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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 5 hours ago, Sabio said:

    Isn't that what the madness does, makes one go insane and kill things?

    Yes. And by that definition, the fact that Logain refutes the urgings of the shadows to kill the King should be revelatory.


    BTW I've seen posts about events in Episode 5, including some related to Perrin. Are those predictions or based upon some authoritative Episode 5 preview that exist somewhere?

  2. To put a bowtie on the discussion of what BS said, or didn't say: Why would anybody base their personal opinion of a show (or anything) upon what a another person said? I don't care if that other person is the Lord High Foobar of All Things Subjective, not being a slavish follower of fashion or anything else, I would judge it on my own. The N&Ns have stated their negativity. Whether it's based upon their own flawed logic or their slavishly following what BS said or didn't say is of indifference. Good luck to them. They are not trying to cornvince anyone because if they were, they would at least use cornvincing arguments.

  3. Just now, Gothic Flame said:

    You can honestly claim that Amazon wouldn't want the author who wrote the last books on the team? 

    Reality check; he is.

    Or do you imagine that he's donating his time for free?

    Ok. Logic is "the study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning." Your proposition is that since BS doesn't say he dislikes Amazon, it's because he is being paid. That is flawed "logic." Another possibility is that he both likes it, and he is getting paid. Another branch of that "logic" is that he is being forced to like it because being paid by Amazon is essential to his well-being. Knowing that he was living well, before Amazon came along, invalidates that possibility. Finally, you are implying that he is a scoundrel who would "like" something which he actually doesn't, just to get paid. What fact is that conclusion based upon? Therefore, I recommend the Illuminati/Elder's of Zion theory as superior in "logic" to yours.

  4. Some ambitious mod like Caddysedai might plot the waves of negative posts versus time. Is it once a day, correlated with a time zone? Is there a particular hemisphere that hates RJ2 and everything he stands for? Is it a Faceless-19 surge, as each new variant mutates? Inquiring minds may never know.

  5. 1 minute ago, Yojimbo said:

    If she had a foretelling on a specific day then why can't Moraine count to 20, or however many years they are now saying it was from that day to the day she went to EF?

    She tried to check the birth records, but the office had mysteriously burned down in the Trolloc raid.

  6. 4 minutes ago, dog421 said:

    As I went through all of that, it seriously made me question whether or not I want to keep watching the show. I don't know if I will. The books were better. Way better.

    Well, we would hate to see you go. Just be assured that your negativity will be amply represented by the N&N cadre here.

  7. 1 minute ago, AusLeviathan said:

    Yes he has actually. Sanderson has said both those things, he was even recently on reddit reaffirming that this isn't an adaptation of the WOT books.

    If he said that, which is doubtful, then he doesn't know what an adaptation is. Just because he's a good writer doesn't make him a genius in all things. Look at Elon Musk ;)--great at electric cars and rockets...other things--not so good. See the definition of adaptation, usefully given above by Dead Warder.

  8. 1 minute ago, dog421 said:

    When they did gentle him, it seemed that it had to be done, so that whole conversation about Liandrin going around gettting support for the gentling seems like it just went nowhere. It is probably something that could have hit the cutting room floor, without much effect on the rest of the story. Unless the amyrlin shows up later and asks, "what's this I hear about you trying to gentle Logain before he broke free?" It seems like a waste of time. Now that I think about it, a lot of the stuff in that episode was kind of stupid. That green's wards didn't sound an alarm until after everyone in the camp started screaming that Logain's army

    It makes perfect sense. She lobbied to gentle him. And controversially, she may have allowed him to escape, to put her plan into effect. In any case when he escaped, and killed Kerene, they were all primed for the ultimate penalty. Kerene's wards sounded early.

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