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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 1 hour ago, RhienneAgain said:

    like when Nynaeve said she'd thought Lan was a lapdog and he smirked in response.

    Many non-book readers seem to like that in particular, as did I. You are welcome to your opinion of course, and if those words were not in the Book you are correct that it had not "been used by the book characters." It was perfect for the characters on film, imho, maybe because good dialog heard out loud, is often necessarily different than dialog read from the page. Another example, I liked was Lan's "She's not a companion. She's barely company." Was that in the Book?

  2. 1 minute ago, Agitel said:

    But if they didn't invert invert weaves, their weaves could be seen like any others.

    And their weaves, if not inverted, would look like AS weaves, good and bad? And male Forsaken would look like male channelers, good and bad?  Or generally speaking the weaves look the same no matter what side you are on. They are just a tool that can be use for Good or Evil.

  3. On 11/29/2021 at 12:57 AM, Sir_Charrid said:

    One series I have not seen mentioned is Carnival Row, no idea what the budget was for that but compare the direction, editing and VFX to WOT and it feels like Amazon have taken a step backwards 

    Disagree. WoT is already far-better world-building, cinematography, and direction than Carnival Row, which I liked as a modest effort.

  4. 15 hours ago, JackieQ said:

    Game of Thrones was an adaptation.


    Both of them had to make massive changes to fit their formats, yet (with the exception of the final season of GoT) stayed true to their purpouse.

    Hillaryious. How does one stay true to the purpose of a writer who stopped writing before "the final season" and consulted on the HBO show? N&Ns are entertaining, if nothing else.

  5. From ArryIT source above:


    "It's not just fantasy that has developed a British accent default setting, even for American audiences. For ancient Greece and Rome - as seen in everything from Spartacus to HBO/BBC's Rome series - audiences again expect UK accents. One has only to cast one's mind back to Joaquin Phoenix's accent in Gladiator for a classic example."


    Butt, and this is a very big butt, the two main characters in LoTR were American with American accents (if there is such a thing). 

  6. 20 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:

    It is an injustice.  I think RJ meant it to be taken as one. 

    Exactually. Even non-Book readers (see News forum for the EN reactors/reviewers) see this. Yet some "experts" here-in emphasize Logain's "madness" when as you know it's a BA ploy. Sure Saidin causes a deteriorating condition, but the BT is full of men who cope with it. The "madness" of Logain is clearly and correctly shown to be a sham, in audio-visual by Amazon.

  7. 2 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:

    One of the easiest ways to hide the fact that you're hunting the DR is to just go after male channelers and hope you catch the DR in that wider net. 

    OK! I buy that, but a logical conclusion it that if you are punishing a group of people without a good reason, and if the punishers are corrupt, then the ones being punished are victims of injustice. This is how Amazon portrays them, so the willingness of many to say their "madness" brought it on them is misguided, at best, and collaborative at worst. The last phrase is said in jest with all the love and fellowship.

  8. And speaking of language, the Pogues, and fantasy adaptations:


    THE FIRST openly gay member of the Northern Ireland Assembly has criticised the BBC’s decision to play different versions of The Pogues’ Fairytale of New York across its stations.

    It was announced last month that BBC Radio 1 would play a censored version of the festive favourite amid concerns the original version’s lyrics might offend listeners.

    "We know the song is considered a Christmas classic and we will continue to play it this year, with our radio stations choosing the version of the song most relevant for their audience,” the BBC said.

    The decision drew criticism from the song’s co-writer Shane MacGowan, who branded the decision “ridiculous”. Fellow musician Nick Cave, meanwhile, accused the BBC of “mutilating an artefact of immense cultural value”.

    Now figures from the world of politics have waded into the debate. (Irish Post, 12/2/20)

  9. 1 minute ago, Jaysen Gore said:

    I think it was a joke post from someone, that the Seanchan would all be black, but otherwise sound like slave owners from the antebellum south.


    There is psychological and physiological reasons for why people's accents disappear when they sing. Can't remember them, but it is an interesting topic.


    And not everyone's accent disappears; spoiled for NSFW


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    I love the Pogues. They're the exception that proves I don't know what I'm talking about.

  10. Just now, Jaysen Gore said:

    I think that's to make it sound exotic when compared to American English, which does dominate pop culture today.  It's why I'm looking forward to the Seanchan's redneck drawl so much...

    And yet every UK singer, sings with an American accent. Go figure. Is "Seanchan's drawl" a dream of yours or is there a prophecy about it?

  11. 3 hours ago, ArrylT said:

    In any case hear is an article that talks about how GOT & LOTR both have pretty much mainly British accents throughout 

    UK accents inhabit all of spoken art because they contributed so much early. Shakespeare rings a bell. But by now, it's ridiculous. It's like James Bond's antics really meaning anything for the World. The British Empire is 100 years gone but Elves and Dwarves still speak with UK accents ?

  12. Stop posting hillaryious reviews! You are multiplying the time to watch each episode by an increasing large number.


    The EN reaction review is surprisingly deep for non-readers. They even support many of Ann Elk's theories. For example, they question Thom's reasoning when he compares Matt to Owyn.  They even discuss the voices talking to Logain in a comparable way. Does this mean the truth will out, or that we just happen to be mistaken in the same way? Rhetorical question, for those that don't know.


    Emily's Twitch (above) about the whispering pines in Logain's ears: "I don't know what they call it, Saidin Spectres?, but I must admit the female voice threw me."


    Simple quiz from the reaction reviews EN:

    Which character in epsiodes 1-4 is "Medieval Mick Jagger"?

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