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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 4 minutes ago, dog421 said:

    Other things I can't forgive, like the way Moraine was introduced at the banquet hall in the two rivers, where Lan busts the door, introduces her, steps aside, and she enters mysteriously.

    But this is the VERY thing that films do. All films, and especially all good films.

  2. Just now, AusLeviathan said:

    Perhaps Egwene will be the Super DR and Nynaeve will be the Ultra DR, yes that works it's all coming together now.

    If only...how about a world with a forum in which every ridiculous prediction was punished with, e.g. one less lifetime post allowed, waiting, of course, for the ridiculous prediction to be proven wrong. Now this just might be hyperbole, something I usually endorse.

  3. 2 minutes ago, dog421 said:

    That's just how a these women think. It makes no sense for the green to have this conversation with her when she knows she is not going to changer her mind. Aes Sedai only try to debate when they think there is a chance that they will change the others mind

    Wow there's a lot to unpack here. First, I pray that this is a gender reveal. Second, you have proven that there are no AS posters here (despite their names) because no one changes anyone's mind. But third, I disagree that any of that is true.

  4. 1 minute ago, dog421 said:

    Also, I don't understand where they are going with the whole subplot of his father being a womanizer in a town of 14 people

    Funny. The way to do it, and this will enhance your life, is to let go of "purism." You liked the Books as did I. By necessity Amazon can not be the Books. It's a re-visit to the WoT world with a different POV. Judge it completely on its own merits. Despite what some N&Ns say, it's the same world, inhabited by the same characters. Details change and there are motives for that to accommodate the new POV. Will you give it 100%? Will you give it 0%? Probably something in between. I like it, but I don't give it 100%. See above my disagreements with the 100%ers. Don't hold Amazon up to a standard you would never use for other movies, restaurants, or people. 

  5. Many of the N&Ns are hopeless cases. We went through the exact same thing with the LoTR movies. Jackson would make excursions, add, and subtract, and, yet, when all was said and done, he created a satisfying epic, that most consider a masterpiece. My crystal ball sees some current N&Ns on a future forum saying, "This is an abomination. Why can't they do it like my beloved WoT did?"

  6. 1 minute ago, dog421 said:

    If you just elaborate a little, I don't have to assume. Please help me understand what it is you are trying to say.

    Every episode will have plot development, 5-8 and 9+. When does Padan Fain gain the Dagger? Dunno. I was estimating episode 25 but that's a shot in the dark. Let's say 17 +/- 10.

  7. 3 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

    I'm wondering if they're expanding that to be a common symptom of madness for male channelers, and if so, does that mean the named woman is a past Logain? Maybe even a past False Dragon?

    Ann Elk's theory is that the named woman is Lanfear, before escaping Shawshank. Her partner is Ishamael.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    Poor Perin is going to spend most of his life after the Last Battle answering for all the killings he did before the last battle.

    Not to mention all the rest of the combatants. Remember after WWII when all the GIs were tried for killing Nazis?

  9. Just now, Sabio said:

    Perin and Egwene are the two I would say never changed and stayed super annoying throughout.  

    Perrin definitely changed from a country bumpkin to an adept in the Dreamworld. Egwene remained super-annoying which was her super power. It's mandatory for the Seat.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    Then it turns out to be your wife just seems rather criminal not to mention Perin then covering up the crime by making everyone think an innocent Trolloc did it.

    It's not a "crime" and it's not mandatory to advertise it, in a situation where you are running for your lives. I know many N&Ns admit to all their faults, but some are more closed-mouthed.

  11. Just now, dog421 said:

    People in the show wouldn't, except Lan who told them to take nothing, and Moraine

    Except Lan and Moiraine, and anyone who knew about SL, which is everyone within 100 miles, and everyone else in the world, by reputation. The ones who don't, just don't know yet, where the Dagger came from. That should be revealed around...episode 25 or so.

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