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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 6 minutes ago, Wassup said:

    I just hope this series does not inspire someone to pick up TEotW and then have them totally confused and give up on the book series because of the differences from the show.  

    Give readers, especially readers, some modicum of intelligence. Chewing gum and walking at the same time? Glad you found a way to like the Amazon.

  2. 4 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:

    In any case, it's pretty clearly stated that raw strength is only one facet of being a channeler and that all things considered the strengths and weakness of saidin and saidar balance each other out. Lanfear is just as powerful a channeler as Ishamael or LTT, despite having lower strength.

    And there are different ways to manifest power, such as offense, defense, healing, and telling a good joke.

  3. Adaptations at best, and the WoT adaptation in particular, is the best of both (or more) worlds. For the non-readers it is an introduction to a new "reality" that they would never know about because, for example, the 4 million words in the Books were too daunting. Contrariwise, for the readers, it give us a chance to revisit that world and still not know what's coming next. Which characters and scenes will be emphasized differently than the Books? What new insights will be gained? How will x,y,z look as compared to our imaginations. WoT life is good.

  4. 5 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    will Rand zone in on him as a potential teacher early

    Depends upon what you mean as "early." Seems like there are a lot of steps before that. Will he be taken to Tar Valon? When will Nyn discover how to heal him? When will the Black Tower be established? Or will these items be in the series at all? Fingers x-ed.

  5. Some people complain about the "low-budget" look of the battle between the followers of Logain and the AS camp. In particular it is compared unfavorably to GoT (which as predicted will suddenly become the gold standard, after some time of ill-repuke). The first "wow" battle in GoT, the Battle of Blackwater, occurred in Season 2, overall episode 19. We are now in WoT episode 4. WoT has time.


    Furthermore, the battle of the AS Camp was actually well-done. The stage was set when Liandrin said "One flash of lighting and they ran home to their mothers," for the fact that the attackers were not a massive CGI ground army. The defenders were about 20 in a rude camp, so the Battle of Minas Tirith was not appropriate.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Sir_Charrid said:

    How is this contrived? It fits in perfectly with Thoms story and the changes Matt suffers due to Shadar Logath. Thom wasn’t at the shadow city with them in the series and Matt is displaying strange behaviour.

    As Wolfbrother31 said it's "super obvious." Thom's story does not describe Matt, yet the misdirection needs it to describe a "channeler" which Matt is not. Since Thom didn't meet Matt until after SL he wouldn't notice any changes, except what happened in the 1 day he knew Matt. The most important thing about Owyn is that he throws a rock without using his hands. Matt does nothing like that.

  7. 8 minutes ago, phoenixtrinity said:

    In other words, I don't hate the scene but I agree it could have been done better.

    That's my main point. Your original post threw me. A major theme of the series so far is to cornfuse the identity of DR. I like that, except the clumsy way they did it in this scene. Several people in this thread have been asserting that the Owyn story included the same sickness that Matt was evidencing, then you agreed with me that it did not, and yet you overall defended the scene. I thought to myself, ?. Rating the scene on a scale of 1-10 we probably disagree by 5. ? Thanks for joining me on the Forsaken theory.

  8. 25 minutes ago, phoenixtrinity said:

    I do think it's poor that he doesn't mention the sickness, as I think mentioning the channeling sickness would be a great connector there, but I am guessing they didn't explicitly mention it because eventually Rand will be sick too.

    The fact that Thom "DOESN'T mention the sickness" is the clincher for you? 

    That argument is impossible to refute. If he did or if he didn't, the same cornclusion results? Eek.

  9. A convo with an intelligent female newbie:


    What did you think overall:

    It was great. Like along the lines of LoTR, good vs. evil. Four friends on a quest. They got separated along the way. Hope there is a season 2.


    What cornfused you:

    Didn't understand the dreams. Things were cornfused, but some sorted out in episode 4. Didn't trust Liandrin from beginning. But she joined sisters in gentling Logain. What's what with the Gleeman? How can Logain have so much power? Nynaeve was awesome when she healed. The Children were so odd they didn't make a clear impression. 


    Who is the Dragon Reborn:

    Rand? Egwene? [Interesting how with all the misdirection...]


    Watched it 1-4 in two days.



  10. 4 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:

    The same applies to when Thom talks to Rand about Mat's apparent channeling sickness. 

    What was the dialog when Thom said Owyn became physically ill? There is none. This "fact" is a mass hallucination. Does "subtext" mean it was nowhere on the screen, and the writers hoped you would believe it? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, DELTA said:

    Nobody could figure out what happened until he threw a rock without using his hands. Mat's got all the signs, lad.”

    "All" the signs except the one that matters. No magical rock throw, or anything like it. Matt is not shown snapping at family and friends. He was not jumping at shadows--there was a bow aimed at him. He rode a horse from town to farm successfully. It's a device to forward the aim of the Amazon writers that Matt just might be the DR.


    Elder_H called it "heavy-handed." I call it "lame."

  12. 1 minute ago, JaimAybara said:

    If they went further with depictions of odd behavior we would likely have people complaining

    So, what you are saying is that Thom interpreted Matt's fairly normal behavior as showing that he was a channeler, just like the late, lamented Owyn. There's no arguing with that. And, coincidentally, it serves the purpose of the Amazon writers to made Matt a DR candidate. How cornvenient!

  13. 1 minute ago, DELTA said:

    Mat also looks visibly ill and his demeanor overall is sour.

    Visibly ill is NOT in the Owyn story. Looking sour? A sure sign of channeling. Thom said that Owyn's life turned sour. Clutching a dagger a moment after being threatened by an armed bowman. That's a channeler for sure!

  14. 3 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

    Then when Rand wakes up he and Thom find him missing yet again. Which then leads to them finding him amid a dead family.

    This (quote) happens after the Owyn story, when Thom has already concluded that Matt is a channeler. Matt shirking work? That happens in town in the bar. Matt with a grin? That happens in Two Rivers even before he finds the Dagger. You are clutching at straws.

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