantly false:

    during a panel at my local fan convention this past weekend, I tried to defend Rafe's fannish credentials (after the panelists questioned his familiarity with the WoT novels) before walking out (I really should've walked out as soon as the panelists used the Mortal Instruments and Eragon movie adaptations as examples of how the "books were better" [for the record, both of the novel series in question are crap and either border on or are blatant plagiarism]).


  11. @DreadLord31 Big picture, the story that Rafe and Co. are telling is still Rand's; how much individual screentime/plot-driving focus he's gotten thus far doesn't change that.


    The two best comparisons that I can think of to how Rafe and Co. are approaching telling the WoT story are the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and the aforementioned Swamp Thing.


    In the former, the overall protagonist - Anakin Skywalker - isn't introduced until about halfway through the first film (the story of which is Padme Amidala's as told from the perspective of first Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and then Anakin), and in the latter, the titular character - Alec Holland/Swamp Thing - is effectively a guest character due to the nature of what happened to him and the various ways in which Abby Arcane interacts with him.

  12. 18 minutes ago, DreadLord31 said:

    “Simply the axis” IS what I would call “the main character”. He’s the Dragon. Hello? So IF you were doing an adaptation in which you had to cut a lot out because of time constraints (so exactly the scenario we were always going to have with WoT). Which characters arc can you absolutely not cut out and still have it be WoT? … Rand, the Dragon flaming Reborn. I’m not disagreeing with either of you that all the EF5 get a lot of time & have essential arcs. It’s what 12,000 pages or something? But Rand is the main character. 


    So this is fascinating to me … I totally agree with you, that yes - they’ve pretty much directly said that “Moiraine is the main character” — but I couldn’t disagree with you more that the story being told is “ultimately Rands”. If it was - then he wouldn’t be less interesting than Liandrin as we approach 2 out of (at max) 8 seasons in the bag. So we’re almost 1/4 done, best case scenario, and I’d bet against Matt Cauthon even - that if you polled 1000 Tv viewers: causal book fans, hard-care fandom people, and non-reader watchers all included- you’d get less than 100 that would say “it’s Rand’s story that is being told”. And I’d bet you get less than 10 that would say “Rand is my favorite character so far.” 

    On the flip side I’d bet that if you used the same 1000 people and asked: Which Tv WoT character do you think is best developed, acted, and interesting? It’d go something like this: 

    1) Nynaeve 

    2) Liandrin 

    3) Egwene 

    4) Lanfear

    5) Isha’mael 


    And that’s why I’m becoming a Tv Darkfriend, LoL. 


    Even if audiences have not yet connected with Rand, we do know from Rafe, Sarah, and others that he's still the hero that Robert Jordan wrote him as.


    Making Moiraine the Series Lead and narrator doesn't change that fact any more than making Abby Arcane the Series Lead and narrator of the 2019 Swamp Thing series changed the fact that the story being told was Alec Holland's.

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