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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 3 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    According to the behind the scenes for this episode, they intended it to be bookended by two funerals to emphasize the relationship between Aes Sedai and Warder

    It was part of slowing the action down. I'd like to see one confrontation after another, but that's probably not good filmmaking.

  2. 1 minute ago, Agitel said:

    which did not exist until 1000+ years after the Breakong,

    Ok, we just moved the injustice back 2500 years. Progress!


    IRL slavery goes back 1000's of years. If it weren't for people like Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Abraham Lincoln it might still be here. There are always opportunities in history to correct injustice. The fact that the some opportunities are not taken, does not correct or justify the injustice. The Universe of Jordan grinds slowly. Maybe if the people of Aridhol had not turned their backs on the World, a different, quicker, and more positive way to cleanse the 'taint would have been made available. Mebe 950 years before SL there were missed opportunities. The Jordan facts are that not a single opportunity was seized in 3500 years. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    It took 3500 years for Gitara Moroso to be born and have a foretelling with Moiraine present for it?

    And this was the only path to cure the 'taint? 


    6 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    If you want a disease parallel, every male channeler is someone who has been bitten by a zombie

    I don't remember any zombies struggling to do good. Except mebe in "Shaun Of The Dead."


    5 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    Yes, Moiraine was not acting on any idea of injustice for male channelers.

    Nevertheless, male channelers were victims.  If 3500 years of bad business as usual, had continued, the Last Battle would have been lost. Constrain your vision to the time of the DR: Tradition was a losing proposition.

  4. 1 minute ago, KakitaOCU said:

    That's like saying Measles was an obstacle to be overcome and mocking people in the 1700s for not just working to overcome it.

    C'mon, man. The death penalty for measles? I won't have it!


    But you are right, that IF it were impossible to find a solution, other mitigation was needed. That doesn't make it, necessarily, correct or justified.  Geniuses in our history made progress, to invent and cure things that were "impossible." Moiraine was the person who came along, like a Louis Pasteur with fireballs. This doesn't appear to be a World where things change very rapidly. Think back 3500 in human history, and judge why it took 3500 years for Moiraine to appear.

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