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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

    applies to Logain, and soon will apply to others.

    Agreed. I would think that any non=book reader would conclude that Logain is being unjustly accused of "madness" so that he can be persecuted and forced to suffer a fate worse than death. I wonder whether Amazon's playing down the manifestations of "madness" is deliberate and will be ongoing. The maddest characters I see so far are Liandrin and The Questioner.

  2. 15 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    There's a reason not guilty for insanity is a thing.

    Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you. In this series so far, there have not been any outward manifestations of "madness." In fact, Logain appears to be the sanest of that crowd. In Ghealdan he is calm, reasonable, and refutes the evil voices in his ear. With Moiraine, he speaks rationally, and from his point of view, since there is no comparison, he may very well be the DR.


    BTW this thread has "full book spoilers" so why hide things?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    Probably along the lines of "wokeness"?? Or simply that the Warders seem ... To soft thus far?

    Keerect. They added something like, "I don't mean 'gay' so don't attack me.'" Funny-ish.


    I thought they were fine, as in, real warriors. Funny might have been casting them all to look like The Rock, with bare chests.

  4. 9 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    You can see this type of disagreement in episode 4, though it's subtle.  Moraine says "we don't know if it's a boy or a girl."  But Alanna specifically says "What if we're supposed to fight with the Dragon but the reds gentled him?"   

    Don't see that as a disagreement. Alanna might have meant "What if we're supposed to fight with the Dragon  (but he is a male) and the reds gentled him?"

  5. 12 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:

    Most of what I remember is the music and the marching,

    1812 Overture?


    Grrrr. Not available on Netflix.


    Cinematic Randomness sez,

    Straight forward, yet eloquent dialogue gives context and enables the viewer to easily understand the circumstances which lead to Napoleon’s final bid for “power and glory”, to quote one of the film’s several taglines. We also spend significant time with our two leads. Rod Steiger steps into the boots of Napoleon with an accent by way of New York,


    But gives it ****

  6. 1 minute ago, Gothic Flame said:

    Every charge against Fort Wagner during the US Civil War was a total loss. (They made a movie about the 2nd desperate charge depicting the first African-American regiment going against it ("Glory")


    An excellent movie, but a bummer. I suppose that's the way a racist might feel about Gettysburg ?

  7. 30 minutes ago, danweasel said:

    Hardly an expert, but real world desperate charges (that failed) include:




    and maybe more risky than desperate, but:


    The Waterloo wiki is really interesting. There was a 1970 movie called "Waterloo." It's got Rod Steiger, but I don't know anything about it. It's not a meme. Something as described in wiki might make a good modern movie with drones flying overhead to capture the action from a Seachan eye's view. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, AdamA said:

    Not exactly a desperate last charge, but the Ride of the Rohirrim scene from Return of the King is based somewhat on the Battle of Hastings during the Norman conquest of England.

    Going forward a bit is Henry V at Agincourt. Desperate? Or just a far superior, yet smaller force.  Also not desperate, but epic, Kursk, the biggest cavalry (tank) battle of WW2.

  9. 11 minutes ago, danweasel said:

    The air component makes me think of the Seanchan raid on the Tower -- not a 'desperate charge' but a good candidate for a major set-piece.

    The desperate charge may have originated, cinematically, with the "7th Cavalry." There must be any number of Westerns with this trope. And what about the "Charge of the Light Brigade," movie and irl. Any experts here who know about other desperate charges irl? 


    Just thought of "Gettysburg," although all of the desperate charges where failures, such as Little Round Top, and the poster child for failure "Pickett's Charge." The movie battle was well-done, imho.

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